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Found 5 results

  1. hi, I have an old dept for a loan taken out for a repair on a house that was in a joint mortgage but was repossessed over 8 years ago poss longer. the loan is for £8000 arrow have brought the debt and are throwing every thing plus the kitchen sink . I have now been sent court paper work and I'm not sure if its a legal form it has a claim no. I'm not sure if it has a legal stamp mark, the court office is Northampton but the stamp is just marked "the county court" and does not seem to be a separate stamp just the same ink as the letter. the last payment I made was paid on aug 16. I am living with my partner now and we are struggling with the usual bills plus being behind on the mortgage as she was left with a lot of debt when her husband left her. I just have no idea what to do now
  2. I am a driver. The vehcile I drove today has a very very badly worn drivers seat. I have reported this via defect card 4 times since january. As I finished my shift today my lower back was hurting very badly. I asked for the accident book so I could enter the injury in the accident book. I was told it should not be entered into the accident book, but should do an occurance report instead. I was under the impression that all injuries at work can/should be put in accident book. Your thoughts?
  3. Hi all, im not sure if im in the right place but here goes Im ground floor tenement block , My upstairs neighbor flooded me. I had no insurance (cancelled because i lost my job), I reported the issue to tenant above, who told me he was just leasing property - i contacted the letting agent and all they did was repair the cause of the leek in their flat, I was left with a damage in my cealing, they did nothing. I wrote to them re problem as the damage was a direct cause of the flat above, owner is refusing to communicate. I cant afford the repair... I thought if i send a final letter and enclose a small claim form he take it more seriously. I found forms for small claim online but have no idea how to work them? "Damage from property above to my property and he is refusing to rectify damage? " or is there better wording i could use? any help i would really appreciate it thank you x
  4. im due a review by atos , but im really confused by the new form , ive left it as long as I can but I cant put into words correctly what I need to . I asked the local CAB but they don't have the resources to help . my wife refuses to help at all she's dyslexic and just doesn't want to know . my condition is the same ,worsens over time as it has been the last 12+ years except for the last 6 months ive been having conscious seizures ,nearly everyday . my head is so confused , like my brain has been wired up wrong , the questions make no sense to me at all . is there someone who I can pay to help me fill in this form in the correct way . I feel like just writing " shove it " on the form and posting it back
  5. Hi, I hope someone can advise me. I've been off sick for over 6 months and I'm still very unwell. My employer has taken compulsory sickness benefit from my pay from when I started employment (many years ago). I know I was paid for the 1st 3 months in full sick pay from when I went sick but was unaware (until recently) I also got sick pay at 50% thereafter for up to 5 years from when my sickness commenced. I was advised I was entitled to nothing after my initial 12 weeks sick pay finished (which left me confused) although why my employer were taking mandatory (50% 5 year sick/disability) was never clarified. I feel my employer is forcing me to fill the forms unum have sent me (including confirmation from my GP to unum) since apparently they keep getting prompts from HR, unum etc. The impression given that this compulsory. If I recall correctly, this was optional as per the documents/ including phone call from unum personal - briefly skimmed through these many months ago so don't recollect if they need to be completed (mandatory). I was never advised my details were going to be passed on to unum until I received paper work out of the blue, which left me confused since up to that point I had never heard of them. Naturally, I don't want my employers to know my full condition other than what has been described by my GP on my sick notes. Is it mandatory for me to fill these forms in to continue to receive sick pay &/or fill them in? As far as I'm aware they are there to possibly help me back to work etc but I did not think I was compelled to fill them in and give them. Please advise.
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