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Found 5 results

  1. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?296513-296513&p=3317951#post3317951 I am just considering this and contemplating taking court action against unregulated property manger who took a secret commission
  2. I've decided to post this in the Homelessness section, despite there being several issues at once and I need your advice, but mods, feel free to move this to a different section if necessary. My situation: - Just about to become 50 - Have lived in a terrible and dodgy guest house for 2.5 years. It wasn't dodgy and terrible when I went there - When I went there I had a job and a single room. Now I've been on the dole for some time (on and off) and I am forced to share a room with other people. - New people and new staff have come through the years and they have brought... how can I say.. dirtbags! Dodgy and abusive gits, people with a hefty criminal record, etc. - The owners are the same but have given up on patrolling the place. They only come every now and again. - Over the months I've been verbally abused by both staff and guests, mainly because I'm not in their circle of booze and drugs and what have you. This afternoon I was threatened by a fellow guest for petty reasons. I managed to speak to the owners. One of them says he'll do what he can but I can't trust him anymore. - I'm struggle to find a job and leaving the place immediately is not an option. Virtually no landlord would rent to a 50yo unemployed, at least not in my area. So, in other owrds, I'm stuck here. - Part of the staff (the dodgy ones) hate me and they told me straight in my face that they'll do what they can to convince the landlords to kick me out (I have no formal rental contract. I pay month to month) and I think they are very close to their goal. So my questions are: 1) In the immediate what can I do? I was thinking of calling the police but what can they do? And the landlords have already hinted that if I call the police, my future at the place is at stake. 2) If they do kick me out, can I receive help as homeless? I'm on benefits, but I have some savings (under £6k). Please I beg you not to think I'm just an intentional bum. I was in IT circa 10-15 years ago but my career is finished and I have nowhere to go. Thanks for reading.
  3. SCOOP has links today to two Freedom of Information requests that feature on the very popular website: What do They Know. http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news It would seem that two individuals are making highly vexatious Freedom of Information requests. It is such a shame that this practice is going on as I fear that before long, the government will amend legislation so that a charge will be payable for each FOI request. The first link on SCOOP is this one from an individual by the name of Wayne Pearsall regarding Removal of Implied Right of Access. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/moj_implied_right_of_access_remo He has so far made 242 Freedom of Information requests using the What do They Know site. There may well be many others as well that are made direct to the relevant authority etc. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/user/wayne_pearsall Typically, when he does not receive the answer that he wishes.....he requests an 'internal review'. Most telling is Mr Pearsall's request dated 20th March to the Home Office entitled: 'Vexatious Correspondence and Complaints Process" https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/vexatious_correspondence_and_com_2#comment-58908
  4. For Eight years Barclays has abused my mortgage account. Following a dispute in which Barclays alleged that I have not paid two monthly instalments of about £1100 each, I decided to pay the monthly instalments in CASH. However, Barclays enforced on me fines of £40 monthly for arrears based on that dispute and other charges totalling about £4000. since I was ill, I accepted too pay the penalties and the alleged arrears which made my monthly payment jump to about £1200. I continued paying all that time but when I received my annual mortgage statement I was surprised that the dates when my CASH monthly payments were credited to my mortgage account were always days, up to 9 days, after my actual payment of the cash. This, of course, makes towards more interest added to my account. I complained to Barclays who said that was the time needed for my CASH to reach their mortgage arm WOOLWICH- which is a load of rubbish. In took the matter to the financial Ombudsman who, as usual, sided by Powerful Barclays. Now I intend to take Barclays to court hoping to be compensated not only for the money Barclays robbed me of but also for 8 years of suffering and stress which led to my wife being diagnosed with Cancer. I wrote to Barclays that I'm taking it to court about a month ago and now I will writre to them again letter of starting action in court. Any advice? Thank you
  5. Hi I hope someone can help yesterday a parcel was delivered to my place of work but the company name was wrong and I refused to sign for it at which point the driver became abusive and pushed me. There were 4 other witnesses and I have contacted the delivery company and emailed them what has happened but they have not acknowledged the complaint and my employer is also doing nothing. I would like to take this further but no idea how to, the company outsourced the delivery to a franchisee and have given them my full details:jaw:
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