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  1. Car repair cost amount to the approx. value of the car, your customer service tell me they can send salvage agent to collect ( then they will valve car and negotiate a value) how about don't be silly its going nowhere till any payment is agreed and cleared, or 2/ they can send an independent assessor out and I could then decide how I want to proceed and if he deems car a write off it will be categorised whether I claim or not (so your devaluing my vehicle if I don't claim but an assessor come to inspect it ( sounds like a bad joke) 3/ or I can choose a repairer of my own and my excess will be doubled (so a more reasonable repair shop you will pay less towards repair I will have to pay more seems my only option would be buy car back and get it repaired (which shouldn't be a problem as its still roadworthy (so local fiat agent tell me) seems that's a no go also, where does the comprehensive come into it, and realistically what can I do, because you're not working within the consumer rights as your excess policy is attemption to adversely affect my descision
  2. Hi Will try and keep this as short as possible I work for a well know Pizza company, as a delivery driver, while im working for my employer i am covered through their business insurance. i have to provide my own personal insurance/mot to be able to work. I had an incident in October, whilst at work, I had reversed out of a parking bay, no more than a car length, looked in passenger mirror and noticed a car behind me, i waited for some sort of reaction from the driver, was none, i got out of my car, and i noticed damage to the front of the vehicle, being a bit confused i believed i had hit the car and caused the damage, having said that, as it seems now the damage on car was previous damage. At the time i gave him details of my employer`s insurance policy, i did not get any details from him, as i say trying to keep this short, incident would have been on company cctv. The other party has not gone through my employers insurance, they are taking it through my own. Now this is where i need help or advice, when i took out the insurance policy with Hastings Direct, i specified my employment as what it is, a fast food delivery driver, i do not need business cover, as its provided for. Hastings accepted my employment and insured me. Due to this incident, i had to fill in a claim form by 27 of this month. i spoke to Hastings, advising them that this was an employment issue, and that it should be going through my employers insurance. I supplied Hastings with the information that was requested. I now as of yesterday have been sent notice of cancellation. For using a vehicle outside the terms and conditions of this policy. I rang Hastings today about this, i was told its being cancelled due to my job??? I will now be penalised for being honest, by having insurance cancelled. I have contacted the financial ombudsman service today, also have put in an official complaint to Hastings. This has got me stressed out, I work a 0 hr contract and cannot afford the insurance quotes, im getting now or drive with a black box, with restrictions.
  3. Hi there, I purchased a new vehicle on 10th October - that came with 7days free insurance, I therefore rang my previous insurance company to cancel the policy after receiving their renewal booklet (halifax car insurance) & arranged cover via Hastings to commence 18th October - they took a payment straight away of £32.89 On the 19th Oct, I received an email from Hastings saying On the 20th I sent this documentation through including the 2 other drivers details. On 27th I received a letter that stated the same as the email, so called them saying I sent this information through on 20th - they confirmed receipt but no one had looked at it due to back log and is now in the pipeline for review and not to worry as I am still insured until everything I sent is reviewed. 30th Oct - the first monthly payment of £27.63 leaves my account by DD. All good I thought... how wrong was I..... about 40mins ago I receive a text & email from Hastings stating that I've rung them to discuss and they have said it's because I've fraudulently declared the incorrect NCD as they have checked with my previous insurer and as a result the remaining value of the policy £255 will be deducted via the card they have on file. requested a manager to call back which will be upto 4 working days. I ring Halifax car insurance, who have told me, yes the documentation that was sent to me states 7 years No Claims Discount, BUT that is based upon a renewal date of 5th November - and as I cancelled the policy prior to the 5th, it means I loose a year NCD, bringing it to 6yrs NCD which is what they've informed Hastings!. They've said someone will call me back in 24hrs as I am raising a complaint. In the mean time I've cancelled my debit card & direct debit for Hastings so no money can be taken. I do not understand as to why they have said I've committed fraud & should be penalised when the document I received from Halifax state 7yrs NCD - but their systems state 6yrs. Any suggestions --- in mean time I'm now looking for another car insurance provider as I have to take car in for first 1000mile check in the morning & be issued a courtesy car - cant do either without insurance...
  4. Well what can I say hasting direct smart miles black box insurance, what a joke their black box,s are, they constantly record their data wrong and their accuracy is appalling, my son has been doing his best to keep a good rating and had been doing a pretty good job of it until 2 days ago when he got an extreme speeding warning saying he was doing 61 in a 30 and they had it pinpointed to a place called sambrook crescent, a small cul-de-sac I checked his route on the smart miles map and to my supprise his journey takes him on a dead straight line through the middle of sambrook crescent which is impossible as sambrook crescent is a twisty culdesac and impossible for his 1.0 polo to hit 61mph there sambrook crescent does back onto the bypass which is a 60mph limit, the gps on the black box was out and you can see this from his journey map but hastings direct say there is nothing they can do as the box is never wrong although its plain to see.. i would warn any one thinking of taking a policy up with these people not to bother, their customer service people are the worst ive ever come across and do absolutely nothing to help you, but they are top notch at fobbing you off
  5. Reversing out of a parking space in a tiny car park (room for maybe ten cars at a pinch) of a Caravan Park, my car came into contact with another... Rear bumper to rear bumper. I had a dent. His had a crack... Nothing major. A bump not a crash. He made a note of my reg and took my phone number just in case but we were both of a similar mind and parted with a shake of the hand and the prospect of a visit to the repair shop when the holiday was over and then driving back home with our NCD record intact. Two weeks after I received an Accident report form from my insurer informing me that I had to complete it and return it within a 7 day period and failure to do so could result in the cancellation of my insurance policy. Third party had decided to make a claim against me. Seven days is time enough to complete and return a form and ordinarily, that's what would have happened but the short caravan break was the last chance my Mum had of ever seeing the sea again. Its something she dearly wished for and, although we didn't get much time away from the caravan, she did see it and I have photos and a video of her looking out to sea trying to count ships on the horizon and she's smiling. Mum has terminal lung cancer that spread into her brain. I'm her full time carer and she'll never see the sea again. There's just Mum and me and I hide my upset from her... I know she hides hers from me. The heatbreak twists my insides and my mind threatens to explode with all the despair and hoplessness and others in similar circumstance will clearly understand this is more than enough to offer as a reason and explanation for neglectfulness and that 'fill out that form' is a thought that, unfortunately slipped out of mind until it was too late. Now I am uninsured and Mum and emergency Hospital visits means I'm desperate to be on the road for her sake. Taxis are too unreliable and Ambulances are surprisingly slow. If Mum gets an infection and her temperature rises I have a short time frame to get her to the emergency ward. If There is any insurance company willing to insure me up until the day Mum leaves me then the next day I'd present my car to them as a gift. I'm scared to ring and ask to be insured. I don't know who to ring. I'm scared, if rejected, I'll make everything worse for us both. Does anyone know an insurer I could contact and risk a little trust? I was late returning a form... No more.
  6. Hi. On 18/11/16 my car was legally parked outside my house and it was hit by another vehicle. It wouldn't lock so Hastings sent someone to tow it away. 2 days later I had a hire car dropped off and I was also contacted by a guy on behalf of Hastings who had 'evaluated' my car. He told me it was a write off and offered me £500. I told him I thought it ws worth more so he asked me how much I bought it for. I got it for £500 but my stepdad is good friends with the seller so got the price down from £900. I was then told that you only "get what you paid for it". His valuation changed to £800 then to £700 and he told me not to tell Hastings how much i paid for my car. A few days later i then got a letter in the post saying that i have to pay my excess of £250 as well as any remaining direct debit payments. I called Hastings to see if i could be paid out and use the money to get a car and then switch my policy over so that it didn't need to end. I was told i must either pay around £1000 or get a car to change my policy over to and they were my only options. I made a complaint through email asking why the valuation of my car wasn't a true valuation and why I was being put out of pocket for someone else crashing into my car. I waited over a week for a response and never received one. I sent them another email asking for a response and still no reply a week later. I got a call yesterday from Hastings direct asking what they could do for me. I asked if my policy could be put on to a car on my drive that has no tax or mot untill I get a car that I can use and was told I can but the people that deal with that stuff had their system down so to call today. When I called the claims department today, I asked if the 3rd party had accepted liability for the claim. They said no and called them while I was on hold to check again. I was then transferred to the total loss department to be felt with for all my other enquiries. I asked why I have had no updates or any kind of response since the claim and was told nothing. The girl on the phone refused to give me her email address so I could get her to confirm our conversation in writing. I said I wanted to dispute the valuation to then be told I would receive a cheque of £450 and its up to me wether I cash it or rip it up. I asked why I would be given a cheque if the claim was not settled to be told something about it being a legality. I asked what happens if the claim is disputed to be told I need to wait another 14 days while my car is re evaluated. I now need to inform the hire car company what is going to happen and it is up to them wether they take the car back and leave me without transport. I am now going to be left without transport for an unknown period of time, I don't know if I will be able to receive a fair valuation of my car so can get another one of similar age, size, mileage ect.. Basically my insurance company have sat on their back side for almost a month doing nothing, letting me call them and chase them up for answers. Any advise would help Tanks
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