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Found 7 results

  1. Hi there, I am writing in short the disgusting things the ex owner(employer) have said. I have worked for about 2 years in a restaurant (part-time) where I have brought very good comments on trip advisor as well as all the customers served were very satisfied with my work.....including the colleagues. One day the Owner had a bad day and was upset and following to what he said I could not go back to work for him.....as to what he promised (raising the salary, paying for holiday,etc) he was turning the back at me...ignoring everything... Anyway time came to apply for another job (within management - full time) but all of them fell through and didn't know anything what was happening behind the scene.... The Owner said to all the new employers that I had been stealing money - which brought much shame to me and my family. Of course it is not true and the Owner was lying without any morals.... As I have found out from a colleague what he has done, and the Owner came to apologise (although I had no idea what he was apologising for) I am about to get legal as I can not believe that I have lost well paid jobs and to say careers paying a healthy salary of more than £30.000 plus bonuses.... What and how shall I go about it?? Any employment Solicitors available with success in the field??? As I would not like to go over the 3 months period I will be writing a letter stating that I am claiming the loss encountered and the Owner to call all the employers to clear my name. Also a letter of apology to be forwarded to myself and my family for bringing shame and defamation of a good and professional name and characters. I really can not believe that I have been treated this way where I have been doing everything I could for the Company and himself. Do please let me know where shall I go to bring him to justice. He is a very mean and greedy person and he keeps lying to everyone just to get good remarks on Trip advisor. An ex colleague, a year ago was writing on the trip advisor that he is stealing the tips of the workers but 2 days later he offered money to him to take it away.... Although he advertised on the menus that the tips go to the waiters everything was going to his pocket and that was in amount of (5000 - 6000 a month...) would you believe it??? dd
  2. Does anyone have any references to s172 decided cases? First instance would do... The defendant is getting booey with me and insisting its efforts at compliance are all 'honest' mistakes and would provide for relief (assuming it ever applies)
  3. Hi, Would appreciate some help if anyone can oblige. We (my partner and myself) have applied to rent another property and all checks and references went through ok, BUT on the reference from our present landlord, which was all satisfactory i.e rent always paid on time, house kept in good order, etc etc, but at the very end of his reference he wrote "despite *********'s criminal record I've always found them to be a very nice person and good tenant". Now, unfortunately i can't deny having a criminal record, (its not something I'm proud of and its not something i ever intend doing again), but the new landlord had agreed to rent us his property subject to all the references checking out, (which as i said we passed all ok), but now he's saying he's changed his mind due to my criminal record. So the questions i have are, A) Can he just change his mind after agreeing to go ahead and letting us pay for the referencing fees? B) Is my current landlord allowed to mention MY criminal record to a third party? C) Have i failed the reference checks? Because the letting agent hasn't said i have, they just said the landlord has changed his mind, due to my criminal record, that i was never asked about to start with, and as far as im aware im under no obligation to mention unless of course i was asked outright "Do you have a criminal record?" Which i would of genuinely answered honestly, and tried to stress that it is in my past and not something that will happen again. Many Thanks.
  4. Hi all and I am sorry if I am posting in the wrong place I will try to condense the information has not to ramble. I worked in an admin post that was well paid and a decent pension for 12 years. My mother had set up her own business with her partner a couple of years earlier. In 2010 her partner left her and she begged me to leave my job and work for her doing the admin has she could not do the work. In July 2011 she met another bloke, moved him in and went on holiday with him leaving me in charge to run the business for two weeks. I worked long hours but I did very well doing her work also. She came back and told me she was making me redundant in a weeks time and then she too him on to do my job! Heart broken and angry I left. How could a mother do that to her daughter? She refused to pay me my last months pay and also refused my unspent holiday pay. I took her to an employment tribunial and she ended up paying me a month before it went to court. I put the heart break behind me and set upon finding myself a new job. I applied for around 200 jobs but with no reply even with jobs I was over qualified for. I went self employed for a year has a gardener but has winter set in I did not have enough work so I began applying for jobs again. I have applied for over 100 jobs and still nothing. I took a part time waitressing job to get me and my kids by (I am a single parent) 6 weeks ago. My boss is really impressed with me but I love admin so I have still been applying for other jobs. My boss called me into the office today and said they have checked my references out and my mothers boyfriend has given me a shocking reference. I told my boss everything and she told me not to worry has I am one of the best staff there. Is there anything I can to to stop anymore bad references from him? I only met him once and I have never worked with him. I do want to further my career but he has been putting a stop to that for the last 17 months!! Please can someone help me Thanks in advance to you world wise people
  5. Hi I intend to move to an Assured Tenancy accommodation at the end of September. The new letting agent has had references form my 2 previous landlords and a personal reference as well. My previous landlords have confirmed that I left them with no arrears.the rent was always paid in full and on time etc. The new landlord now wants a financial reference and has requested me to provide him with full copies of my last 3 bank statements showing all monies paid into and out of my account along with details of where monies came from and where payments went out to. I feel this over intrusive and have offered to provide the summary sheets of my statements which show the total monies into and out of the account but he says he wants all the detail of the payments. I am not happy about having to do this although I have nothing to hide. Should I ask him to obtain a financial reference directly from my bank. I am not sure where I stand on this issue, can anyone offer any ideas on how to handle this. Thanks loring
  6. I have today within my probationery period been informed that my references were unacceptable. The company applied to a previous employer and said that they sent a "basic" reference and that that usually meant that there was a problem. Do I have any redress on this because I have no detrimental record against me. They just said dismissed with 1 weeks lieu of notice. How do I find out what is the matter with the reference? What do they mean "basic" please
  7. Hi all, I stumbled upon this website from a Google search and I've been reading some historic posts and it certainly seems like you've been able to help a great deal of people. Story is: 8th June 2012 I was fired for Gross Misconduct because of "process, performance and brand". I joined this business on the 27th June 2011 (2 weeks short of being there 1 year). I realise I don't have any rights to sue my previous employer as I wasn't there for a full 12 months (even though they decided to may me in Lieu of Notice and had they served the normal 28 days notice that would have taken me past 1 year's service). I simply want to clear my name of this Gross Misconduct so they can provide me with a proper reference and I can say that I have left on my own terms. I do not want to work there again because I felt they were trying to get me out of the door and I have since found another job (I start tomorrow 10th July). Will it weaken my case if I say I don't want to work there again? - Note I work in the recruitment industry which is very incestuous so even though they can't give a 'bad' reference I have already put down on my reference contacts for my new position that my reason for leaving them is "currently under negotiation". I have sent a summary (I had to send email from my iPhone as laptop died on me) of why I want to appeal (I can attach/send as private message if requested). They have since emailed me back asking for all reasons for appeal and that's why I'm now in an internet cafe to send them more detail, once this is sent through we will arrange to meet or deal with the appeal by phone/email (which is likely to be only option for me as I've already started at the new job) I have looked through Acas and also spoke to their consultation line. I'm wondering if there are any sample appeal letters or templates I can use to strengthen my case? Also I have since joined the Union but they won't support with a current case and with the company being a sales company I doubt any of my previous colleagues will want to get involved because it's very easy to lose favour within sales environments. In short, the outline of my appeal is that the rule I broke isn't a written rule in the employee handbook or contract and that they didn't follow the process (didn't tell me I was going into a disciplinary meeting so I didn't have time to prepare). Many thanks for your help, Ed
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