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Found 9 results

  1. has anyone else had any dealings with 24/7 Moneybox? i do have a old debt with these and had emails offering; The first 10 people to login to their account at 247Moneybox.com after receiving this message will have their balance wiped to zero, zip, £0 Seems strange they are offering this?
  2. in December i borrowed some money for 247 money box, the loan with interest came to £288 and was due to be re-payed 26.1.16. on the 26.1.16 i received a email from 247 money box saying my payment had been received, so i thought no more about it. in February i took another loan for a much smaller amount, which i paid off in full at the end of the month - now as far as im concerned my account is settled. today i received a email saying they haven’t received payment in January for £288 and i will need to settle this on my next payday (in 4 days time) i have now checked my bank and despite the email from them confirming payment, and the funds being available they didn’t take any money.. can they just demand payment in full with such short notice? I have not budgeted for this and this will cause some problems for me, having done some reading tonight, I’ve come across some very worry stories about this companies collection practices. any advice how to deal with them would be greatly appreciated
  3. Northern Powerhouse department to close office in Sheffield and move 247 jobs to London Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2016/01/29/northern-powerhouse-department-to-close-office-in-sheffield-and-move-247-jobs-to-london-5651943/#ixzz3yiz1scce
  4. Hello I am having some issues with 247 moneybox. They used to have a live chat where you could chat to someone - does anyone know what the address is ? I can't seem to find it. I have tried to contact them by email but no reply. Any ideas as what I can do next. Thanks Gem
  5. hello, way back in November 2012, i took out a loan with 247 money box for £120 this loan was repaid late in January 2013. today( over a year later) i received a letter from 247 moneybox claiming i owed them £241.60. i contacted them and told them that i repaid this loan with late charges in january last year, they have claimed that i didnt because they have no record and to provide proof that i did otherwise i would face legal action. i am no longer with the same bank that i had when i took out the loan so i cant get a statement to prove it and it dosnt show on my experian credit report that i ever had a loan with them. what should i do i cant prove that i paid the loan? please help
  6. I have been using 247 moneybox for over a year now and have always paid on time. I have never been late with payment dispite them being rude and agressive, I had no one else to turn too last month my application was taking over a week so if it had been approved I would have paid for 28 days interest when in fact the period would have been 21 days, so I cancelled, or tried to but the person I spoke to said I had to abide by the rules and they have fees and operating costs and that I would have to go through with the loan. I sent an e-mail and got a phone call the next day and the chap cancelled it. I then reapplied and the proposed repayment amount was a lot less as the loan period was shorter but again the application was taking far too long, so I rang to cancel and got told the same story loans and loan applications could not be cancelled. Two days later my application got declined so I wrote to complain and did not get a response. Now I would like to complain about them, they should not be refuse a cancellation request. Also it got me thinking i've been paying for days interest before my loans have been approved and sent, always 3 - 4 days delay so over the last few years i estimate i paid for around 90 days of interest without getting the money - are they allowed to do this, they have never ever sent me a copy of my contract. thankfully my finances are back on track it was stupid of me to ever use these nasty bunch of people. I will go all the way including taking them to small claims court if they have inorrectly charged me interest
  7. Hi all, I know this was stupid but 3months ago I took out a payday loan with 247 moneybox / Active Securities. I wasnt able to pay this back due to being ill and not being able to work for 2 weeks. I took out a loan amount of 100.00 plus interest. I have managed to make 2 payments totaling 73-08 They have recently sent me a letter asking me to pay the remaining balance in full of 141.62!!!! I have twice asked them for a breakdown of charges and they have completely ignored me! Surely this cant be right? a loan amount of 100.00 and total debt of 214.70?? Thats double what i took out? Can anyone help please?
  8. Hi, I am looking for a bit of advice here with regard to 247 Moneybox. I have got myself into a terrible state through Payday Loans and I am taking steps to get back on track by contacting everyone I owe money to and trying to arrange repayment plans. I e-mailed all the payday loan companies I owe money to last week and informed them I would be unable to make payment to them when I got paid on Friday. I am behind on my rent, council tax aswell as charges I owe to my bank and I also have no food in my flat. Life on a day to day basis is just a constant worry. I asked all the companies I owe money to not to take money from my account on Friday. I knew they would ignore me so I sat up on Thursday night waiting for my salary to go into my account so I could transfer my wages to my friends bank account so I could get access to the money. I was refreshing my online banking account every 5 minutes and when my wage eventually went in at 2am I attempted to transfer this money to my friends account but before I could do this 247 moneybox had taken £176.16 from my account. Is there anything I can do to get this money back. I am going to be left unable to get to work and begging people for food handouts if I cant. I don't want to be a burden on friends and or family. I hate myself for getting into this state. To put everyone in the loop this is due to a gambling addiction which i am trying to overcome. I just want my life back on track and get these people out my life. I may need further advice on other companies but I want to see if anything can be done with 247 moneybox at the moment For information purposes here is a copy of the e-mail I sent 247 moneybox. Any advice would be appreciated Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing with regard to my loan with 247 Moneybox. Please accept my sincere apologies but i am going to be unable to make my scheduled repayment of £176.16 on the 22nd February 2013. I have a very severe gambling addiction which has put me in huge financial difficulties, I owe money to several payday loan companies which includes your company. My relationship with my parents has broken down and I am no longer living with them. I have had to seek alternative accomodation from the local council. I am now living at xxx and my postcode is xxx. Please do not attempt to contact me on my parents home phone number which is xxx. My new contact home telephone number is xxx. If you have to contact me at home please use this number when doing so. I will not have the funds in my bank account for you to collect the payment due. The wage I am receiving will only cover what I owe the local council for rent and council tax, which is payable in advance, and also the bank charges which I am due to pay Nationwide. Therefore please do not attempt to take any payment from my bank account using my Visa Debit card details supplied. I ask that you cancel with immediate effect the CPA (contiuous payment authority) that was setup when I took this loan out. I will also be asking my bank to cancel this. I would now at this point like to arrange a payment plan with you and ask that you freeze any interest and charges going forward so I am able to pay off this debt with you as quickly as possible. I do wish to state at this point I want to repay the debt in full and have no issue doing this. With my financial state though I wll need the support of 247 Moneybox to enable me to do this. It is with great regret that I am having to ask for a repayment plan, but due to these unforeseen circumstances which have now effected my ability to repay the loan to you, I have no other alternatives available. I will have to contact all of the other payday loan companies whom i owe money to and attempt to arrange repayment plans with them which will hopefully allow me to get back on track financially. I must inform you in the strongest manner that I do not wish to be contacted at my place of work at any point regarding this loan as this could jeopardise my employment and therefore I would not have the monies to repay the loan to you. My work telephone number was only provided for you to confirm that I was employed and that my place of work had a working land line, and this is what you informed me when setting up the loan. My work environment is not a place for me to discuss personal finance matters. Please only contact on my personal mobile number or the new landlne number I have provided you with above after 5pm or at the weekend. Any calls before 5pm will not be taken as I am at work. I am also happy to be contacted by e-mail or letter at my new address provided above. Please note should I find I am being contacted by 247 Moneybox on my work phone number then I will seek immediate legal advice as I have now given you prior notification regarding this. Whilst I am arranging repayment of the loan with yourselves, and throughout the duration of any repayment period, I wish you yo be aware that I am fully aware of the OFT debt collection guidance and I will consider making a complaint about a company's behaviour under the guidance if it becomes apparent that you do not follow the legal guidelines and would have no other alternative than to seek legal advice. In particular section (2.2 g) 'Ignoring or disregarding debtors' legitimate wishes in respect of when and where to contact them. I have no doubt that your company fully understands my situation and will adhere to Section 40 of the Administration of Justice Act 1970, the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and The Consumer Protection From Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 when attempting to resolve these issues to the satisfaction of both 247 Moneybox and myself. I do hope however that these issue do not come to pass and that we can arrange a payment plan to alleviate the stress of my whole situation, and to also enable the repayment of the loan to your company as promptly as possible I look forward to hearing from you and will help in any way I can to organise repayments to your company as soon as possible. Kind Regards xxx
  9. Hi, Has anyone ever had any dealings with these? I owe them around £140 and i want to start a repayment plan with them as i cannot afford to repay the interest costs any longer. I went into a live chat with them and they said that i need to make an initial payment first before a repayment plan is set up? Is this correct? Please help!
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