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  1. ...me many sleepless nights thereafter, two hundred quid on a solicitor to check out Principia's (Auxillis's solicitors) and recurring nightmares over this last two years, as emails would drop into my inbox randomly, often in the middle of the night or at weekends. I never dealt with the same person twice, every contact with them resulted in confusion. Even as recently as three weeks ago, I was asked to sign a witness statement, scan it and attach it as an email to them. I did so, and requested confirmation that they'd received it. Nothing. A week or so later, another email, requesting the same ...
  2. ...similar to the experience my wife is having after an accident in June 2019. Diamond referred her to Auxillis for a "hire car" and all seemed rosy. Now my Wife is apparently taking the other driver and insurance company to court. We've just had to submit financial statements and pay slips to prove she couldn't have afforded to hire a car herself for the 21 days it took for the repair to be completed. Fortunately, the car was no better than ours (Vauxhall Grandland for our C Max, which felt like a downgrade) but it is unnerving and time consuming, especially as we need to find 6 months of statements from over a year ago. ...
  3. ...ter this. Coincidentally, a friend of mine is also involved in a claim being pursued by Auxillis. His is for well over six thousand pounds and in his case, it appears liability for the accident - previously apparently admitted - is now being denied by the other party. That could get tricky - but I'm keeping out of it....
  4. ... fault collision. I contacted my insurance company who referred me to the credit hire company auxillis - they provide car repairs and credit hire vehicle etc. No excess required because it was a clear non fault incident. Apparently credit hire vehicles are much pricier than "on the spot" car hire. The defendants admitted liability and paying for the repair of my car has been no issue, however the insurance company is saying that i should have utilised other car hire options (ie enterprise) other than credit hire should i have been financially able to do so. People cannot be expected to just fork out money for...
  5. ... let the co-op and axa his insurance co. battle it out themselves. the co-op shouldn't use Auxillis as they well know there are 1000's of bad reports about them everywhere inc here on cag. his past misdemeanours and what you think of the insurance industry are immaterial....
  6. ...ed court proceedings, and if so have you seen a copy? The terms of your agreement with Auxillis will state that you have to cooperate with their nominated lawyers (Principia) and will inevitably reserve a right to pursue you for hire charges if you don’t cooperate. Principia will plough on regardless and I suggest that you don’t voluntarily keep yourself in the dark as to what they’re up to and what they’re saying on your behalf (if they have issued proceedings it will be in your name and you will be the Claimant in the case!). The last thing you want is to suddenly find you’re being asked to sign ...
  7. ...anies and it turns out to be credit agreements for the hire of "courtesy cars". Normally it is with Auxillis....
  8. ...Apologies for the lack of replies - I've been busy in talks with Auxillis, Principa and Hastings about all of this. I am currently awaiting the outcomes of my official complaints and will let you know what happens SuperVillian, yes the charges are a fraction of the sum you mentioned...
  9. ...Okay, this is quite a nice summary. In that case I suggest that you write to Auxillis – copy to Hastings Tell them that although you are happy to cooperate with any attempt to recover Hastings losses, you will not be held liable for any costs should they not recover all of their outgoings and that you consider that your entire legal relationship is between yourself and Hastings and that your insurance agreement with Hastings covers all eventualities. You refuse to sign anything else. Furthermore if they persist in hassling you about this, you will begin a complaint to the financial ombudsman service. I can't really ...
  10. ...ums the next year – but they are meant to be a one-stop shop. So the fact that they are involving Auxillis and attempting to put them into a direct contractual relationship with you seems to be unacceptable and unfair – not what you paid for. Secondly, it seems to me to be entirely reasonable that they should require that you cooperate with a solicitor. You pay an insurance to protect yourself from losses – not to protect and at-fault third-party from losses and so if the insurance company reckons that it is economically worthwhile going to the expense of pursuing the third party in order to recover their losses then I don't see wh...
  11. ...This was the Auxillis agreement I posted - still need to find my Hastings cover and will post it asap He was in the car when he made the statement that he didn't see me as was his wife, it was a hospital car park and the staff made us both move out of the way immediately as we were effectively blocking the only way through the site. Unfortunately that meant any witnesses immediately left the scene I made the statement re his comments of admission immediately i contacted my insurers. I'm happy to send you the photos I took at the scene and the routes of the cars etc by PM ?...
  12. ...ails of the third party who ran into? I have the drivers details but not their insurers - I can ask Auxillis if it helps? I will go through my policy with a fine tooth comb over the next couple of days and let you know what I find Thanks for your help!...
  13. ...ou might find their consumer champion would happliy add your story to their files and that may make auxillis back off These worms dont like a bright light shone on them...
  14. ... writing that you disagree with it. Also, I'm not aware that Auxilis is a repairer https://www.auxillis.com/ I think that they are some kind of proxy/agency which has set themselves up to deal with the logistics of insurance claims including the arranging of repairs and I'm sure that they basically have bot contracts with preferred repairers and preferred hire car companies so that they can obtain those services much more cheaply because they are buying them in bulk. This is entirely reasonable of course – but at the end of the day your contract is with your insurer – and it's a shame that this is the second or third...
  15. ... You will find details in your policy. Beyond the courtesy car period, it is car hire. Auxillis will try to reclaim the full costs for the whole period they have provided the car. As you say the third party drove in to you, from what you have said, there is no dispute that the third party is liable. So yes sign their paperwork to enable them to start to recover every penny that is owed by the third party insurers. I think it is just the poor way things are communicated. This is just a standard process. Third party insurers will hold out before paying and might want to argue, if they think the car hire costs are e...
  16. ...is by letter? Also I see that you have been talking about phone calls and you are worried that Auxillis might deny the fact that they were giving you the hire for free. Aren't you recording your calls?...
  17. ...I do and will have more when the reports arrive. I also do all talking with auxillis through hastings well upto the damp problem and then they just hid behind the you signed the contract . But it's mostly gone through hastings...
  18. ...has been done. The easiest thing to do is rather than play Hastings game which is to try and pursue Auxillis or their repairer, keep the responsibility squarely with Hastings. As far as I can see it is completely the responsibility and although they will continue trying to fob you off – you have to keep them in the frame and don't get diverted. This is what they will try to do. Do you have evidence of the condition of the car before it receives the further damage after the accident?...
  19. ...o I am fully comp with hastings. Don't know thw values as I am still waiting on the garage and auxillis to send them . I have requested them the reports and photos of the work and the final invoice...
  20. ...9Sorry trying to do the documents but it won't let me . Not sure what values you mean . Auxillis contract.pdf...
  21. ...when in with a dent on the rear quarter panel above the wheel To msc repairs southall through auxillis. Then msc called said it's done and they were returning it. When it arrived the chrome on the windows and door were damaged the door gap looked out of line and the roof. Plus they have stone chipped my sills. I refused the car and it was sent back. I requested that msc do not work on my car and a inspection was arranged. Msc then went ahead and Tryed to fix the bad repairs before the inspection and return the car . Even after being told not to Again I refused it. Then on the 2nd of January t...
  22. ...Here is some bedtime reading https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/search/?q=Auxillis...
  23. ...l a few days later from Principia, informing me that they'd received it and that they had contacted Auxillis's agents who were going to check the info on the car's tracking device and get back to me. That was six weeks ago. Now as I know for a fact it was returned on the 13th of September, all that the tracker will show is that it was almost certainly in the compound of the hirer, in Carlisle (from where I was informed it had come, and believe it was returned to,) from that date until - probably - the 20th. of September. Now... I wonder how often the people who are in my position even check the dates on the wri...
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