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Everything posted by mrsfoot

  1. Hi j. Sorry I have been busy. Read up what you have done to now. My honest opionion is to take this to FOS. It is an immense case. Im sorry i cant be any more helpful but i will get one of the mods to have a look at it and give you some feedback.
  2. Tam, this is a fantastic result for you. I had a hearing a few weeks ago and after a lot of guidance from Zoot and Hag (who ill be forever grateful to) i cam away from what should have been a final hearing to it being trasferred to a commercial judge. I am ecstatic, the other side came in to win and brought up another case which they had won as evidence. I shot them down on every point....its as good a feeling as winning!! Like me, i think you will get an out of court settlement, even though im sure you would prefer to get it all out in court (not literally!!) this will probably be a better ending. Thanks for the clear update, keep the fight going and well done...as someone said to me " you might not have won the war just yet, but you certainly won the battle"
  3. Hi and welcome First of you, you are definitely not the only young person to get into trouble with money, and unfortunately it does take a few years getting out of it, but your on the right road now. I have found a letter written byu a member on here with regards to a similar situation. Have a look over it. 1. You must supply me with a true SIGNED copy of the alleged agreement you refer to. This is my right under your obligation to supply a copy of the agreement under the legislation contained within s.78 (1) Consumer Credit Act 1974 (s.77 (1) for fixed sum credit) - your obligation also extends to providing a statement of account. I enclose a £1 postal order in payment of the statutory fee, PO Serial Number xxxxx. 2. A signed true copy of the deed of assignment of the above referenced agreement that you allege exists. 3. You are notified that you are obliged to supply these documents, whether you are the original creditor or not under S189 of the CCA 1974. You have 12 days to comply. After 30 days of non-compliance you will be in criminal beach of the CCA 1974. Non-compliance with my request is a criminal offence under the above Act and will result in a report being submitted to the relevant statutory authorities. As you are aware, a credit agreement that is not properly documented and signed by the customer is totally unenforceable under the CCA and therefore is a complete defence to any court claim that is issued. Take note at this stage, that any legal action you may contemplate will be both vigorously defended and contested. The 12 days are simply added to the one calender month. So if you sent your request on March 1st 2007 they have until March 13th to respond. If they do not respond within 30 days they are in breach of CCA 1974. You can look at the Act here http://www.oft.gov.uk/advice_and_resources/resource_base/legal/cca/ Hope this helps
  4. Hi and welcome Yes you are in the right place for the beginning. Once you have read the faqs and are ready to start you can then post thread in the relevant banks forum Have a look over this link, it will give you a good base to start from http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/welcome-our-forum/75930-new-then-please-read.html Good luck
  5. You can send you DPA SAR and to A&L and state your name address and branch where you opened the account. They will send you the details. They may ask you to go int branch to show some ID but they will have to comply with the SAR. I suppose you could also call them and ask for your account, but they are very strict about giving info out over the phone so this may not be as fruitful. And welcome!. Please read all the info and FAQs before you strat claiming. Every think you need to know is on this site....and when your ready start a thread in the relevant banks forum. You will find lots of threads there already, adn will eb able to get some fantastic advice by reading them. You can also post questions on your own thread and get answers from people who may be a little ahead of you. Good luck
  6. Hi Electric lemon, and let me just say i love the name!! Yes you can claim from a closed account. I would send a DPA SAR as you obviously have with the other claims, and put the full name and address of the account holder in the letter (i know you would anyway). Add a section in to say you do not have the account number. Give them the branch details of where it was opened. They should have no bother finding it for you. I had to do this for my brother with his lloyds account, and they were quite happy to send the info to him. They may ask you to go into your local branch with ID to prove you are who you are, but whats a little work if it means you will be able to reclaim your charges!!
  7. thry this link http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collectors-debt-collection/ You will find most answer to your questions by readiong other members posts. A bank cannot send your ac**** to a DCA if you have sent your SAR to them. But if they did it before the SAR went then you need to contact the DCA. Hope this helps, please read the link as this really is not my area
  8. HI and welcome to CAG You have it in one, take your time and read all you can. Its worth taking a few days out before starting your claim to read, read, read! Also read the forum for yur bank. You will learn more in there than you could ever believe. Each person in there will have ad ifferent story to tell, and many have got great advice. When you feel ready to start, print out the FAQs and have them to hand, you will be lost without them. Then start a thread in the banks forum, that way you can keep us updated with your claim, ask questions, and also give newer members a fresh look into claiming. Lastly, remember this....fail to prepare...prepare to fail. Its your claim, your money and we want you to get it back so please fully understand what you are doing...and the journey will be a much nicer, smooth flowing one! Good luck
  9. welcome to CAG. I cannot express how important it is to read all the info we have on this site before starting anything. There are many good threads to read, from people who are ahead of yourselves and have been successful. There are some links at the bottom of my posts, why not start there and spend some time getting to know the site and what it is we offer. Another point for thought is there are some ways to put the fear of god into the banks, we have email address's and CAG envelopes for sale, please see the home page for details on both. This site prides itself on being free....help us to keep it that way by using our search engine and links to other sites. Thanks and good luck, you wont need it if your really well versed in what you are doing
  10. Hi and welcome please read the faqs thouroughly before you begin everything. This is the most imprtant piece of advice you will read over the duration of your claim. There are links at the bottom of this which will direct you forward, including the faqs section. I advise you print them out and take them everywhere with you...even the loo! You really ned to know and understadn them fully. Also pop into the chatroom and say hi, if you have a question to ask then one of us are alwys there to help out. Start a thread ion the baclays forum, you will find that by following the main forum link Lastly, good luck and keep us updated with your journey
  11. Hi and welcome to CAG Hopefully you will find the answers to your questions in the threads and FAQs. Also dont forget to use the forums of the relevant banks and there is always the chat room if you have any urgent questions you need answers to...one of us is always in there to help. Good luck and dont forget to read read read
  12. Hi and welcome I suggest you need to go in to you local council offices and ask to speak to the benefits dept. This is so you can ensure you have the correct infomration about the overpayment (how much is owed). You can then ask how you go about claiming that back. If you are there you can do all what is necessary at one time, and you dont get fobbed off as much face to face. Try to be clam. It is a lot of money and Im sure it will come in useful at this time, but please remember to keep clam when dealing with the staff as they are only there to do a job (open self up to being stomped on now lol) They will be a lot more helpful if you remain polite but firm. You will have to give them some time to refund the payment, and giving them 3 weeks seems about right to me as this is the year end, so tell them you are happy to wait 3 weeks, but no longer. Tell them you expect to have the payment refund in writing by 3 weeks and the payment to follow no longer than 5 working days after the claim has been agreed. This is acceptable to the council as hopefully acceptable to you. Good luck Ps if you dont think your thread has been looked at, please dont repeat the thread, go to the original one and write bump on the reply section, this will bring yur thread back up to the top.
  13. Hi tam Been reading with anticipation. hope the news is as good as the weather!
  14. Hi I read the letter from Mr Angry with great enthusiasm. It seems to be a logical way of dealing with them and maybe saving them some work. But looking at it close up it is a different story. If you give the bank 2 options and they decide to take option 2 and respond to you explaining they wont take the money and will send the info you have asked for in option 2 then you have no legal stance to take. Whether or not they have also recieved the option 1 in the same letter, the fact will remain that they have chosen to take your option 2. If they then decide to not send you the info by day 40, then you have no argument as you gave them the option. It would be like being fined for speeding and having the choice of paying a fine or taking points (hypothetically) If you chose to take the fine and didnt pay it, you, the court or the police could not then say ok have the points instead. You chose the option of the fine. I have to agree and say best foot forward is sending the letter with no option with the £10 and if the bank choose not to charge then thats ok, but they will still have to adhere to the DPA SAR.
  15. Hi have a look at this new strategy for completing the questionairres http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/53570-new-strategy-allocation-questionaires.html In there you will find a section on directions, this is the section you are refering to. Also if you are stuck for anythign else please look at the a-z list at the top of this forum, well worth a read as it covers everything (in my opinion)
  16. Hi and welcome to CAG. Yes there are many people claiming from Nationwide, click this link the scroll down to the relevant forum http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/ Ps please dont do anything till you have read and understood the process....you wouldnt get in a pool at the deep end without knowing how to swim first...would you? Good luck
  17. HI and welcome Its very difficult to advise on what you mat have read on other sites, so i will use this site as the prime example for you to follow Always start by reading the FAQs for the claim, in this you will find answers to most of your questions. It is your claim, your money so you set the time scale. If you have given them 14 days from 1st march then the time is up 15th march. You can then send the next letter, which would be lba if using this sites advice. Dont lt them bully you into not proceeding with your claim on the times set. Might be a good idea for you to start a thread in the cahoot forum, follow the link http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/ and scroll down till you see cahoot Good luck
  18. definitely praise. Dont do sarcasm....can barely spell it lol
  19. Hi and welcome Please read the FAQs (link at the boittom of this page before you do anything. Have a look at these template letters for one to send to HFO to stop the nuisance calls http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-debt/20758-creditors-dcas-letter-templates.html In the letter (im not sure if its already there) tell them you are requestion the information they have on your account from welcome. Do this by sending a SAR DPA. If they continue with the nuisance calls follow through with the indtructions on the letter (from templates). Do not allow them to harrass you in any way. If you feel a little unsure, give them permission to talk to someone else (partner mum/ dad) on your behalf. Write the DPA SAR immediately and send it off with the money to welcome and HFO. That way you can see the info from welcome and find out exactly how much was dded on when HFO took the debt. Start a thread in the other institutions section where i think there is a thread specifically for welcome finance, you will see yu are not alone in this. Good luck x
  20. As far as i can research there is no link between the 2. Derbyshire Home loans is a subsidury of Derbyshire B/S, whereas Kensington are part of the Kensington group. If there is any link between the 2 it is not advertised in either portfolio
  21. Welcome Pembroke, your certainly in the right place for assistance Good luck with your claims and dont forget to read up before you start
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