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Everything posted by mrsfoot

  1. Hi. Couple questions: 1. where did you get the advice from to claim back 9 years? 2. What stage are you at..is it the hearing next week?
  2. HI and welcome This is really not my area of expertise (if indeed i have one!). However i would recommend that you have a read of this link. This is the PPI forum of the site. You will find answers to most of your questions and you can post in there in order to get answers to any questions you cant find answers to. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/ppi/ Have a good read of the threads....it really will give you a good insight into what others have gone through and therefre you will be more informed at to whether you have a case. Good luck
  3. HI and welcome Your right, its not really the right forum for debt counselling, however we will listen to your worries, and offfer advice where we can. First of all it really is imprtant for you to complete an incme and expediture sheet which will clearly show (as long as your honest) what you afford to repay your debts. A great way of doing this is going to your local CAB who will guide, support and help you get in touch with all your creditors. Its bad busienss at times when the banks throw more money after those who are faltering, however the ultimate responsibility lies with the person....after all they dont force you to sign for the loans!! You need to (and i think you have) realise your responsibilities and start paying these debts off...and you can do it without going to companies who charge you, promise to cut your debts in half and get you debt free. This must be the last resort. You can do it with the support (FREE!!!!) from CAB. Maybe this is not what you wanted to hear, but i certainly hope it helps.
  4. Hi and welcome You seem to have already started the claim so well done on getting this far. Have you used the letters from this site or somewhere else? I think you are better having a look at this thread.....it will give you all the info you need and links to different parts of the site that you will need in order to finalise your claim. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/welcome-our-forum/75930-new-then-please-read.html Also, there is a fantastric thread a-z in this forum, have a look on there for any questions you may have. Hope this help, Mrsfoot
  5. HI Chil and welcome You are quite advanced in your claim, so i take it you joined after you began. I would take some time to have a look around. There are many many people who are at the same stage as you and others who have already finished the claim and you can read from their threads what it is you will be doing over the next 6 weeks. Have a look apecifally at the FAQs and the Abbey threads. You cannot read enough. The defendant know has 14 days from date of aknowledgement to file a defence. Abbey, in most cases, have filed a defence and then settled. But like i said you will get more from the Abbey thread. Please dont get stressed, everyone feels the same and then after it is over they wonder why they felt like that lol Good luck
  6. Hi Rob and welcome to CAG. Before you do anything please let me give you a few hints: 1. Try not to post anything that may be seen as libelous.....it will be edited. 2. Read read read. If you do nothing esle for the next 3-4 days you will be on the right track. 3. Have a look at this link, you will find all you need to know and links to other parts of the site which you will need http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/welcome-our-forum/75930-new-then-please-read.html Good luck, Mrsfoot
  7. If the information shows you all your penalty charges over the last 6 years then this is what you need. If you suispect you have not been sent all the information you need and some information is missing then you need to contact them and ask for the rest of the info. Have a look at the complete a-z above these posts, you will find more advice in there http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/welcome-our-forum/69359-cant-find-what-youre.html
  8. Hi Mac I would find it highly uinlikely that the claim could be reduced at this point. A tactic that the defendant would use (and i have seen this personally) would be they would say at allocation stage that the amount to be claimed is in fact £7500, even though you have said yu will only claim £4999. Also as it will almost certainly go to allocation there is a chance even with a smaller amount that the judge would still put it on fast track. This will be because the defendant will say there are complex issues to be argued. Before making your decision, it might be best to have a look at CPR 26.8 PART 26*-- CASE MANAGEMENT*--- PRELIMINARY STAGE which will tell you exactly what they Judge will consider when deciding on track. If i was you (and i have a mortgage claim ongoing at minute, for charges not ERC it has to be said) i would take the FOS route....this will give you time for other work to be completed on ERCs and hopefully a few more cases will have been won. Hope this helps
  9. Hi Snoop First of all i think it would be more beneficial if you posted in the relevant bank forum, as you will get a lot more replies which are applicable to the banking charges you are reclaiming. You can claim over daraft interest that the bank applied to your account for when the charges have taken you over your limit. Do not apply for statutory interest until you have reached the court stage of you claim. I would suggest you go back over the FAQs....i cannot stress how important they are to a claimant. Print them out. Also see the complete a-z http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/welcome-our-forum/69359-cant-find-what-youre.html for any questions you may have...a lot of what people are looking for is in there somewhere! Good luck
  10. HI. You need to contact the mortgage company and ask for clarification as to when the account was in default. If they say it has never been you can ask for them to take the befault notice off the file. You can contact the credit file company and ask them to do it. This happened with ym brother and Experian were very helpful. They had his notice taken off within 4 weeks. Im not sure about a compenastion claim, as this alone will not stop you re-mortgaging, especially if you have proof of the account not being in default. It will almost certainly be looked at as a mistake.
  11. Here is the link for the early day motion EDMDetails
  12. HI and welcome crimpy Yes it certainly will make a difference if we stand together and fight for what it right. Have a good look around the site. You dont say if your here as a claimant or as an insider wanting to help. Maybe you have already claimed and can be of help to others? Either way your very welcome, we look forward to reading any threads you may post
  13. Hi Best thing for you is to go to the Act and cut and paste the relevant sections then you only have to print out the bits that you need. Or most librarys will have the Act in reference section, why not pop along and photocopy what you need.
  14. Have emailed the sols today to inform them of the court date and to ask when I will receive the combined bundle. In the last hearing the Judge ordered for the 2 bundles to be combined, and my info to be added to theirs. The court ordered the Judge must have at least half a day for reading the bundles.
  15. Quick update......have court date for hearing 25th April. At least in just over 3 weeks it will be all over!
  16. HI, yes these charges can be reclaimed. I suggest you have a look at http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/hsbc-bank/ On there you will find others who ar claiming from HSBC like yourself. It also adviseable for you to start your own thread in there, where others who are in the same boat or further on can offer relevant advice on how to deal with certain parts of the claim. Good luck and hope this has helped
  17. Hi Val If you want to PM me your email address i can email over to you the witness statement that you are required to complete for the court. However, whilst it is imprtant you get your paperwork ready, i would really be surprised if you actually went to court with this if it is just bank charges, as Barclays, amongst others are not attending. Good luck
  18. Hi, First of all i recommend you start your own thread so its easy to ask questions and get them answered!! Secondly you need to re read over the FAQs. You will find these following the link at the bottom of this message. Print them out and read read read till you understand fully what the process is. If you do yu will find your claim goes a lot smoother and without flaws! Thirdly, the banks have 40 days. You do not need to send a reminder. They will answer within the 40 days and sewnd you the info you have requested. If they do not then you ned to follow the non complience section of the FAQs. This happens rarely....and in the extreme you may have to go to court to get your info. But give them the time they are allowed. Good luck and hope this helps
  19. Here is a list of everything you need for claiming. you will find email addresses here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/welcome-our-forum/69359-cant-find-what-youre.html
  20. Hi and welcome It seems you have only just subscribed in the last few weeks, so you have done some of the work already. I suggest you go and re read the FAQs, this will help you so much in the claim. Also read threads in the HSBC forum, this will give you a clear view of what others have done in their claim. You have 4 choices now: 1. Read the FAQs and fully understand the process 2. Accept the payment as a partial payment and inform them you wil be goping for the remainder making sure you re write your claim spreadsheet to show the payment once you have recieved it. 3. Accept the payment as full settlement. Hope this helps, good luck 4. Refuse the payment and continue with the claim.
  21. HI and welcome This looks like another delay tactic. Did you get the letter asking for refund from here? If so then they do not have anything they can use against you as these letters are tried and tested with countless of claims! With regards to the 8 weeks, its your claim so stick to ythe schedule you set. Your next step is to go back and re read the FAQs. Print them out and carry them with you if necessary. I read mine over and oiver on the train to and from work lol After that you are then ready to send off the letter before action.....this gives them a further 14 days to respond positively. This advice is only based on if you used the letter from our site, i cannot advise on what to do about the lack of information if you used another sites letter as i do not know what was in it. Also if it is just a delay tactic and you have used the lettters from here the i suggest you use N1 form and not online. This was you can ensure tyou have put all the information into your claim. Online has a smaller amount of space in which to put your particulars. Have a look at the link below. Hope this helps, good luck
  22. Hi Try emailing their custoemr services with the situation. If you have an arranged over draft (and in process of reducing it through an arrangement) then i should imagine you will get the refund. They are breaking the contract if you have an agreement to reduce the O/D so tell them that. Hope this helps
  23. Lots of good luck sent your way......but doubt you will need it as you seem to have things sewn tightly
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