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Everything posted by mrsfoot

  1. Hi Tangel Statutory interest (8%) can only be added at court stage and not before. It is not an entitlement and is subject to the judge awarding it, however claims are settled with it included without going to court. I presume the interest you have added is the interest the bank has charged for the charges? Also i notice that you have not got a thread, why not start one in the bank you are claiming from, you will get lots of support and advice and will be able to see what other members have done in their claims. Follow this link to your bank http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/ Hope this helps
  2. Hello and welcome to CAG! There are a few things which are a must for you to do: Read the faqs http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/faq.php Print them out for future reference, believe me you will need them. Start a thread in the relevant bank forum. You will find the banks sections by following this link http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/halifax-bank-bank-scotland/ Read the threads in your banks forum, this will give you an ideal insight into what you are taking on. A few things to remember: This is your money, it took years for the banks to collect it, so don’t be disheartened to find it takes more than a few weeks to get it back! Ask any questions you feel you need, but please remember someone may have already asked the question, so try searching for the answer first. Its your money, your responsibility, your job to get it refunded. We are here to support, guide and assist. You must understand the process or mistakes will be made!! 4. If you are approached by anyone offering to do this for a fee, tell them NO and report them to admin / mod. You can do it, we all had to start somewhere and have been successful. You don’t need to lose up to half your money getting it back and you don’t need to have a degree in law!! A few things you might want to consider: This site is run by good people who offer their time and advice freely, however it costs them money to run it. One way you can help is by getting a CAG email address. Find out more here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/buy_email.php You are a newbie, and as you are reading this, chances are another newbie is signing up. So give a little back and support others when you feel ready to. You can do this by keeping your thread updated so others can read, and maybe offering advice to those who are at the stage you have already completed If you would like to donate to the site once you have been successful, then it would be extremely appreciated, especially by those who we haven’t helped yet….because by donating you are helping to keep the site free. Use our links to go to other sites; we currently have links to amazon, u-switch and a general search engine. This really helps. Thank you for joining CAG, and good luck.
  3. HI lellypea Have a look at this link. It is the court papers from the hearing above. It may shed some light on your problem http://www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk/judgmentsfiles/j2136/durant-v-fsa.htm However after having a very short skimming session of the link, i cannot find what BB letter is referring to. If they are relying on the fact that microfiche is not a "relevant filing system" then refer them to the case that we have on this site http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/barclays-bank/50152-barclaycard-microfiche-they-wrong.html and make a complaint to the commisioners office. If they are saying that you are asking for information that does not relate directly to you then ask them to prove that. I am presuming that you have made a genuine DPA SAR request following the guidelines on this site. Hope this helps, ill pop back tomorrow
  4. okey dokey ill bump it too.....hangs head in shame!
  5. HI http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/natwest-bank/ Have a look on that link, you wills ee lots of other claiming from Natwest. Please dont be too worried about the court, it is a very slim chance it will happen. It is more likely to happen if NW want it to go fast track and you want small claims, then you may have to attend an allocation hearing, but as loing as the claim is well under £5k then even this wont happen. Keep your chin up and go get your money!!
  6. Hello and welcome to CAG! There are a few things which are a must for you to do: Read the faqs http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/faq.php Print them out for future reference, believe me you will need them. Start a thread in the relevant bank forum. You will find the banks sections by following this link http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/ Read the threads in your banks forum, this will give you an ideal insight into what you are taking on. A few things to remember: This is your money, it took years for the banks to collect it, so don’t be disheartened to find it takes more than a few weeks to get it back! Ask any questions you feel you need, but please remember someone may have already asked the question, so try searching for the answer first. Its your money, your responsibility, your job to get it refunded. We are here to support, guide and assist. If you are approached by anyone offering to do this for a fee, tell them NO and report them to admin / mod. You can do it, we all had to start somewhere and have been successful. You don’t need to lose up to half your money getting it back and you don’t need to have a degree in law!! A few things you might want to consider: This site is run by good people who offer their time and advice freely, however it costs them money to run it. One way you can help is by getting a CAG email address. Find out more here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/buy_email.php You are a newbie, and as you are reading this, chances are another newbie is signing up. So give a little back and support others when you feel ready to. You can do this by keeping your thread updated so others can read, and maybe offering advice to those who are at the stage you have already completed If you would like to donate to the site once you have been successful, then it would be extremely appreciated, especially by those who we haven’t helped yet….because by donating you are helping to keep the site free. Use our links to go to other sites; we currently have links to amazon, u-switch and a general search engine. This really helps. Thank you for joining CAG, and good luck
  7. I would be inclined to send it again recorded delivery to ensure they recieve it and if no response when you know it has arrived then write to them and inform them you will no longer be making any payments as no agreement has been produced.
  8. Hi Vonnie I am not sure why this would be charged if your parents did not move lenders or product. Write to the Abbey and ask for their reasons. Also check the contract. If it states the exit fee would be £50 and they have been charged £100 they are in the least entitled to half back. See the mortgage exit fee thread in this forum
  9. Hello reallypeed and welcome to the start of you new life! You have made the best start coming here. We can help. There are a few things you must remember though so a quick checklist for you: Read the faqs http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/faq.php Print them out for future reference, believe me you will need them. Start a thread in the relevant bank forum. You will find the banks sections by following this link http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/other-institutions/ Read the threads in your banks forum, this will give you an ideal insight into what you are taking on. A few things to remember: This is your money, it took years for the banks to collect it, so don’t be disheartened to find it takes more than a few weeks to get it back! Ask any questions you feel you need, but please remember someone may have already asked the question, so try searching for the answer first. Its your money, your responsibility, your job to get it refunded. We are here to support, guide and assist. If you are approached by anyone offering to do this for a fee, tell them NO and report them to admin / mod. You can do it, we all had to start somewhere and have been successful. You don’t need to lose up to half your money getting it back and you don’t need to have a degree in law!! A few things you might want to consider: This site is run by good people who offer their time and advice freely, however it costs them money to run it. One way you can help is by getting a CAG email address. Find out more here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/buy_email.php You are a newbie, and as you are reading this, chances are another newbie is signing up. So give a little back and support others when you feel ready to. You can do this by keeping your thread updated so others can read, and maybe offering advice to those who are at the stage you have already completed If you would like to donate to the site once you have been successful, then it would be extremely appreciated, especially by those who we haven’t helped yet….because by donating you are helping to keep the site free. Use our links to go to other sites; we currently have links to amazon, u-switch and a general search engine. This really helps. There are many claimants for Welcome, as you will see by following the link above. The interest is not usually reclaimable, however any interest added ontop of the charges is. You need to request the statements from your account. Do this after you have read and fully understand the process...as i said before it is not a get rich quick scheme, it takes time and energy, but you can do it i promise. As a side, are you on the correct benefits...is it paid into a bank account....do you have charges on that account....if so then you can reclaim those too and stop them taking money from your benefits. Hope this helps
  10. HI Ciderbrian This is regular defence which most banks send it when they dispute a claim. What theya re saying is that they disagree that the amount you have claimed is unfair. They are saying that the charges where applied in accordance with the terms of the contract for your account (just like all banks say!) You now need to complete a statement and use each point they have mentioned. Write a small paragraph on each point and relate it to the correct case / law that you will rely on. Hod gave you the link for a court bundle, start completing that as soona s you can as the date for the hearing is not very far away and it soon goes i can tell you! However, and this is a nice however...i doubt very much it will ed up in court. I am in no doubt that you will get a "goodwill gesture" for the amount you are claiming in the near future...definitely before the hearing. You may get a letter from the banks solicitors saying to cease the claim or you will be liable for their costs. This is not the case....in small claims it is very very rare that costs are awarded, and they never turn up in court anyway so it is safe to ignore this "advice" frm the sols. Start a thread in the other institutions forum, as I cant seem to find a bank of ireland forum on this site http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/other-institutions/ Hope this helps
  11. Hi Darren Congratualtions, you have really got your head around the process and seem to be on top of what your are meant to be doing. Just a little pointer, try posting your thread in the RBS forum, there you will see how others have got on with their claims. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/royal-bank-scotland/ It really does make a difference. I suggest your thread to be called Mancdazuk v RBS. There you will be able tp post questions you may have, any queries you may get from reading the banks response to your letter and it is great as a diary so you know what you did and when you did it. Hope this helps
  12. Hello Azucar and welcome to CAG! There are a few things which are a must for you to do: Read the faqs http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/faq.php Print them out for future reference, believe me you will need them. Start a thread in the relevant bank forum. You will find the banks sections by following this link http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/lloyds-bank/ Read the threads in your banks forum, this will give you an ideal insight into what you are taking on. You A few things to remember: This is your money, it took years for the banks to collect it, so don’t be disheartened to find it takes more than a few weeks to get it back! Ask any questions you feel you need, but please remember someone may have already asked the question, so try searching for the answer first. Its your money, your responsibility, your job to get it refunded. We are here to support, guide and assist. If you are approached by anyone offering to do this for a fee, tell them NO and report them to admin / mod. You can do it, we all had to start somewhere and have been successful. You don’t need to lose up to half your money getting it back and you don’t need to have a degree in law!! A few things you might want to consider: This site is run by good people who offer their time and advice freely, however it costs them money to run it. One way you can help is by getting a CAG email address. Find out more here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/buy_email.php You are a newbie, and as you are reading this, chances are another newbie is signing up. So give a little back and support others when you feel ready to. You can do this by keeping your thread updated so others can read, and maybe offering advice to those who are at the stage you have already completed If you would like to donate to the site once you have been successful, then it would be extremely appreciated, especially by those who we haven’t helped yet….because by donating you are helping to keep the site free. Use our links to go to other sites; we currently have links to amazon, u-switch and a general search engine. This really helps. Thank you for joining CAG, and good luck
  13. Hi Lisa I have answered this post in other insitutions. See there for some more info
  14. Hi Terry Did you send the letter form here in order to get your agreement? was it this one? http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-debt/20758-creditors-dcas-letter-templates.html If so then the best thing for you to do is give them a ring and tell them you have waited longer than you shuold have and by doing this you no longer have a debt with them. It is stated very clearly in the letter. If you didnt then i suggest you do. And sent it recorded delivery so you cna prove its arrival. It really is important to do thisng by the book, or it may come back and bite you on the bum!! Hope this helps
  15. HI Lisa and welcome as an official member! Use this analagy for claiming charges...if it was applied to your account as a slap on the wrist for doing something wrong then it can usualyy be claimed back. With the PPI i would suggest you have a lok a tthis thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/ppi/ Here you will find great advice and can read others who have successfully claimed their PPI back. You will find template letters, contacts and read what others have done to do this. Studio cards are mentioned quite a few times on the site so why not search using the search http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/search.php to see what others have gone through. Here is the link for the pre lim letter, just adjust to your own needs http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/671-2-letter-preliminary-approach.html Hope this helps and good luck
  16. Hi Cinders and welcome top CAG. Being on a IVA does not stop you from claiming your charges back. The difference here is that you are supposed to inform the IVA provider that you have had a windfall (when they are paid out) and they can then distribute the money to your creditors. There have been cases where the person on the IVA has not informed the provider and there has been no come back, but this is something you will need to decide for yourself as we cannot advise on this. I would imagine ther will be no need to change banks just because it is the nationwide you are claiming from, however open a parachute account just in case. Check this thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/nationwide/ for other members journeys to reclaiming charges from nationwide. Start your own thread there too, use it like a diary so you can keep tack of what you have done and when. Post questions on there for answers from other nationwide claimants, and dont forget to pop into the chat room for some urgent advice if needed, you will be most welcome. Hope this helps
  17. Hello and welcome to cag You are advised to make a complete Data Protection Act S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) as this ensures you have the legal backing should it go astray. I would call them and ask them to send the statements without delay giving them 7 days to comply. I doubt very much you will get any type of compensation for the delay...unless they mean for your costs like phone calls etc chasing the statements. If they make excuses then im afraid you are better staring the process over again and completing a full DPA SAR this time, giving them no reason to delay. Hope this helps
  18. Hi BobbyJ There are many arguments for and against for completing online and the traditional N1 from the court. Personally i prefer the N1 as there is more room on there than online to get the particulars of the claim in. On occasion the banks have stated in their defence the particulars of the claim are not detailed enough on claims completed online. On the side of online, it is quick, relatively easy and easier to track back when you want to check on the claim. However a lot of cases have been transferred from MCOL to the claimants local court. I beleive there are no remissions online either so if you are able to get a reduced or free fee for filing the case, you wont be able to online. Hope this helps, have a look at the link on my signature for the pros and cons of this argument
  19. Hi and welcome You can claim all the charges from the years you have stated, however please be aware this is not a tried and tested as the bank side of the claiming. Please make sure you have fully read the facts and print them out so you can refer back to them at any time. Have a look at the mortgages forum http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/mortgage-companies/ There, you will see many others who have begun or completed the claim. The winning of the case depends largely on the mortgage company at this present time. Some of the bigger high street banks are paying out, some of the sub prime lenders are taking it the whole way and some cases have been lost in court. So please please read all you can before you begin the process. Hope this helps
  20. Hello and welcome to CAG! There are a few things which are a must for you to do: Read the faqs http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/faq.php Print them out for future reference, believe me you will need them. Start a thread in the relevant bank forum. You will find the banks sections by following this link http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/ Read the threads in your banks forum, this will give you an ideal insight into what you are taking on. A few things to remember: This is your money, it took years for the banks to collect it, so don’t be disheartened to find it takes more than a few weeks to get it back! Ask any questions you feel you need, but please remember someone may have already asked the question, so try searching for the answer first. Its your money, your responsibility, your job to get it refunded. We are here to support, guide and assist. If you are approached by anyone offering to do this for a fee, tell them NO and report them to admin / mod. You can do it, we all had to start somewhere and have been successful. You don’t need to lose up to half your money getting it back and you don’t need to have a degree in law!! With regards to the bank putting in the amount of money, a lot of claimants are finding the same thing happening to them. You can still continue with the claim, adjust the spreadsheet accordingly and file with the court and the bank. A few things you might want to consider: This site is run by good people who offer their time and advice freely, however it costs them money to run it. One way you can help is by getting a CAG email address. Find out more here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/buy_email.php You are a newbie, and as you are reading this, chances are another newbie is signing up. So give a little back and support others when you feel ready to. You can do this by keeping your thread updated so others can read, and maybe offering advice to those who are at the stage you have already completed If you would like to donate to the site once you have been successful, then it would be extremely appreciated, especially by those who we haven’t helped yet….because by donating you are helping to keep the site free. Use our links to go to other sites; we currently have links to amazon, u-switch and a general search engine. This really helps. Thank you for joining CAG, and good luck.
  21. Hi Its a little late in the day and i apologise for not seeing this thread before now. If you have no or little money to live on till your next wage then call your local JCP and ask for a crisis loan. Tell them you are in reciept of tax credits and that due to the bank taking charges from your money you have nothing left to live on. They can and will give you some money to tide you over. Call the bank and tell them they have breached Social Security Administration Act 1992 Miscellaneous Certain benefit to be inalienable ** 187- Subject to the provisions of this Act, every assignment of, or charge on- (a)benefit as defined in section 122 of the Contributions and Benefits Act; (b)any income-related benefit (TAX CREDITS); or ©child benefit, and every agreement to assign or charge such benefit shall be void; and, on the bankruptcy of the beneficiary, such benefit shall not pass to any trustee or other person acting on behalf of his creditors This means in short they cannot take your tax credits and child benefit for the purpose of a bank charge. Call them NOW and tell them you will be contacting the courts first thing tuesday to make a claim against them for the amount they have taken and for every penny they have taken from your bank that was put there by way of benefit as defined above, unless they put the money back into your account immediately. If the person you are talking to has no idea ask to speak to a manager, but do not be put off by them. Be polite but determined. This is yours and the childrens money so go get it back!! Hope this helps
  22. Have your payments changed? I would suggest you both write to them, send it recorded delivery so you know it has arived. Give them 14 days to respond to your request. If it was me i would send a letter similar to this: 123 Nowhere Street Nowhere Land Nowhere NN1 234 GE Mortgage Address Date Account No: XXXXXXXXXX Dear Sir / Madam I refer to the letter we received dated XX/XX/XX In this you indficate we have been charged incorrect interest. I have made numerous attempts to identify the true meaning of this infomation, however we are unable to find a member of your staff who are willing to help us. We are giving you 14 days from receipt of this letter, which has been sent recorded delivery for clarification, for you to send a full detailed response to the above query. We feel this is a fair length of time for a company of your size with dedicated staff as you have. If this is not adhered to we will have no other option but to make a complaint to FSA and OFT with regards to your company not operating in an open and fair way in accordance with the Office of Fair Trading Report 2006 section 3.2 I hope this will not be the case, and look forward to hearing from you in a positive manner within the next 14 days. Yours sincerely XXXXXXXXXX Hope this helps
  23. Lisa First of all you are better off starting your own thread in this section rather than jumping in on others, this will mean you can ask questions which may be overlooked if on someone elses thread. Make your particulars of claim clear and precise. Make sure you make reference to the correct law and cases you are relying on. Make sure you attach a detailed and correct spreadsheet of charges with the N1. Print out your N1 so you, the court and gmac have a copy of it. You cannot save the PDF file with the notes you have written to your computer. Have a look at this thread which has more specific details in http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/mortgage-companies/71276-mortgage-charge-templates-prelim.html Hope this helps
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