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Everything posted by watchinginvestigation2011

  1. Your at least on the way to sorting it and wether easily sorted or a bumpy ride you can keep coming back here for support Just be honest and see a solicitor asap, I think they do do the first half hour free in cases and others on here have said good if you can get a qutoe of one off fee for the solicitors help if you do not qualify for legal aid that is xx
  2. 3 for £1.10 in asda, so three packs of yummy space ships. Diet status at the moment
  3. Right in last few days come accros a good few descriptions in dealing with them or silly things they like to do which make no sence, which hit the company description like a nail on the head. For instance two caggers did well in: Orange uk................. Mental gymnastics Santander...................Satans bank Perhaps because I have been scorched by both of these companies unfairly is the reason when somebody else describes it so, you realise you are not alone and not mad. How about: Moorcroft...............Valid even if not read by you:lol: So have I started a game or been silly, but we shall see xx
  4. Knowing me electron probably came from when with santander myself, and I would also say satans bank is a good description of them:wink:
  5. Hey would you credit it Just checked my bank card and I had not noticed it is a proper visa debit card after all and thats the cashminder basic bank account. Where did I get electron from? Perhaps it was my first year card with them, who knows, but good news any how xx xx:) Best of luck op
  6. No your probably right, I havnt checked the limits in a while so presumed still 250.00. Easy to check when signing up though. ps. Op you can apply on line and its pretty quick xx
  7. I do so love those flying saucer sherbet kiddies sweets. Daughter got me a pack today, YUMMY:madgrin:
  8. Time to dump santander and set up a parachute account to get your next set of wages in and dds set up, once done then contact santander to organise an ammount you can afford to pay towards the overdraft, but only do it when monies and dds are protected elsewhere and cancelled from prior account. You see they could be nasty and remove the odraft at will and then swallow your wages without paying any dds, leaving you to have to fight. Better move now to protect yourself. The co op are pretty good and have cashminder bank accout with allows debit card, but you can take 250.00 a day out of it and pay online and etc........ But whatever acct your choose you will have removed the risk of santanders next possible move xx
  9. Sound track to free willy:lol: Reminds me of when I was at sea world watching shamu, we got soaked. Whats the splash zone I stupidly remebmer thinking whilst everyone was sat next and near wearing plastic bags over them:| It was so hot when we finished the show we had dried out in minutes and I remember as a young couple we lived of burger king and mc donalds every day, came back a larger clothes size than when left:lol: Memories a soundtrack of a film can bring back, because it relates to a whale:madgrin: Only remember the whale in sea world though out of the entire trip, odd:!: Perhaps i should try a disney cd next and see what that does
  10. Thats what shocked me also, imagine having to go in for emergency surgery if an ambulance had been there to have just scoffed a sarnie and drint, if you did manage to get it down that is. Their basic training must be non existant !!!!!!
  11. My amazon parrot was screaming, so I said to him 'whats wrong' He replied now word of a lie ' I dont know":lol::lol:
  12. Gosh they are still at it. I though they had been outed ages ago !!!!! Heres hoping some advice comes for you soon xx
  13. And fox news. There wasnt even an ambulance waiting for them when they arrived. I know it sounds sick perhaps, but say someone popped their clogs, would they go through their pockets for a sarnie and drink bill. Wouldnt put it past them !!!!!!!!
  14. According to the daily mail: With a sandwich and fizzy drink. And then charge him for it:!:
  15. By the way the ceo office have staff that dont trust their own stores, so from that, you can argue perhaps if any failings of procedure are stupidly argued, then get them to talk to the store as they put you through to them and let you leave confident it was sorted xx Orange are hastle magnets, RECORD ANY CALLS TO ORANGE FOR DEFENCE, but in your case better to write anyway, but I do so like to warn in case they ring or you ring to do it so as many people as I can know to start to protect themselves from this company as you see we cant trust them, they themselves are proof of that xx RANT OVER Best of luck and update op xx
  16. OH ORANGE:lalala: Your at it again !!!!!!!!!!!!!! What does our signatures on a contract mean to you? Persecution for the rest of our lives for your mistakes, perhaps? Hey orange, let your customers go !!!!!!!!! (I can see a song in that) And you choice of dca:whip: Notice the 'valid even if not read by you" CARP:madgrin: OP, orange report that they only record 1% of their 5 million calls a month I believe the quote was. So you can have dene everything by the book and the rep who dealt with you either messed up or did not adequately put notes down and you guessed it orange will have no proper records their end due to THEIR failings and yep, they will blame you even though NOT your fault. Check they have not damaged your credit file re this account. Moorcarp, ignore them You could complain in writing to orange, that you want it put right, cancelled properly and all hounds called off and if they ignore you or say no, ask for deadlock letter and go to cicas as the chances of only deciding to cancel one of two phones not used and still not use it, is slim a person would not do that, so common sense should reign. Perhaps orange have a deep need to cause such situations because if they acted friendly towards their customers and did all by the book, there would not be such a need for their staff pretending to resolve, hey thats it, they mess ups are to keep people in work!!!!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY ORANGE NEED FINING LIKE THE POWER INDUSTRY WAS FOR SHODDY CUSTOMER SERVICE. Dont stress over it op, orange will have to sort if one way or another or they will perhaps owe you compensation and an apology too xx
  17. Contacted by the police, the issue is listed as a 'crime related incident' They kindly told me to ring consumer direct again and try to find out if trading standards were taking it on as they can either choose to or not, and I did that and consumer direct explained that they cannot commit what trading standards will do and I added is there as the office is not too far away, in fact probably no more than a five minute walk from the orange store itself!!!!!!!! Could I send a letter, refer to the consumer direct reference and give them any more details that they might find relevant and well I have quite a bit:madgrin: So going to do that at same time as same to cicas. Was told by the police that trading standards do have criminal prosecution powers and that I could also get the police back involved as my issue still stands listed under the crime reference number once trading standards had looked into it. I also plan to go to court if necessary after cicas to just prove a point, that it is not acceptable because they are such a large corporation to in my opinion stamp all over their mistakes and try and wear them away with mental gymnastics !!!!!!!!! They both took advantage of me and ilegally set up a contract which is not legally binding in any case because of their behaviour as a company in dealing with me from the store upwards. I must admit that I think it should be simpler to get trading standards involved rather than to have to hope they take up your case, but I will put my trust in them that they will find my experience wrong also and the implications that it could be other getting the same treatment also. I will refer all parties to this thread and print it out along with transcripts of calls, as well my anxiety and distress at having them to beg to sort out their mess (orange)on my behalf is truly date and time set here for record. Since when you take out any contract with orange does it warn you that such things could happen or where do they advertise not to trust their own staff?, well they dont of course as it would lose them droves of customers. Its also said that a big corporation who has many customers shows its contempt for those it has truly let down as they dont care as long as seen to be marketing the next mass product with their brill brand image. But people reading this can see what lies underneath that brand image and its NASTY and to the customer at times SOUL DESTROYING:-x You see with otange when suits they are happy to play its your word against the big company, so just go away little person, but when you RECORD THE POWER returns to you: You need to to defend yourself from orange or any parent or sister company when treat this way because their rolled out training will no doubt have the same attitude eventually if not already in other places within their nasty empire that they are proud to spout 'everything everywhere"
  18. Do they really think £100.00 and continuing as their customer on same terms is okay, I see it as derisory. So they with no warrant get into anyones house and think they will be so so desperate for 100.00 that they will snap their hands off and forget all the embaresment and distress!!!!!!!! Cag is not biased, and nor is a court, but a court will gain publicity that will let others know what they are capable of. I would also let them police know that they are blaming them because you said the police said they woudl tell them they had broken the law too, they obvously have no respect for that and instead farm it out on their employee, who forgive me worked for them and represented them. I have never used this company but barge and pole come to mind, dont touch them. Good luck xx
  19. I get the distinct impression orange are montoring a couple of threads, as they should be, dont you want to post why you keep blaming the customer:behindsofa:
  20. Playing with the affect of the new smilies I found and using them on my thread, has me giggling anyhow xx:yo:
  21. Putting my words down as different on a legally binding comtract is fraud orange. What do you say:behindsofa: I say:fencing: Trying to the cancel and the rescisions of orange is like talking to a xx
  22. 7,520 Who might choose against the that they might receive if had chose orange uk:lol:
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