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Everything posted by watchinginvestigation2011

  1. All sorted my daughter sent it to the daddlyonglegs land in the sky:madgrin:
  2. Due to hot weather windows open, sat comfy on my computer and a huge daddy longlegs lands on my arm, with its legs tickling as it landed. SCREAM>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just caught my computer in time Seems to be hiding in my bed somewhere
  3. Son winding me up the other night telling me he was watching porn after I asked him what he watched till so late. Gosh I thought hes only 16 and I didnt know that sort of chanel was on the box. Any way had to laugh when noticed son set up a joke to get me. I screamed when noticed he had recorded a show called hard pawn and thought oh no its so in my face. PAWN NOT PORN TOOK TIME TO GO IN, its a pawn shop in america, hahahhhahahahaha:lol: Son got the last laugh, AGAIN:madgrin: Says he is rather pleased with that one
  4. They might do as the subject is current as in last programme orange featured for same issue, you might find if they get a bundle on similar complaints they will look into it more
  5. Phones handed in to orange today, we even celebrated that and fact I got there by going to nandos, YUMMY:whoo:
  6. Well I finally got a reply that they would be happy for me to take the phones into branch at my convenience and today all three phones were handed in as stated to ceo office, YYYYIIIIPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE:whoo: I will now be waiting for a letter confirming all three balances are zero regarding the three accounts and expect them as soon as they phones get to them via the store. Told the ceo office I was to be wearing the recording device, and I also had the pin hole camera on my person recording, the same as I did when buying each of the three contracts:wink: Sometimes I wonder wether it is me over the top in wearing such devices and justify it down to memory and prior experiences of companies saying your word against ours, and feel in my case they are a protection. No company needs to fear them and in fact they are not sourced until an issue becomes a problem as stored onto device for some time prior to wiping. Whilst the manager was sorting a more profesional receipt of return I notice one of his agents selling a contract just to my left. The customer as I did asked certain searching questions, showing to me the customer was not familiar with what or how quick the internet allowance would get used up, as in wether enough etc..... The rep was more forthcoming than my experience, I noticed the lack of unlimited mentioned:whoo: But did think that they could be more upfront with warnings. Rather than say see how you go, they could perhaps warn the customer to have fun with their new phone but be careful, as in if you use music downloads etc..... to be careful so as to not get a bill. He did I believe mention a site where data could be monitored etc....which seemed helpful and again was not offered to me, but I dont think that these stores realise they are not going to frighten away future customers by being upfront, as in warn as well as welcome. I did not hear any mention of the fees to the new client if they went over their fair usage policy at all and was suprised by this, during a sale it could have been friendly dropped in as a reasurance that if you de exceed your fup, then you will only pay set figure sucn and such for so much mb a day. Everything everywhere expect their customers in my opinon to do the work for them. There is nothing wrong in researching a product, that is wise, but it would not hurt that company to be more upfront. If I had left that store months ago with a friendly warning to research my usage and get to know what I used, rather than just told go away basically and have a ball, then I feel none of this would have happened !!!!!!!!!!!! Or at least if concerned I could have gone elsewhere with informed opinion, thats what was so distressing, I had done all I could to make sure informed and look what happened. I would have still been with orange now. SO ORANGE KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR REPS AND IF YOU YOURSELF DO NOT TRUST THEM AS YOUR CEO REPRESENTATIVE HINTED TO ME IN THAT I WAS SILLY TO TRUST WHAT TOLD VERBALLY BY ORANGE REP IN ORANGE STORE, THEN I SAY STOP BLAMING YOUR CUSTOMERS WHEN ESPECIALLY ONE DAY YOU MIGHT FIND MORE THAN ONE PERSON RESORTS TO COVERT RECORDING !!!!!!!!!!! AS YOU ONLY RECORD A SMALL PERCENTAGE OF YOUR CALLS EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE, MIGHT I SUGGEST THAT ANY CUSTOMERS OF YOURS RECORD CALLS THEIR END WHEN CONTACTING YOU TO PROTECT THEM SELVES. ALSO IN SITUATIONS WHERE YOUR PEEPS ARE HAPPY TO PUT IT DOWN TO YOUR WORD AGAINST OURS, UNLESS YOU HAVE THE CALLS TO BACK UP YOUR END, THEN YOU CANNOT JUST HOPE THE CUSTOMER WILL GO AWAY AND ACCEPT THE FOBB OFF. Perhaps you should record more calls or at lest put accurate notes on system. TIME FOR THE CUSTOMERS TO FIGHT BACK. SHAME IT TAKES SOME VULNERABLE ALREADY TO SUFFER A BREAKDOWN DUE TO INCREASE OF STRESS DURING THE EPISODE THOUGH !!!!!! I do so hope they be careful in their contracts in future re time with employer if person is on benefits. So will update when get letters as they got three perfect phones today and I got my receipt:whoo: I now happily and kids use a payg phone each with credit applied to them as and when. Would you believe it with me ten quid lasts a couple of months and I still get when put the credit on with my supplier for that month 500mb to use, which I fully understand expires when I dont feel the need to yet reknew. See I know where i stand, hunky dory and no the company is not orange:madgrin: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Anyone tempted to get that flash phone you cant wait for, consider how much better you will feel when you have bought it out right and wont get any bills. I realise that might not be practicle for many happy with contracts, but to those who use their phones little, come on you know who you are gadget lover Wait if you can get your phone and avoid any hastle. I am now off to play with my iphone:wink: Any company ticks you off and you switch with no stress LOVELY xx
  7. Ecxzema, cant leave my bleep neck alone:oops: So sore so need to leave it alone, do I? Nope.
  8. Thank you site team xx Just wanted to update as the issue is ongoing. Without the dramatics I said I was ill, the pressure put on me with the up and down of orange executive office I knew was becoming too much and as I said I had to switch off. That was taken out of my hands by my body as well I went down hill. Orange despite the mess over the bags had set a date to return them that they knew could no do and I suggested return them when on way or returning from hospital, I was told no and told I would be billed, I just could not take it any more. I missed my hospital appt and fell apart for my son who was reading the emails now on my behalf to say they had begrudingly agreed to refund the balance when got the phones and I planned to send them when could. Thing was went downhill and found myself unable to leave my bedroom for six weeks, I developed serious chest infection and having regular seizures and mentally was not well, so the phones were not at the forefront of my families mind as you will understand. I now have another appt with hospital and have offered orange the return of the phones direct to the store who sold them and it would not be too much trouble to return the tmobile one to tmobile store as in same city centre, orange would just need to phone each store to warn them to give me a receipt adn with that receipt I would feel safe. You see I started to get nightmares that it they even had the phones they would find some reason to refuse and presue, I just could not switch off as you might have gathered xx So feeling a little stronger now, have emailed tham and said if here nothing back, I will consider the matter closed and the balance nil. They can either accept them back or accept them handed over to them by the hands of the judge and usher of case if comes to court, as will show what they did to me. They have sent a balance of over 500.00 and I have said I will pay not one penny, but if goes to court will counterclaim for distress caused. I have decided after this to never trust a salesman again of any company and am suprised that orange can have so little compassion when they in fact miss sold me and mis led me and also state errors on their contracts do not matter, you see I always thought they did matter as in how is it fair to claim a contract is valid when routinely it turns out they mess up the time with current employer under the bracket everything everywhere as in a benefit claimant can be shown to be employed for ten years under two of their companies and record call suggesting how they know it can default to ten years. It matters to me. When they threaten you with the all mighty of a contract you would think that they had certain standards they would hold up their end to remove possibility of a contract being invalid. The phones were free with the contracts. The contracts were subsequently cancelled after many stressful months of the brick wall. The phones were agreed to be returned, but even then it took every inch of my energy to get them to sort it, as if they were stringing it out on purpose it felt. I had a breakdown, but hey they knew I was ill at time of contract, so why treat such a person as me so unfairly. So I say the phones have no value to me as free at point of sale/contract and no use as I am sure blocked. They messed up the contracts not me and I can prove it very well, so I say to orange you want them back make more effort, I have said how they can be safely returned, please dignify me with a response. If the response is negative I have said I put them on notice the account is very much in dispute and that the account cannot be sold on or passed to third parties to persue. There is no contracts to default on only bills that I do not agree with or will not pay, hence if they feel my offer is out of order I have invited them to take me to the county court where i can show my proof and ask the judge to rule. I really hope that will invlove the nice judge to simply hand the phones over to them and tell them to go forth, of course after I have requested damaged due to distress caused. They robbed me of six weeks due to the exhaustion of begging them to help due to them knowing already I was classed as vulnerable, they chose to mislead and miss sell not me and the stress over the bags and them ridiculing me then setting unreasonable date, then retracting it, then manager setting date again when I was an agraphobic struggling to get out the door worse due to stress exploded. Remember who did not send the bags in the first place, orange. So with less emotion there is the update, no positive response from them and it will end up in court, WHAT I WANT, you see both sides are heard in court xx I will be asking more than they are for the phones for distress caused as I value six weeks highly and then the time of the battle to get them to help. True call is brill. Remember anyone considering orange, the ceo office rep of orange does not rate its own staff highly do they? In fact she quite openly treat me as silly for daring to trust them. So everything everywhere staff treat you like dog muck and you the customer will always be in the wrong, remember that. They point blank from the beginning refuse a courier, they could have resolved such an issue so quckly and lessened the stress caused by the whole saga had they put themselves out rather than pressure me to chase them, so again everything everywhere are only after in my opinon your signature, wether that contract is miss sold or has errors within it, they dont care, they just want to wave your siggy at you and say pay up. How one earth do the ceo office of orange sleep I wonder? Lets see how it goes, but untill i hear I am going to switch off, my bedroom felt like a prison I could not escape from and I realise my head was trying to make me switch off, so I have to respect it now more so xx:madgrin:
  9. Have to say not many people apply for a marriage notice unless already pfficial partners !!!! You could have given it a go without needing to marry. Are you perhaps deeply religious and would have perhaps only entertained being potential partners once married(you woudl need good proof), but even then it would have to be questioned why live together at all in those circumstances. The marriage notice does seem to show you as partners even if you did not realise yourself, sorry. keep posting for more advice from others xx
  10. I went to work focused interview some months ago, they said from the state of me it was obvious I should not be there and helped me get a taxi home. They wont force you to do anything and I found them actually understanding xx Not proud to say unfortunately they saw the real me, so dont feel you have to put on a cover, just be yourself no more no less xx
  11. I may be wrong, but i only thought they gave initial disclosure to a solicitor, hope I am wrong there.
  12. That was my thought. Does his employer know he was not living with you in any way? Another words did they know they were sending docs to you to forward on or not? Have to be honest, you need proof as with the details and links they have, it would be hard to defend without some evidence backing you up.
  13. Hey could we know the same person, railway by any chance. I have posted mine then read the prior posts, euston mean anything? I could have spelt his last name wrong. one less n.?
  14. I worked with some lovely people on the railway and one very nice man had a name which was when a new employee arrived always a test to see if you reacted or were quick on the mark. I clicked but when saw he was not amused as in was fed up of this, I thankfully did not react. His name was Philip ENIS, lovely man but you could tell was fed up when people pointed out the obvious initial from first name to surname as P. ENIS. Never forgot that:madgrin:
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