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Everything posted by Life-Goes-On

  1. I have found some are helpful and some don't do their jobs/ lie. I applied for DLA one of the symptoms I have is blacking out/ dizziness I made sure to write it a number of times and included my doctors report. I got rejected within a month, I didn't have a medical. when I got my SOR the DM stated don't not get dizzy/ black out.
  2. Did you have to pay off the debts straight away, or could you have continued paying them weekly/monthly?
  3. First of all as it's under 6 months you a sick/fit note is pointless as it needs to be over 6 months to claim for the same symptoms. What you need to do is appeal, you will continue on the assessment rate until the appeal is heard, this can take over a year I believe.
  4. TBH I think you should expect to be charged with fraud, as you can't claim it was a error. I would have thought it will go in your favour that you (will) have paid the money back. After the IUC (i'm guessing they have the evidence) expect a overpayment letter, then it's a wait until they decide if to recommend you for prosecution (CPS decide that, not DWP). PS I am far from a expert, and only giving advice from what I know and read, please don't take this as any form of legal advice.
  5. Flumps, the OP did say the he didn't have to pay off the debts, but felt obliged too. So I would guess they could class that as depriving yourself of capital
  6. Get in touch with a solicitor or seek other legal advice. You know you committed fraud, looks like they know it too.So I would guess any advice would be go to IUC see their evidence, and if they have you bang to rights plead guilty ASAP and hope they go easy on you
  7. You need a link; I don't believe those figures.
  8. Parents / grandparents can give whatever they like although Inheritance Tax might apply if they die within 7 years. (not in this case with £50K)
  9. Personally I can't remember dealing with a bad member of JCP staff. I'm always polite and treat them as I myself would like to be treated, and have found the same respect given back. The same can not be said for all claimants, time and time again I have them talk to staff like they were dirt. I couldn't work in a JCP as I would end up thumping someone, as I wouldn't let anyone talk to me they way they have people talk to them.
  10. Appeal, your ESA will continue at the assessment rate until the end of the appeal. I wouldn't worry about the zero points ATOS are liars and that's been proved time and time again.
  11. You could be right about the car, but have the DWP have a rule for gifts? But with the loan, I would be surprised as the money was never his to declare. You could say he now owed his parents.
  12. As you can guess, it looks bad. I'm sorry to say. As watching says ring up and hope they have a copy of your mail. Also get in touch with welfare rights, or a solicitor (make sure they know about benefit law)
  13. What is sad that with a bit of advice it could all have been avoided. Parents pay off loan directly and buy then give car to OP. Give OP £6K OP declares £6K but as long as that's all the money OP has then gets full benefits.
  14. Did you ever ring them up asking if they received the letter?
  15. One question that will be raised when calculating your overpayment will be did you have you pay off your debt straight away, or did you do it just to totally clear it? I do have sympathy with you, as if you took advice before hand you could have avoided the problems.
  16. It's going to tough in the shortterm with the waiting on what will happen. Hopefully they will just order a repayment, and you will have to pay the wrongly claimed money back. They could also charge you with fraud, but I do believe that there is less chance of that happening than with HMRC (tax credits) than DWP (Income support etc)
  17. To give you the best advise hgow much did your parents give you, how much went on car, how much on debt, and how much you still got?
  18. You need to contact a solicitor/ welfare rights ASAP. The sooner you own up the better, you might just have to pay it back with no further action. They could look at it favourably you coming forward. But the might as look at it as you're only owning up as they were going to catch you anyway. So it's not that you're being honest, it's you're hoping they will go easy on you.
  19. I would agree with you impecunious, it's better to tell them, than them to find out first.
  20. I certainly wouldn't think he made a compliant against you, the DWP don't write letters like that regarding a complaint, it would breach the DPA.
  21. Yes you can have £6k. Under that amount you get full IS over that amount then there are deductions until £16K then no IS. That's why I asked the question about savings.
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