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Everything posted by Life-Goes-On

  1. Chase DWP up, making sure they have everything they need to restart your payments. There really is no time frame ATM, it's just a waiting game. Did you ask for an oral appeal?
  2. Hopefully the CAB advised you will also need a fit(sick) note to cover the period of appeal, this is sometimes forgotten.
  3. Looks like the DWP believes it has got enough evidence, but that doesn't mean they do have enough(EDIT or that you are guilty), that will be for the court to decide. You need to get your evidence to the DWP as it could change the decision to go to court, if not you can use the evidence at court
  4. Months & months normally. Did CAB advise you about what to do while appealing?
  5. Housing benefit is based on income (EDIT) and any savings over £6k and you doesn't have to be claiming other benefits, so no you don't have to be claiming ESA/ JSA
  6. mrs blobby, If you go to court and are found / plea guilty than it is a criminal record. Having one doesn't automatically disqualify you from working with children, it's up to the school.
  7. The medical condition doesn't matter, it's the needs that arise from it. So if needs have changed then you can apply ASAP
  8. Afraid, You might want to check your partner hasn't been using your address, as that could mean trouble. The thread below may be of assistance. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?284589-benefit-fraud.-please-help.%281-Viewing%29-nbsp PS Good luck with baby and partner.
  9. BB glad they treated you with civility and it's a end of this matter for you. PS a leant a new word "obsequious", will be my word of the day.
  10. Have you been in contact with your solicitor?
  11. I did wonder about that. I would have thought alarm bells would ring in that kind of situation and would be flagged up for further checks.
  12. I think you made the best move you could have and pleased you are getting help. I know you have to wait longer, and that causes stress, but you want the best outcome, and feel this will be the best way to get it.
  13. Personally I would delay it. I can certainly understand Annie wanting to avoid a caution and it showing up. But what is even more important is it not going to court if at all possible. How I see it if it goes to court Annie can plead guilty with mitigating circumstances or plead not guilty and lie. (can't see how she could plead non guilty and be totally honest) EDIT and I'm certainly not advising that latter. EDIT No 2. I was forgetting the other option of pleading not guilty and not taking the stand.
  14. I totally agree she should take legal advice if offered a caution, that's why I would go with a solicitor, as then they would know the everdence. You're also right about it showing up on checks, but it isn't a criminal conviction as it would be if it went to court and was found (or admit) guilty (guilt).
  15. The trouble is Annie did do it, but she doesn't have to admit it. What she needs is the best possible outcome. She may have mitigating circumstances, but she did know she should have told them about her working daughter. If you look at the what Annie has said, if it goes to court I would say she will be found guilty (I would have thought a solicitor will tell her to plead guilty with mitigating circumstances) The best that can happen is just an overpayment (with/ without penalty) The next best is a caution The last is having to appear in court. All the above is just my opinion not legal advice
  16. No one could blame you for wanting the best result. I'm with Jady, I wouldn't admit guilt in your IUC. To my mind it's easier to decide to prosecute if you have already admitted to it. If they do offer a caution for admitting guilt, that's another matter.
  17. It's is annoying that it clearly looks to be a mistake, and a overpayment would be enough of a penalty. Good luck and I hope they see sense.
  18. Sadly not many people come back and report how they got on. I think they just want to forget about it. EDIT P.S. There are some people on here who are advisers on benefits issues, hopefully they can give you some info, when they are about.
  19. How far can she walk? does she use any aids? Having pain (headaches etc) doesn't get a person DLA, it's what the pain stops the person doing.
  20. Fraud does imply dishonesty although it can just be a mistake but ignorance of the law is no excuse. So a person can be convicted of fraud because they should have known that they had to inform of changes. Do remember it is a charge, and the court will look at all evidence but you really need to get solicitor, and I believe you can ask for an adjournment, for legal advice
  21. Would need to know more details before anyone could tell you if the person could get DLA. Walking and toileting issues are part of DLA Breathing troubles & headaches in themselves aren't, but the issues arising from them can be.
  22. Sadly your overpayment won't take into account of any underpayments of other benefits. They can and do prosecute even if you would have qualified for other benefits, but you can certainly use that in your defence. Have you taken any legal advice?
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