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Everything posted by reload

  1. Hi brecken, Have you considered persuing the line of calling the solicitors and stating that you will not cancel the claim until the cheque is cashed and money safe in your bank? They haven't fulfilled their end of the settlement; therefore, you don't need to fulfill yours. The above will more likely than not give the solicitors a nudge to chase the payment.
  2. Keep at em Jamie, they'll crack eventually
  3. Which solicitor are defending? If it's SC&M, from what I've read it won't be worth waiting. In my own case, Martineau Johnson were a bit less poker-faced, and caved when I called them to ask if they wanted to settle.
  4. One other minor point to make is that if you do file both claims simultaneously you may end up having to pay for both claims at the same time, which can be (temporarily) painful on the wallet if both are over £1500. Obviously, down to you though
  5. You should get an AQ through within the next few days Catherine. There is help and advice available in the FAQs and Bank Template Library to help you fill it out
  6. Erm - one moment. You sent your AQ back to the solicitors?! I hope you mean the county court!
  7. Excellent stuff Wolfcub, glad you're keen on seeing this through to the ultimate end too. If you need any help or support we're here for you
  8. Good stuff, keep with it Wiggins
  9. Yep. You gave them the Subject Access Request - irrespective of whether it was their Data Protection department, the Customer Services centre, or even handed it in to a branch - you gave it to them. What they do with it in the meantime of the 40 days is entirely up them - however, they must give you the details you request within those 40 days. Especially as they confirmed they received it, they haven't got a leg to stand on if you need to complain to the Information Comissioner.
  10. Hi Carrera, Irrespective that the letter went to the wrong address, the 40 days from the point of your first letter is still relevent. Get back to them and let them know the clock is ticking
  11. Data Protection Act 1998 is the law they are permitted the 40 days under
  12. Can't really do much except reiterate what Michael has written. So, I'll paste my clicky-link what to do post As mentioned, take a look at the FAQ section, in particular the Frequently Asked Questions, the Step-by-Step Instructions, and the Rules of Engagement. When you are familiar with these, you should then take a look at the Bank Templates Library, copy the letter you need to your word processor of choice, crack your knuckles, and get editing
  13. Keep it up bud (aka Roalith from OCUK forums)
  14. Not quite sure what you're working at there andy1ad. There are template letters in the Bank Templates Library available for what you need - a preliminary approach letter and a letter before action, to name but two. I'd suggest you read the Frequently Asked Questions forum, in particular the Step-by-Step Instructions, the FAQs themselves, and the Rules of Engagement. You'd do well to read the other threads in there too Once you've got those under your belt, take a look at the Bank Templates Library. It contains all the letters you should need to see your claim through to the end
  15. Hi DbD, O/DRAFT INTEREST CHARGE and ACCOUNT CHARGE are exempt (well, kinda - more expanation of O/Draft Interest below). Account charge is simply a charge for the day-to-day running of the account, usually between £5 and £12/month depending on the account type. O/Draft Interest is a sticky area. It depends which person you ask what their response will be. However, crux of the issue is that you may only claim the overdraft interest where the interest has been applied to the unlawful charges - hence, unlawful interest. What complicates matters is, for example, where the figure is proportional - say you have a £100 authorised overdraft up to the limit, £70 of which is normal stuff and £30 is a charge. You receive a £10 interest charge - you can therefore only claim £3 interest back. There is a spreadsheet available in the templates library for working this out, however, it can be a headache to do so.
  16. Might be wise to redn1ck!
  17. Unlucky Pete. Can't say you weren't forwarned though :/
  18. Is she single? ... what? Sorry In all seriousness, really sorry to hear this absolutely disgusting story Boobaby, and glad to hear she got another interview - hope it went well. Can't really add anything to the advice already offered - I hope you've suggested she persues the CAB/Industrial Tribunal route to get these buggers for what they did to her? And yep, it's a sad fact that this sort of thing still happens in this day and age. On the one hand we're always told we're a civilised society, and in the same breath we're told that employment in the city in the particular comes down to the Law of the Jungle. Just take consolation from the fact that the assistant manager will probably be scraping the crap off your daughter's boot heels in her next life
  19. Hi Ashley, Sorry noone's got back to you sooner - as you've no doubt noticed this place can get a bit busy sometimes. There may well be precedent to go after the consolidation loan amount - I seem to recall a thread in the Lloyds forum no less where someone added a £10,000 consolidation loan to their charges - and Lloyds paid up. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/lloyds-bank/5584-janeyb-lloyds-massive-settlement.html is the thread. I sent my Prelim to the 125 Colmore Row - Birmingham address. Should do the trick
  20. Hi Daliai, One thing which will help you through is reading and re-reading threads of others who have successfully finished their claims - such as my own, Mjanet's, PrincessAphrodite's, etc etc etc. Do not be disheartened by Lloyd's tactics, that is exactly what they're hoping for. Carry on with your course of action - their 14 day's response time for the LBA is well and truly up, so read up about filing a claim - in particular the "Particulars of Claim" (!) in the Bank Templates Library, then head over to http://www.moneyclaim.gov.uk and get that claim filed :D
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