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Everything posted by mr.ton

  1. You need to CCA them to see if they should be collecting on this debt in the 1st place. If they cannot produce anything then stop paying immediately - until such time, just stick with the £7.50 & do not be bullied into paying more. Refuse to answer security questions if they harrass you by phone.
  2. Is the OP a homeowner..it doesnt say 1 way or the other? A CCJ is only a problem is you intend on trying to get credit for 6 years - even then, im not certain they make much difference (but thats a seperate debate altogether ) Like i said, if they want to make F & F then great/go for it etc....if not, then they dont have to for all the reasons ive stated.
  3. Why is it not objective exactly? Contrary to popular myth, the county courts are actually there to help/assist people (most of the time) DCA's lie,cheat,bully,move goalposts & change payment amounts when they feel like it, as we all know. So in most cases (not all i accept), the intervension of a county court can be a good thing in that the matter is sorted out based on what is best for the OP & the DCA is powerless to do/say otherwise. In this example, Lowells are notorious & hardly have a good reputation on here, so would you really trust them not to pull a fast one on the OP once F & F has been made? I certainly wouldnt
  4. If Minmac wishes to make payment/sort the matter out - then thats fine & entirely upto them - i was merely pointing out that if they do not wish to, then they are under no obligation to do so. Only if a court orders payment is when they have to comply - no other time. DCA's lie,cheat,bully & move the goalposts as we all know - so rather than anyone making out that going to court is somehow a bad thing, it can be a good thing in that the whole thing gets sorted out once & for all and on the basis of whats best for the OP, not whats best for the DCA.
  5. Exactly what i said As mentioned afterwards - the most a DCA can do is ASK for payment, they have no legal basis to actually obtain that payment - only the courts have that power.
  6. Just delete messages & ignore. Refuse to answer their security question if you ever do speak to them on the phone. Report them to the OFT if need be...
  7. It will cost them money to make someone Bankrupt & they'd be lucky to receive a £1 per month once all outgoings have been catered for. Its just a standard threat by the notorious Leeds losers. Report them to the authorities etc...
  8. You are under no legal obligation to offer them anything at all. Only a county court has legal powers to money off you
  9. I wonder when the 1st DCA test case will ever happen?
  10. For the record....BCW are full of cr*p & soon go away when told to in no uncertain terms.
  11. They have to work overtime to hit the commission targets that they are having no luck hitting during working daytime hours
  12. Refuse to answer security questions if they ring you for starters
  13. You kinda get the feeling that Kacey is being driven to the point of a breakdown by the effect this site is having on Lowells & the DCA industry in general
  14. Posted on 2nd Oct by Kasey polly. have fun getting these deletted,crazy debt trawling demented halfwit. viva lowells the best debt chasers in the uk. ya cag nobend dreamer
  15. I like this bit from Kacey a few posts on Hi Rebecca, Ive found your file, which has the exact amount of £47.19 which matches up with the information you have posted here. The debt was passed onto us from 3G to recover in full. After your remarks about me, I am going to go out of my way to make sure you repay every penny. Even through the small claims court, just to teach you a lesson. We will see how thick I am!!
  16. This is the part were Kacey starts I actually work for lowell, we are a legal debt purchaser, if we are calling then i would advise to make contact, i know it can get annoying and people try and burry there heads in the sand, but we do try and help your financial circumstances, be fair with us ans we are fair back... keep avoiding us and unfortunately youll end up in court with exsessive fees. however we do not add any interest on our debt, we do not give penatly charges, but we do have to put up with a lot of abuse from customers not wanting to pay there debt. IF YOU HAVE SPENT IT Sounds alot like trolls we ve had on here in the past
  17. Welcome to the DCA/solicitor merry go round
  18. If the DCA's know that for each threatogram they send they will be charged a standard fee, then they may think twice.
  19. Thought i would float this with the Caggers to get feedback etc.. What do others think of the idea of charging a DCA a fee (to be decided?) for each threatening letter that they send? Discuss
  20. Once 3 get you under their wing..they dont let you go, i know this from experience.
  21. They do long for simpler pre CAG days when debtors just did as they were told & paid up. Sadly for them - consumer websites such as this will just go from strength to strength as technology becomes ever more advanced.
  22. It matters not...they will have exactly the same problems with a new set up/company as they had with the old one
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