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Everything posted by lickthewallfatboy

  1. which is even funnier,as the gap there would be 7 years and STILL statute barred
  2. the ICO can fine them,so I would certainly send all off to them as it can't do any harm
  3. I killed off MBNA about 3 years ago,so I don't take any real up to date interest in them I just though the comments made by the 2 "consumer advisors" very enlightening shows you which side of the pitch they're playing on
  4. no doubt this has been posted,but it's the first I've heard,so there you go!! I'm not interested in the claims companies-but the case itself,and also the very interesting comments by so called consumer advisory services-TAKE NOTE PEOPLE!!!! Daily Express | YourMoney :: Bank in dock over an £8,000 credit card bill A COURT has wiped out an £8,000 credit card bill because of mistakes made by the issuing bank when it set up the deal. Campaigners say the case could open the way for thousands of other borrowers to have debts cancelled, due to errors or dodgy sales practices employed by lenders. The main grounds on which Judge Smart at Newcastle County Court said Lynne Thorius’s credit card debt was unrecoverable was because lender MBNA could not provide a copy of the original signed loan agreement, which is a requirement under the Consumer Credit Act. The judge also said that because Ms Thorius was mis-sold payment protection insurance (PPI), which added thousands of pounds to the overall debt, she should have her slate wiped clean. The court pointed out that the firm had earned commission for the optional insurance policy, yet not disclosed it at the outset. This type of insurance is sold to cover loan repayments if the borrower becomes unable to work through illness or unemployment. The complaints handling firm which represented Ms Thorius, Cartel Client Review, said this case would “open the floodgates for millions of consumers”. In return for a fee, such firms promise to take over liability for debts and then take advantage of legal loopholes to get the debt cancelled. Claims companies say it is possible to get debt wiped in cases where the original credit agreement may be legally unenforceable — for example if it stated the wrong rate of interest. Yet debt charities have concerns over such practices. Frances Walker at the Consumer Credit Counselling Service, said: “Where people can repay debts, they should do so, and not look for legal loopholes to get out of it. Otherwise, where will it all end?” Steve Wilcox at the Citizens Advice Bureau, said: “These companies have had some success but there’s a moral issue here in that they try to get people out of their commitments.” Charities have warned of the dangers of paying in advance for this sort of service when there is no guarantee of getting the money back. Walker said: “Exercise extreme caution in paying any money up front. We have heard of many cases where people pay, only to be told nothing can be done for them.” In February, the Ministry of Justice urged companies to stop making false claims in advertisements. Walker said: “Often they are claiming they can wipe debt because if the creditor can’t produce the original agreement, the debt is legally unenforceable. But the Office of Fair Trading has said this is not always the case.”
  5. after due consideration,we've decided not to pursue legal action,but we'll still farm this crap around the DCA block to see if some other eejit will take it on
  6. it's not over yet read the announcements in the stickies above
  7. Oftel - faqs Can I record telephone conversations on my home phone? Yes. The relevant law, RIPA, does not prohibit individuals from recording their own communications provided that the recording is for their own use. Recording or monitoring are only prohibited where some of the contents of the communication - which can be a phone conversation or an e-mail - are made available to a third party, ie someone who was neither the caller or sender nor the intended recipient of the original communication. For further information see the Home Office website where RIPA is posted. Do I have to let people know that I intend to record their telephone conversations with me? No, provided you are not intending to make the contents of the communication available to a third party. If you are you will need the consent of the person you are recording I don't think a court comes under "third party" in this instance
  8. you don't have to tell them you're recording the call it's up to the judge to decide on the day,not the pest who's calling you
  9. yep buy a truecall and invoice them for the cost,since their actions made you buy it and take them to court when they don't pay up
  10. they must have some size of a warehouse to keep all these doorsteps in woooooo scary stuff
  11. start charging them £20 for each letter you send them you'll soon offset the balance
  12. I have to say that notice is a gem.....
  13. I'm in the process of trying to get Call Credit to remove double defaults they're mucking around,so it's off to court we go for compensation as default removal......it's the only language these people seem to appreciate
  14. they'll have bother finding me on the electoral register there's nobody worth voting for anyway
  15. yes You should use the "prove it" letter in the template section
  16. try contacting your mobile provider and see if they'll change your number due to nuisance calls I know Orange will do this for you
  17. they really are dumb I've got them chasing their tails at the minute.....I'm willing to bet they hate to see a letter landing with my name on it
  18. well,if you're sure that the last acknowledgement of said alleged debt was definitely 2003,then it's either stature barred already,or will be in around 5 weeks.....in the worst scenario I wouldn't even acknowledge them,but I would SAR Three,just to be on the safe side that should show up when you last paid anything you're on the pig's back if the above is the case I wouldn't believe what a DCA told me-even if he said the pope was a catholic,I'd still check it out for myself
  19. that's a right load of crap,isn't it? not even one prescribed term to be seen-I'd let them bluster away and get their blood pressure right up
  20. it's in N.Ireland...slightly different procedure,but the basics are the same your help will be most welcome
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