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Everything posted by lickthewallfatboy

  1. shows how totally desperate DCA's are becoming slap it right up them big time
  2. I think anyone (alleged debtor) who tries to persuade a court as claimant re the enforceabilty or otherwise of any agreement is tugging the tiger by the tail this is utter lunacy-sit back and put the onus on the DCA's and OC's to prove their case silly move IMHO
  3. No they are not allowed to sell them on-but no-one pulls them up on it
  4. sounds right Then string them along till they think they are going to get something before blowing them out big time All that potential commission should have the threatmonkey doing the wrists
  5. well,a lawyer would do,wouldn't they?
  6. it goes to show this forum is a real threat to these idiots What has he achieved?Exactly nothing Maybe it's the much vaunted CSA fightback Wooooooooooo scary
  7. ladies and gentlemen I refer you to the post I made on page 2 of this thread Hate to say I told you so
  8. just refresh our memories a bit and tell us which court it was and who was the judge?
  9. are you sure Equidebt don't pass the crap on to Advantis? I don't want to go into too much detail for obvious reasons,but it seems that way to me
  10. it looks like one is the proxy for the other interesting Equidebt have now qualified as the newest member of my staff training scheme by trying to be clever-invoices on the way!! idiots
  11. are these 2 sets of leeches in any way officially connected?
  12. halifax easycash if we were able to get it,anyone can!! LOL prepaid debit cards are the biz
  13. That Lowell bitch is certifiable and should be sectioned under the mental health act
  14. the gauntlet needs throwing down from the get go Challenge them head on to take you to court and that the original agreement must be produced Put them right behind the 8 ball and cut out the time wasting!
  15. I think they believe it will raise your stress levels I'm afraid I can"t even raise a yawn
  16. They're all a bunch of losers who need to find themselves a life,but don't know where to look
  17. OFT continue to be as useless at enforcing consumer rights as they were in 2009
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