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Everything posted by determindator

  1. That's a good find which shows most of the first part of my find, my find showed coming to a stop at end of runway. Then there was a bit more vid content afterwards. If I was on the plane I would have to brace myself that I wasn't going to land first time:madgrin: The pilot is hired!!
  2. is it this one Hi Ford, not that vid, no idea why the vid I found not linking. In my previous post there's a Youtube title which should go directly to it. It's got 487000+ views
  3. That plane has gone round again it's missed my previous post:lol:
  4. Here's a collection of videos of the landing experience on St Helena, for adrenaline junkies:plane:: It's shot off again i'll try and get a visual and report back. This video is as tricky as the landing! Nope won't land on here at the moment. I can only guide you to YouTube Comair BA 737-800 landing at St Helena. Buckle up!
  5. OK worked it out. The Bankfodder tab at the top of the forum is dated 15th June 2017 and link has picked up that info. I still do not know any more about a post which says 'Swift have been ordered to pay....' Maybe the search engine has picked up the historic info of when they were fined I believe.
  6. I did a Google search for recent court cases, I typed Swift Advances cases 2017. A link appeared to CAG this forum. It took me to the Swift page here not to a specific post. The search description said, 15th June 2017 views 10076 + post Swift have been ordered to pay..... I can't find this post in Swift forum. Can anyone throw any light on the info provided please.
  7. Should've tried Purple Bricks! Maybe renting though. I was thinking Nysti that any num that shows in your phone log which is not a named contact, you could pick out and block or block straight after you see a rogue num. Hope he gets a new home soon or changes his mind for you:-D
  8. I don't know if you have or want to call them all to pass on the message but can you block the nums to stop the calls.
  9. Interesting point here CD. See point 2. I'll look in again later. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/money-saving-tips/11208634/Can-I-get-a-refund-on-unused-train-tickets-Do-I-have-to-pay-my-rail-fine.html Virgin seem to be helpful for customers https://www.virgintrainseastcoast.com/customer-service/contact-us/refund/online-ticket/
  10. Thanks for clarifying how it's been going. Good idea, send him a statement showing what he's paid and what is owed. You may want to show a breakdown i.e if you adding court costs to it, interest. You are up to speed on what the court awarded you with interest etc. Enclose a copy of the form you received from Court and that you noticed empty spaces. I understand the Court won't go into the legal advice but should be able to tell you which forms you need to complete to return to court and the payment. To update CD, what has been paid in six months? He hasn't been wronged, he benefited from your generosity.
  11. A twist in the tale. Monarch looking rocky. Will Mr O'L poach their pilots? Offer to buy the planes at a knock down price? This is presuming Ryanair is very solvent.
  12. Hi CD, I would ring the court tomorrow say you want to ask a question concerning your case, with case number at the ready. The defendant did not keep to the court order and you want to return to the court to get the defendant to prove his financial position and stick to the order given. What costs will I have to pay in advance? See what that throws up first tell us here what their reply is. Going forward, whatever the costs this time around I think should be added to the amount owed. It's not right not to do so. This person has decided not to speak to you to explain his circumstances or apologise so you have limited choices to recover your money if there's no communication. Would be ideal to get a more substantial amount paid to you per month and set for a longer time as you're being given the run around.
  13. Has anyone on here ever owned one of these http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C890403
  14. Good try UncleB! but theere's no stopping Daring Dave:lol:
  15. Too much information! or miss information:lol:
  16. Sounds like a cross between the TV dramas 'Liar' and 'Dr Foster' Could throw in 'Fifty Shades'. Very naughty PhilMC
  17. Ryanair unacceptable attitude to this debacle does not surprise me. Mr M O'Leary came across to me in interviews as my way or the highway. I wouldn't say a very negotiable type seemed to treat issues with contempt. It makes me wonder all this bluster from the Ryanair side is a smoke screen and delay tactics for going out of business. Bankrupt? difficult for customers to get recompense then. Ryanair should be made to refund or whatever the consumer rights are in each case now. The cockpits look cramped to me, back of pilot chair nearly touching the door.
  18. The poster/s can conceal themselves easily if they want to, different IP address for instance. Yes, if from the same device and location can be detected same person/s.
  19. Very good to hear Philmc. Got your mojo and focus You are on the road to sort your business affairs to your satisfaction.
  20. What about a Labour Lottery for the many not the few:-o Much smaller amounts of money for tickets could be 50p or less spreading the weekly pot over many people. National lottery now £2 odds are low to win. Food for thought for a vote on that.
  21. Just quickly, I read in one of your posts you were going to use one solicitor for one issue and another for another issue. Maybe better to use one solicitor for the whole issue. Check your solicitor is properly bonafide. https://sra.org.uk/consumers/problems/fraud-dishonesty/bogus-fake-solicitors.page Just for the record, you may be in an area where the CAB is more busy than other areas. Any CAB office can be utilised so finding a less busy office is an option. I know you are not going down that route but I read what you said about your experience so just for other readers to know.
  22. Right you are getting stuck in now Philm and as others say get legal advice. nothing to lose with CAB visit and they will either be in a position to get involved or they will guide you to a local solicitor who should give you at least half an hour free time to talk and what the next step is. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/
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