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Everything posted by ODC

  1. Dear Cretins Thank you for advising me that you intend bringing this matter to court. You will by doing this save me the cost of bringing an action against you for which I thank you. I shall gladly use the Court hearing to point out to the district judge your abject failure to comply with S 77/78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 as well as the offences you have committed under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. I thank you once again and look forward to receiving your summons in due course. yours etc
  2. And that is why they are known as THE LEEDS LOSERS
  3. Bit like a visit to a proctologist. You stare at arseholes every day
  4. You are thinking of the REAL world not the parallell universe which is DCA World. The idiots churn out rubbish and believe if the use BOLD RED LETTERS and words they do not understand you will give in to their illegal demands
  5. Especially as ***** ***'* scrawl of a signature is on it
  6. The Leeds Loser or in fact any DCA are NOT obliged to supply you with a copy of the DEED of Assignment
  7. *****HOT TIP******* Creosote Its good over fences I'll get my coat!!!!!
  8. Hopefully Sarah Brown will do the country a favour some night with a pillow.
  9. However in fairness to Ratner he WAS telling the truth. Insurance companies like Abacus charge the forces a hefty premium each month to cover them so shouldnt be at all surprised when a squaddie has to claim. In a decent society people would have nothing but the greatest respect towards a young guy like this who fought against his disability to do what he did at the Cup Final. Instead we have a greedy insurance company who are looking an excuse to cancel his payout. I bet they dont send door to door agents to Helmand to collect the premiums. No!! I bet they are all sitting on their superannuated arses in their cosy air-conditioned offices thinking of the bonus they can claim for denying this man his entitlement.
  10. Unfortuneately due to the upcoming election this petition has been suspended. Lets hope someone reactivates it when Mr Cameron enters No.10
  11. A HEARTLESS insurance firm has axed a £25,000 payout to crippled war hero Private Dave Tartlock - because he bravely managed to hobble out at Wembley with the Carling Cup. Millions of TV viewers were touched as they saw the Final's guest of honour courageously cast his walking stick aside and limp on to the pitch carrying the trophy. But also watching was a stony-faced clerk from Forces' insurers Abacus. And the hard-hearted penpusher went straight into work next day and STOPPED the Afghanistan casualty's £25,000 claim for compensation for his appalling wounds. BRAVE: Dave in action in Afghanistan Last night Dave, 20, from 2 Para, said: "I can't get my head around what they've done. They didn't even have the courtesy to ring me directly about it. I found out from my mum." Doctors told Dave he could be left paralysed after being hit in the spine by shrapnel when an Apache helicopter mistakenly opened fire on British troops two years ago. But the tough soldier astonished them all by battling back to walk with the aid of a stick. He qualified for compensation so he put in a claim with Abacus for loss of the use of a foot. "My left one will never have any feeling and needs a splint," said Dave. "My calves don't work but I can hobble with a stick." The lifelong Man United fan was thrilled when he was chosen to carry the trophy out on to the pitch before his team's final against Aston Villa in February in recognition of his remarkable achievement. Dave, from Gorton, Manchester, said: "I trained for weeks carrying vases around my house. I managed to carry the trophy that day and didn't fall. I was so proud." STUNNED: Pte Dave Then came the Abacus bombshell that they were rejecting his claim. Instead of ringing him direct they called the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre at Headley Court in Surrey where he was being treated to say he wouldn't be paid because he had been seen walking. The centre then told his mum. "It's absolutely sickening - I pay £56 a month for this insurance cover," added Dave. "I've been pushing myself to get better and then they do something like this. It's a lot of money for me, but that's not the point. They don't know what I've been through." Last night a spokesman for soldiers' charity the ABF said: "Someone who has been injured in the line of duty deserves maximum respect rather than the tick-box attitude of a jobsworth." A spokesman for Abacus - who boast of "friendly, knowledgeable staff" on their website - said: "We are looking into David's case. We have no desire to wriggle out of paying a claim if it is due."
  12. Just shows the dangers of checking your Credit Report with the DCAs friends in Experian. They pass your new address on to the leeches
  13. Just because it says it is an agreement regulated under The Consumer Credit Act 1974 does not actually mean its legal. Dear Gemma I am surprised that I need to explain to a ''compliance officer'' as to why the pre-contractural Application Form does not constitute an Enforceable Agreement. The Application Form which you have graciously sent me several times now does NOT contain all of the prescribed terms and as a result is Unenforceable. yors etc
  14. Next time they ask who you are say Gwen They will say Gwen who?? To which you reply Gwen **** yourself
  15. Worst Credit realise what they have is a pile of toilet paper so in order to make a couple of quid and ease ***** ***'* bank balance they sell it on to the fools in Kilmarnock who lets face it will buy anything Except Doughnuts
  16. Money wrongly taken from accounts A finance company has accidentally taken money from the bank accounts of hundreds of people in Northern Ireland. Customers affected took out financing with Creation Consumer Finance Limited which is based in Belfast. At least 600 people had sums of between £50 and £100 taken from their account on 16 March 2010. In a statement, the company confirmed that due to a technical error a batch of Direct Debit Mandates "was processed for collection when it should not have been". The company sent a letter to all customers affected on 19 March 2010 to alert them to the problem and to explain the steps that should be taken to recover any monies collected incorrectly. But UTV understands that some are still waiting to have their money reimbursed. Alison Donnelly from the General Consumer Council said people should get a "full and immediate refund". "If customers find that money has been taken from their account by mistake they can go to the bank and under the direct debit guarantee they can get a full and immediate refund," she said. "This is really important to customers in case they are slipping into the red and incur bank charges."
  17. It seems to me that these clowns have dug themselves into a hole and instead of digging out of it they are digging deeper and deeper. Hopefully they will dig themselves into HELL because it wont be full until all DCAs are in it:D
  18. They are entitled to nothing. In all probability this alleged debt is Statute Barred by now
  19. All the DCA pre-pubescent threat monkeys will be going blind again:eek:
  20. Send the one which refers to English Common law omitting the word English. In NI common law is just referred to as common law.
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