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    • If you are buying a used car – you need to read this survival guide.
      • 1 reply
    • Hello,

      On 15/1/24 booked appointment with Big Motoring World (BMW) to view a mini on 17/1/24 at 8pm at their Enfield dealership.  

      Car was dirty and test drive was two circuits of roundabout on entry to the showroom.  Was p/x my car and rushed by sales exec and a manager into buying the mini and a 3yr warranty that night, sale all wrapped up by 10pm.  They strongly advised me taking warranty out on car that age (2017) and confirmed it was honoured at over 500 UK registered garages.

      The next day, 18/1/24 noticed amber engine warning light on dashboard , immediately phoned BMW aftercare team to ask for it to be investigated asap at nearest garage to me. After 15 mins on hold was told only their 5 service centres across the UK can deal with car issues with earliest date for inspection in March ! Said I’m not happy with that given what sales team advised or driving car. Told an amber warning light only advisory so to drive with caution and call back when light goes red.

      I’m not happy to do this, drive the car or with the after care experience (a sign of further stresses to come) so want a refund and to return the car asap.

      Please can you advise what I need to do today to get this done. 

      Many thanks 
      • 81 replies
    • Housing Association property flooding. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/topic/438641-housing-association-property-flooding/&do=findComment&comment=5124299
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    • We have finally managed to obtain the transcript of this case.

      The judge's reasoning is very useful and will certainly be helpful in any other cases relating to third-party rights where the customer has contracted with the courier company by using a broker.
      This is generally speaking the problem with using PackLink who are domiciled in Spain and very conveniently out of reach of the British justice system.

      Frankly I don't think that is any accident.

      One of the points that the judge made was that the customers contract with the broker specifically refers to the courier – and it is clear that the courier knows that they are acting for a third party. There is no need to name the third party. They just have to be recognisably part of a class of person – such as a sender or a recipient of the parcel.

      Please note that a recent case against UPS failed on exactly the same issue with the judge held that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 did not apply.

      We will be getting that transcript very soon. We will look at it and we will understand how the judge made such catastrophic mistakes. It was a very poor judgement.
      We will be recommending that people do include this adverse judgement in their bundle so that when they go to county court the judge will see both sides and see the arguments against this adverse judgement.
      Also, we will be to demonstrate to the judge that we are fair-minded and that we don't mind bringing everything to the attention of the judge even if it is against our own interests.
      This is good ethical practice.

      It would be very nice if the parcel delivery companies – including EVRi – practised this kind of thing as well.


      OT APPROVED, 365MC637, FAROOQ, EVRi, 12.07.23 (BRENT) - J v4.pdf
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Glenn Vs Barclaycard

Glenn UK

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My wife tells me there are some statements at home from good ole B/Card.


Not the lot but enough to estimate a claim plus interest at the contractual rate of course.


guess i will be busy tonight writing my prelim letter and working out the estimated claim.



Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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Quick quesiotn, i dont have all the statements from barclaycard and Im minded to pursue the bank for them.


I do have enough to estimate a claim for the period i had my B/card though.


Is it worth the aggro to save the estimated claim over a precise one?


I think they still have a couple of weeks to supply then if i write and tell them.


Just curious what others have done.



Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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Dear Mr.Farrell


Account Number: xxxxxxxxxx


I am in receipt of your letter dated 10th August 2006, and note the contents therein.


I am a little disappointed, although not surprised, that you have failed to understand the implications of the case of Smith –v-Lloyds Bank PLC (2005) for your organisation and the system you use for storing your archived records.


It is surprising that you are claiming to use a system for the storage of archived material which cannot be effectively searched and relevant records retrieved.


In contrast you offer to provide copies of the relevant data for a small fee of £3.00. This is interesting since you seem to be telling me that the penalties applied to may account for late payment, as an example, which are applied as the result of an automatic function of your accounting system and involve no manual intervention, cost Barclaycard £20.00 every time.


Bearing in mind the apparent difficulty in retrieving the archived records compared with the cost of applying a penalty automatically, one would have thought that the relative costs would have been reversed.


For what its worth I would have thought a service you are providing to customers and non-customers alike, as opposed to fulfilling a statutory duty, would have been charged at commercial rates. Credit card companies are not known for their charitable nature so it is refreshing to see you expending so much effort in offering to retrieve data, at what much be a substantial loss, especially for non-customers like my self. I wonder what the implications there are in your stated position for when I submit my claim for the recovery of penalty charges and failure to comply with my S.A.R - (Subject Access Request).


However, The main purpose of writing to you today was not to debate the relative merits of our arguments with respect to the Data Protection Act but to confirm my intent to continue with my Subject Access Request as set out in my previous correspondence.


My request was for a complete list of transactions and charges relating to my account since I opened my account – in short, a list of charges with dates and amounts – alternatively, a complete set of account statements for that period will be acceptable. This should be retrievable from your accounting systems, and easy for you to produce. I will accept a computer print out of these transactions.


I am aware that you have been willing and able to provide other customers with a print-out of transaction information – and am ready to bring this to the attention of the Information Commissioner should it prove necessary. It is worth noting that the information you have already sent to me appears to have been generated from a computer rather than copies of microfiched records.


This letter has been sent by first class recorded delivery, and therefore should have reached you by 10th August 2006 – as you will be aware, as of this date you have just 20 days in which to comply with my request. As stated above, a complete set of account statements for the period in question will be acceptable; however, I expect this to be provided within the time period for Data Protection Act compliance.


Should there be any further attempts to delay compliance, I will be left with no alternative but to commence a County Court action under section 7, and section 15(2) of the Data Protection Act 1998, and in due course, escalate this matter into an official complaint to the Information Commissioner and the FSA.



I dont really think anyone will read this but it made me feel better.



Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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Dear Mr.Farrell


Account Number: xxxxxxxxxx


I am in receipt of your letter dated 10th August 2006, and note the contents therein.


Should there be any further attempts to delay compliance, I will be left with no alternative but to commence a County Court action under section 7, and section 15(2) of the Data Protection Act 1998, and in due course, escalate this matter into an official complaint to the Information Commissioner and the FSA.



I dont really think anyone will read this but it made me feel better.



Hi Glenn,

just read your letter. I bet it made you feel better. Still, I have a question, if you don't mind me asking: Am I mistaken or are you solely after information concerning your bank charges? I understand the SAR to be for much more info than that and was just wondering, since in your letter you seem to not be bothered about that, it sounds like you just want them to send all your statements (which is difficult enough, I know!!!).

Anyway, good luck to you ;)

-Warms (Alexandra)-


Whatever I post is just my opinion, no more, no less!:!:


NatWest=>settled in full, no strings!:D

NatWest creditcard=>settled in full, no strings!:D

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I understand that you are dead right, the SAR can be about ALL the qualifying data they hold on you assuming its held on a relvant filing system.


Is there anything you are thining of asking for apart from statements?



Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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I understand that you are dead right, the S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) can be about ALL the qualifying data they hold on you assuming its held on a relvant filing system.


Is there anything you are thining of asking for apart from statements?



Hello Glenn,

well, yes, I need the statements/charges to find out how much they owe us, but I would also like to know if they have more info stored and and if so what kind.

Also: my finacé has been with Barclaycard since 1984-ish and went through some difficult times, so there might be stuff stored he'd prefer to get rid of.

(I am doing this for him because I have more time on my hands.)

Are you sending your letter tomorrow?

Take care!;)

-Warms (Alexandra)-


Whatever I post is just my opinion, no more, no less!:!:


NatWest=>settled in full, no strings!:D

NatWest creditcard=>settled in full, no strings!:D

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The letter posted above was sent yesterday by recorded delivery because its time sensitive. ie im telling them they are still on the time limit as far as im concerned and i dont want them to claim i was being unfair in anyway when it gets to court.





Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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The letter posted above was sent yesterday by recorded delivery because its time sensitive. ie im telling them they are still on the time limit as far as im concerned and i dont want them to claim i was being unfair in anyway when it gets to court.






Fingers crossed for you!

What does HTH mean?

-Warms (Alexandra)-


Whatever I post is just my opinion, no more, no less!:!:


NatWest=>settled in full, no strings!:D

NatWest creditcard=>settled in full, no strings!:D

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hope that helps





Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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hope that helps






-Warms (Alexandra)-


Whatever I post is just my opinion, no more, no less!:!:


NatWest=>settled in full, no strings!:D

NatWest creditcard=>settled in full, no strings!:D

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Yeah its true, another damn standard BC letter, slighty different to the previous one but im certain that many of you will have seen it. just gotta wait a few more days and then issue the prelim for non-complaince with the SAR. Hope you and they enjoy the bit about fiche systems in this one.

Data Protection Act disclosure request


Dear Mr.Farrell





Account Number: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


I am in receipt of your letter dated 17th August 2006, and note the contents therein.


I note that you are puzzled about the legal case quoted in my letter.


Well it is now my turn to be puzzled. This is the third standard letter you have sent to me and it refers to my letter of the 26th July 2006. I can find no record of this letter having been sent. Im puzzled to know what it was about?


It may interest you to know that I have spoken to an individual who worked in a microfiche department retrieving records for customers. This former employee has provided an insight into the way that the fiche system works for the retrieval of statements and other records and this leads me to believe that microfiche sytems used for the storage of statements are in fact ‘relevant filing systems’ within the meaning of the Data Protection Act. This information has been forwarded to the Information Commissioners Office with a recommendation that they investigate and provide an opinion as to the status of those records.


I would also add that your assertion that your records cannot be searched effectively is bordering on the ludicrous. Especially when you offer non-customers what must be on that basis, a loss making service to provide them with copy statements.


I know you wont read this letter, but you should reflect that when we get to court over your refusal to provide the relevant data, that this will be set before the judge including all my correspondence, so that when he makes the order instructing Barclaycard to comply and supply the data I request, he is unlikely to be pleased with your arrogant stance on this matter.




However, The main purpose of writing to you today was not to debate the relative merits of our arguments with respect to the Data Protection Act but to confirm my intent to continue with my Subject Access Request as set out in my previous correspondence.


My request was for a complete list of transactions and charges relating to my account since I opened my account – in short, a list of charges with dates and amounts – alternatively, a complete set of account statements for that period will be acceptable. This should be retrievable from your accounting systems, and easy for you to produce. I will accept a computer print out of these transactions.


I am aware that you have been willing and able to provide other customers with a print-out of transaction information covering this period – and am ready to bring this to the attention of the Information Commissioner should it prove necessary. It is worth noting that the information you have already sent to me appears to have been generated from a computer rather than copies of microfiched records.


This letter has been sent by first class recorded delivery, and therefore should have reached you by 22nd August 2006 – as you will be aware, as of this date you have just 9 days in which to comply with my request. As stated above, a complete set of account statements for the period in question will be acceptable; however, I expect this to be provided within the time period for Data Protection Act compliance.


Should there be any further attempts to delay compliance, I will be left with no alternative but to commence a County Court action under section 7, and section 15(2) of the Data Protection Act 1998, and in due course, escalate this matter into an official complaint to the Information Commissioner and the FSA.

Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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Request for repayment of charges

Dear Sir/Madam,

ACCOUNT NUMBER: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My request

I am writing to ask you to refund to me the charges which you have levied from my account over the last three years (03 – 06).

I now understand that the regime of fees which you have been applying to my account in relation to late payment fees and exceeding credit limit are unlawful at Common Law, Statute and recent consumer regulations. If you say that they are not, then will you please demonstrate this by letting me have a full breakdown of the costs to which you have been put by as a result of my breaches, in order to reassure me that your penalties really do reflect your costs.

Additionally, it has now been confirmed that your particularly high level of penalties are considered to be unfair per se by the OFT who reported on the 5th April 2006 and are therefore presumed to be unlawful in the absence of specific proof to the contrary.

Your responsibilities

I would draw your attention to the terms of the contract which you agreed to at the time that I opened my account. It is an implied term of that contract that you would conduct yourselves lawfully and in a manner which complies with UK law.

I am frankly shocked that you have operated my account in this way as I had always reposed confidence in your integrity and expertise as my fiduciary.

I consider that your repeated representations that your charges are fair and reasonable are deceptive and that they have deceived me into agreeing to pay them.

Your concealment of the true nature of your charges has prevented me from asserting my right until now.

What I require

I estimate that you have taken £xxx.xx plus interest which you have charged me. In intend to apply the interest rate of 27.9% which the cash advance rate applicable to my account I believe. The total charges include an estimated amount due to your refusal to comply with the Data Protection Act, Subject Access Request fully. The total currently owing as of the date of this letter is £xxx.xx For your information the interest is accruing on a daily basis and will do so until the claim is settled.

I enclose a schedule of the estimated charges which I am claiming with this letter. If the relevant statements are provided prior to the claim going to court I reserve the right to amend the claim in respect of the value and the period covered.

Additionally I believe you have entered a default notice against my credit record. This default occurred merely in respect of unlawful charges levied by you or was the result of impecuniosity caused directly by the taking by you of penalty charges which you had applied unlawfully to my account.

In addition to full payment of the sum mentioned above, I require that you remove the default entry from the register. Please note that mere correction or amendment to the entry will not be acceptable.

My targets to resolve this matter

I hope that you will enter into a sincere dialogue with me about this matter and I am writing this letter to you on the assumption that you will prefer to do this than merely respond with standard letters and leaflets.

I will give you 14 days to reply to me accepting, unconditionally, my request in principle and letting me know a date by which I will receive payment.

If you do not respond, or you do not respond positively, within this time period, I shall send you a letter before action giving you a further 14 days in which to reflect. I believe that these targets are more than sufficient for a large company such as yours with dedicated staff and departments.

After that, there will be no further communication from me and I shall issue a claim at the expiry of the second deadline.

Yours faithfully,

Glenn UK

Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Glenn


How are you getting on with B'stard Card?


I'm keen to know as I've just received the bizarre "microfiche/can't give you statements/records inaccesible/we don't use computers, just an abacus" load of bolony letter...


Have they replied to your letter of the 22nd yet?


I too will write to them tomorrow and see how they respond!


Good Luck


Helen (221b)

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No they didnt respond, nor did i exepct them to.


The primary purpose of writng to them was a) to make myself feel better and b) more importantly to ensure that i had formally rejected their contention that their system wasnt a relevant filing system.


b) seemed important for when i take them to court for non-compliance.


I am in the process of taking them to court.





Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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Hi Glenn


Did you decide to estimate your charges for pre May 04. If you did do you have any advice (ie how to) at adding estimated interest to estimated charges, as we know it can be a large chunk of money and we dont want them to get away with even 1p of your money . . . .

Miss P x x

FD £691.50 SETTLED IN FULL £691.50 :D






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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Ms Burgess,

ACCOUNT NUMBER: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I thank you for your letter dated 21st September 2006 and note the contents therein and would make the following comments.

  • My account was closed earlier this year!!!

  • The Office of Fair Trade did not recommend a specific fee, it suggested that it would automatically presume any fee above £12 was unlawful. You need to amend your letters because the OFT and your customers are fed up with statements such as these which are misleading.

  • Finally I accept you part offer of £168.00 and if you would like to send me a cheque for the same I would be obliged.

  • You will of course realise I have a duty to mitigate my losses prior to claiming for the balance at court, so will proceed with my claim for the balance.

Any comments or thoughts greaftully recevied.


Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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interesting point (well to me at least ), the £168 is the difference between their charges and the OFTs £12.00 comment.


So that means I have £420 worth of charges, which is more than i had on my schedule. Trouble is i dont know when they were applied so i have to revise the months where i have estimated and increase the claim accordingly.


They are helpful in some ways :-)



Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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It is the interesting point Glenn - I look forward to a similar offer revealing their knowledge of my charges also!


I love your earlier letters by the way - I think they do read them, then just lazily send out a stock response.


Shoddy communication from a shoddy organisation.


I know we all want our money back without court appearances - but if you end up going to court can I come along to watch them squirm please?


Good luck mate!

Morris v Halifax

Data Protection Act letter sent 20/6

Charge deducted from account 27/6

6 yrs statements received 25/8

Prelim sent 30/8 (£1014 charges + £156.11 interest).

Std reply & complaints leaflet received 5/9

Offer received £70 9/9

LBA sent 12/9

No reply to LBA - MCOL requested 26/9

Offer received 26/9 - £218.

MCOL issued 26/9, acknowledged 29/9

Offer 29/9 - full amount ex. o/draft interest

Accepted as partial

Credited to account 12/10

AQ sent for rest

Morris1 v Barclaycard

Prelim letter sent 31/8 (£60 charges + interest).

Standard reply 9/9

Offer 12/9 - full amount!! :smile:

Morris 2 v Barclaycard (Mrsbass!):

Data Protection Act letter sent 7/9

Standard reply received 19/9 inc statements 5/04 to date and microfiche bilge.

Prelim 20/9 £100+interest actual, +same estimated.

LBA 3/10

Partial offer £48 6/10

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Hello Glenn and all other interested parties!


I've received the general standard letters you mention above implying they run their storage system via a load of counters in a paper bag, but now I've hit upon a further problem:


My account has had not seen activity on it since 2003 and I don't even have a current Barclaycard as I've paid off my balance years ago. They are saying that as a result, they have nothing on record for me, yet in the same breath are offering to issue me statements at a cost of £3 a pop. So, do these statements not count as relevant records that they should supply me with copies of FOC under the SAR? How can they say on the one hand that they don't have the info, then offer to sell it to me on the other?!!


I just want to be clear on my position and what to say to them as the 40 days have been and gone (27th Sept) and I've just got two poxy letters for my £10 SAR fee so far!


Any suggestions as to what I might do next?


I'm aware that I need to proceed with their non-compliance of SAR, but any other suggestions?


I can't really estimate the charges at this stage as I really haven't a clue what they might be, having cleared out all the statements at the time and written it off as bad loss before the current trend for us consumers claiming back our fees had even started...


Many thanks all...


Helen (221b)

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Basically you have two choices, pay them for the statements or take them to court.


Right now the Information Commissioners Office are deliberating on whether Abbeys fiche is a relevant system or not. Im not sure i would advise you to issue a claim in court right now, hopefully the Information Commissioners Office will give their view next week.


I would wait until next week see if the Abbey systemk is declared relevant or not.


If its declared not relevant then decide whether to take them to court of buy them then.





Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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Basically you have two choices, pay them for the statements or take them to court.


Right now the Information Commissioners Office are deliderating on whether Abbeys fiche is a relevant system or not. Im not sure i would advise you to issue a claim in court right now, hopefully the Information Commissioners Office will give their view next week.


I would wait until next week see if the Abbey systemk is declared relevant or not.


If its declared not relevant then decide whether to take them to court of buy them then.




Thanks Glenn


I shall keep a look out for the results as you suggest. Not sure where'll I'll find them but will google nearer the time!


Can I not demand the statements as part of the SAR, as they clearly have the information in their possession that I am requesting, just that they want to charge me for it?


Appreciate your taking the time to assist me in amongst your own claims and tribulations with various institutions...


Many thanks



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Basically you have two choices, pay them for the statements or take them to court.


Right now the Information Commissioners Office are deliberating on whether Abbeys fiche is a relevant system or not. Im not sure i would advise you to issue a claim in court right now, hopefully the Information Commissioners Office will give their view next week.


I would wait until next week see if the Abbey system is declared relevant or not.


If its declared not relevant then decide whether to take them to court of buy them then.




Thanks Glenn


I shall keep a look out for the results as you suggest. Not sure where'll I'll find them but will google nearer the time!


Can I not demand the statements as part of the S.A.R - (Subject Access Request), as they clearly have the information in their possession that I am requesting, just that they want to charge me for it?


Appreciate your taking the time to assist me in amongst your own claims and tribulations with various institutions...


Many thanks






The results will be posted on here you wont haver to google for them, the ICO promised they would ring me and let me know, when i know the board will know quickly afterwards.


The DPA says you are entitled to know about data held on a relevant filing system they say the data isnt on a relevant filing system. Having the data is not sufficient for them to let you see it.


They dont want you to see it hence using the argument about the fiche.





Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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good info, thanks Glenn

-Warms (Alexandra)-


Whatever I post is just my opinion, no more, no less!:!:


NatWest=>settled in full, no strings!:D

NatWest creditcard=>settled in full, no strings!:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well im getting ready to send in the boys, ok well im going to file my claim heres the POC





1. The Claimant had an account xxxxxxxxxxxx("the Account") with the Defendant which was opened on or around November 2003 and closed on or around April 2006.


2. During the period in which the Account was operating the Defendant debited numerous charges to the Account in respect of purported breaches of contract on the part of the Claimant and also charged interest on the charges once applied. The Claimant understands that the Defendant contends that the charges were debited in accordance with the terms of the contract between itself and the Claimant.


3. A list of the charges applied is attached to these particulars of claim.


4. The Claimant contends that:


a) The charges debited to the Account are punitive in nature; are not a genuine pre-estimate of cost incurred by the Defendant; exceed any alleged actual loss to the Defendant in respect of any breaches of contract on the part of the Claimant; and are not intended to represent or related to any alleged actual loss, but instead unduly enrich the Defendant which exercises the contractual term in respect of such charges with a view to profit.


b) I find the charges listed on your statements are a disproportionate penalty and therefore unenforceable as they are contrary to common law. Regardless of the wording of automated letters sent to me, these charges constitute a “penalty charge” as the amounts bear no relation to the actual charges incurred by you. I have been advised to remind you that such penalty charges are legally unenforceable, even if a clause exists in the Terms and Conditions that authorizes such a charge.


c) The defendant concealed the nature of their charges and lead the claimant to mistakenly continue to pay the unlawful charges believing that they were lawful.


d) The claimants right of action has been deliberately concealed from him by the defendant.


e) The defendant continues to conceal both the nature of their unlawful charges and account holders rights to recover unlawful charges.


e) Further, as a disproportionate penalty they are invalid under the Unfair (Contracts) Terms Act 1977 s.4 and under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999. Para.8 and sch.2(1)(e). In the event that the charges are not a penalty then they are unreasonable within the meaning of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 s.15.


5. Accordingly the Claimant claims:


a) the return of the amounts debited in respect of charges in the sum of £xxx.xx and any interest charged thereon;


b) a declaration from this honourable court that the term of the contract leading to the application of the charges is unenforceable;


d) Court costs;


e) Interest at the contractual Rate of 27.9% per annum as set out on the attached list of charges as of the 23rd October 2006.


f) The Claimant also claims interest at a rate of 27.9%, from the date of each transaction to 23rd October 2006 of £xxx.xx, as set out in the attached list of charges. The claimant further claims interest at the same rate up to the date of judgment or earlier payment, at a daily rate of 0.07% per day.


The Claimant believes this rate to be justified under the principle of mutuality and reciprocity, and is based on the Defendants unauthorised overdraft interest rate that would be applied under the terms of the above mentioned account.


g) Should the court find that this interest rate is not applicable, then as an alternative the claimant wishes to claim Section 69 County Courts Act interest as set out on the attached list of charges or at such rate and for such periods as the court deems just.


Kick the shAbbey Habit


Where were you? Next time please



Abbey 1st claim -Charges repaid, default removed, interest paid (8% apr) costs paid, Abbey peed off; priceless

Abbey 2nd claim, two Accs - claim issued 30-03-07

Barclaycard - Settled cheque received

Egg 2 accounts ID sent 29/07

Co-op Claim issued 30-03-07

GE Capital (Store Cards) ICO says theyve been naughty

MBNA - Settled in Full

GE Capital (1st National) Settled

Lombard Bank - SAR sent 16.02.07

MBNA are not your friends, they will settle but you need to make sure its on your terms -read here

Glenn Vs MBNA

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