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Found 4 results

  1. Hi can some people give me advice please I’m really scared today I went into primark and tag changed a pair of boots and my daughter out 2 things in the pram now as I walked out security stopped me and took me to a room where the manager came in he didn’t show me I’d, no cameras in the room, no recordings were taken, no copies of the incident report, no police was involved they took my provisional license and photocopied it and said that I would receive a fine I’m a single mum of 2 and worried I won’t be able to afford the fine what can I do???
  2. Hi, I travelled with Jet2 in June this year and saw the baggage handlers at Ibiza airport drop my daughters pram from the belt onto the tarmac. On collecting it from the luggage carousel it was damaged. I completed the appropriate paperwork with the Jet2 agent who documented the pram was in excellent condition apart from the damage to the handle and mechanism to open the pram. The pram is now defunct due to negligent handling by the Ibiza Airport handling staff. Following the correct claims process Jet2 have offered £30 for the pram, this is around 5% of the original purchase price. I asked for their depreciation guidance as the pram is 4 years old and they haven't given any but after a number of letters back and forth they have now sent a cheque, even though I didn't settle with them. The letter with the cheque states if I cash it I am accepting the offer. Obviously I am not cashing the cheque. I do not expect to get full value back for the item, but it has barely been used. Do I have a case to take this forwards, how can I calculate acceptable depreciation on this item as I feel Jet2's depreciation isn't a fair offer at £30?
  3. Hi everyone, i was just doing some research on SOGA and came across this site. i would really apprieciate any help and advice as im starting to feel like giving up. In december 2011 i purchased a pram from a local independent nursery shop. It was meant to be a top of the range pram (Icandy) that to be honest we couldn't really afford but thought it would save us money in the long run as it would last and we would never have to buy another pram. It is a pram that can convert from a double to a single but after my baby was born in Dec my toddler decided she wanted to walk short distances so i was just using it as a single unless we went further than the shops, i also never folded it up as i don't drive. I am just pointed this out as i didn't really heavily use the pram to it's full capacity (ie. with 2 3yr old toddlers in it)and really looked after it as it was soooo much money. then in the middle of march i was walking with my baby in it and the handle started to feel loose so i rang the shop and they said to bring it in. The next day the handle fell apart in to 2 pieces, the whole chassis of the pram felt loose and like it could collapse at any moment just with a baby in it, and would have been dangerouse with my toddler in it aswell. I took it back to the shop and told them that i wanted a refund as i no longer trusted the brand. They said they would send it to Icandy to make sure it hadn't been misused or 'hit by a bus' unbelievable! And that Icandy had a 48hr repair and return system. they then dragged out some manky old buggy to put my baby in, i refused and they gave me an Icandy chassis to put by pram seat on which i was happy with. They rang me 2 weeks later saying the pram had been fixed for me to pick up (this proves to me how badley faulty the pram was as it took them so long to fix not 48hrs). At this point i said i wanted a refund and they just kept putting me off saying the manager wasn't there. I then sent them a letter asking for a refund, stating SOGA and saying that i would take them to a small claims court. They sent a letter acknowledging my letter then i didn't hear from them for a month so i sent another letter which they have ignored. sorry for such a long post but just want you to know all the facts. Also i paid on a visa debit card. Thanks,
  4. Hi, I need an advice if it is possible to get a refund and a reimburesement of costs of postage for returning a faulty item to the seller. One week before the end of the warranty (12 months warranty) while having a walk with my baby the buggy broke in serious and dangerous way: the aluminium frame got ripped around the front wheel and the wheel fell off. We had a narrow escape from an accident, as the buggy dangerously tipped. A couple of months earlier I had an email exchange with the retailer when I felt that the pram is visibly leaning to one side and one of the wheels seemed to be higher than the 3 others. The company said that they will attempt a repair but I was expected to be with no pram for 2 weeks and to pay for postage (with 9 months old baby these were impossible conditions, so I resigned and hoped that the pram will not deteriorate). Obviously the fault was more serious than I have anticipated and it led to the accident. What's worse the accident happened while abroad. I have immediately contacted the seller with the photographic evidence. The seller was unhelpful demanding that I send the pram over on my own cost from abroad (refusing to even meet the British part of the courier cost), they also said that they are not obligated to help anyway as my warranty was over (not true), they told me that they will weld my pram (which I find impossible, unsecure and unfit for use of any baby). They were very argumentative or non responsive for many days, which was terrible as I was stranded abroad only with email contact with the seller. At the end I had to purchase a stroller to be able to return to the UK. Seller says that it was my choice (not a necessity due to unresolved issue and lack of communication); after several emails they have agreed to loan me a pram, delivered to my uk address and only if I pay for a postage for the loan (both ways). They cannot replace the broken part of the pram as they do not produce this model anymore. I demanded initially a new pram but they said a firm no, so I purchased a pram abroad and now I want my money back. I absolutely would never put my baby in a welded pram! (I asked while abroad, everyone refused a repair due to liability over a child's safety). How would you go around this case? Do you think it's reasonable to ask for money and postage back? How should I respond to the seller if they said they have repaired the pram?
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