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Found 7 results

  1. Reference Swift Advances Being new to this site, yesterday I posted the following message on the back of continued subject of Swift Advances. I have since been advised to create a new thread on the subject. I have a Secured Loan with Swift Advances, the execution date of which was 31.07.06 The amount of credit for the Loan was £100k On the Statement there is an amount of Credit for PPP in the Sum of £10,696.00 A broker fee of £6000.00 Can anyone advise what the PPP is for - presumably not the same as PPI - I have since been advised that this stands for Payment Protection Policy, which is one in the same as PPI. On the basis that PPP is one in the same, can I attempt to recover in a similar way to PPI Given all I read on this site about Swift Advances, has anyone managed to successful claim against Swift Advances
  2. After reading various posts on the Forum regarding GE Money / FNB I was not holding much hope on receiving a positive response re my Subject Access Request. Sent 10/7/15 via recorded with payment Signed for and received 13/7/15 Reply dated 27/7/15 received today (see attached edited copy) Is this the usual standard response from GE ? Surely this is in breach of my request as they have not responded accordingly either way. I didn't even quote any account numbers but asked for everything under my said name ? And they did not even return my cheque as requested if nothing could be provided ? I do have CCA regulated agreement details and loan account number. Should I go back with details ? By the way it was regarding a loan for home improvements / windows and was paid up early. Any advise would be appreciated. Thank-you Also total loan £2,500 Single Insurance Premium added £270.30 Monthly Payment £53.14 Therefore £270.30 / £2,770.30 x 100 = 9.757% £53.14 x 9.757% = £5.18 insurance amount per month Is the calculation correct ? Thanks
  3. Hi all. My father had a cardiac operation and was under the impression that axa ppp healthcare would be paying for it as he had a policy with them. After the operation axa ppp healthcare turned around to say that it would not be covered as my father went in to the doctors once (around 4 years before) because he complained of chest discomfort due to some gas. This turned out to be utter nonsense and non related and we thought the claim would be upheld. Axa then turned around and said he would now not be covered as he may have been diabetic. We wrote to axa regarding this and they said they would refund the premium, needless to say we were not happy. We then went to the financial ombudsman for an impartial view. The FOS said we had been mis-sold the policy and had my father have known he would not have been covered he would not have had taken out the policy in the first place. The adjudicator then said that in her opinion axa should refund the premium + 8% interest due to a missell occurring. We are thinking of going to court with this, I have looked around online and axa seem to have a habbit of finding ways not to pay out, with alot of people complaining of the same thing happening to them. We have a evidence on a cd whereby 2 of the employees of axa are laughing at my fathers condition saying "thank god theres a chance he may be diabetic otherwise we might have to pay" needless to say I was not happy after hearing this. I think if all the genuine people axa healthcare have refused cover got together and took them to court we would have a good chance of winning due to the way they conduct business, a quick google search of axa healthcare reviews shows all reason this company needs to be taken to court. I'm certainly not one to back down from this, just because I believe axa healthcare has refused genuine people such as my father after taking their premiums, and if they complain axa healthcare just refund the premium, but as majority will not they will not even get this back. I genuinely believe had I not looked into this, my father would be screwed over by axa ppp which is unfair. Edit: the amount of the operation from a bill we recieved from the nhs was £4500 ish and I don't think this covers the doctors fee's either. 1. My question is can a company such as axa ppp healthcare mis-sell a insurance policy then when it comes to pay out, turn around and refund the premium even if they mis-sold it in the first place? 2. What would be the next route, i.e. We have been to the ombudsman, where do we go next i.e. Small claims court? Thank you for reading.
  4. Hi All First post here, happy new year to you all I am writing on behalf of my wife who has been suffering from Graves disease (a thyroid condition) and thyroid eye disease for approx 18 months. She has needed regular (ranging from weekly to bi monthly depending on severity of the condition) consultations with her consultants throughout that period. Recently we received a letter from AXA PPP stating that from the 5th Jan 2014 they would no longer be covering any claims made on these conditions as they now consider her illness to be chronic rather than active. All of her consultants disagree with this assessment of her condition, she is definitely in the active phase and they have all written letters to AXA PPP confirming this. However PPP are not interested in the doctor's opinion. They have stated to me that they consider a condition to be chronic if it has required a certain number of consultations or gone on for a certain length, regardless of the illness itself. This just does not seem right to me and would appear to be a purely financial decision on their part that they have paid out too much already. My wife has had this insurance for many years and has paid them thousands of pounds in the process. I will be appealing against their decision and would also consider going to the ombudsman to get them to reverse their refusal to cover her illness. The doctor's (all highly regarded in their field) have stated that her active phase has gone on longer than the average, but that the average is just that, and as many people have a longer period of active phase as have a shorter one. Does anybody here have any experience in this kind of appeal against an insurer? Is there anything particular i should be looking to do? has anyone had any luck with a similar type of claim or are we fighting a pointless battle? Any help would be most gratefully received. Many thanks Dan
  5. Please could you help as I am aware that this type of company has big legal jargon that I could easily trip up on. I have been declined cover as AXA PPP deem my condition to be pre exisiting despite my GP and consultant confirming that it is is not. Furthermore AXA PPP state that previously experienced symptoms are not covered. This effectively means if any ailment symptomatically produced cold-like symptoms for example, (and many do), they can get out of paying on a subsequent claim because you went to the docs for a sore throat! Whilst researching my appeal, I attemped to glean some info from the AXA PPP website as i have never received a hard copy of their terms. Unsurprisingly, there is no information! They just encourage you to buy a policy. There appears to be no guidance on terms, diagnosis and procedure. I called them for website navigation and they couldnt find the info i needed either and redirected me to a completely different page. This feels like a deliberate form of deception. I was told to book the appointment with the consultant before they declined this claim and the consultant performed some treatments at the time. I am now left £900 lost on wasted premium with a hospital bill of £658 and now it IS an existing condition, no one else will cover me! I am about to take this to the FSA but I wondered if there was any help any of you could kindly offer. I am hoping this all makes sense! Thank you
  6. I have recently receieved documents as a result of a SAR. Amongst the documents I have the Underwriting Sheet. On the form in a box marked '% Equity' box are the abbreviations OMV, ERRP and the term 'Net of PPP'. They appear as follows: 85.00 OMV 84.55 ERRP 89.42 Net of PPP 84.55 Can anyone please explain (in fairly simple language) what the abbreviations and the term 'Net of PPP' mean please? I am particularly interested in the Net of PPP but any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  7. My account has been closed for several years now but I recently contacted studio who sent me a list of all past transaction. I have invoices which total approx £1000 but I have paid back approx £2900. The list consists of admin charges , Service charges and PPP. I have put in a claim for the admin charges and studio have agreed to send me a cheque for £400 (£300 plus £100 interest) they will only go back 6 years. I would like to try to claim all these charges back. As for the PPP what is it? There is no mention of it on the agreement but I don't think the agreement is the original one. Can somebody PLEASE help me as this cheque could turn up anytime now, do I send it back and continue with this claim or bank it?
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