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Found 5 results

  1. I am dealing with my late sister's affairs at her request and no will was made. The estate is very nominal and she left her affairs small and tidy to sort out - however, unfortunately, time was against us when trying to get a few things in place. My sister had an account called One Bill whereby she paid a monthly amount over to STB who then paid nominated bills on her behalf. (Your possibly wondering why in this day and age but that was her choice) She had a lot to deal with medically. She also had a current account whereby she had a 'Top up' type credit card which she had to load before she spent on it. Now, on applying to get a bank statement showing the balance on the date of death STB say they have to send out a form for completion which then has to be signed and stamped by a solicitor (for authenticity) obviously, they will have had an original death certificate aswell. I have provided Passport/ driving license and utility bill as proof of id for both my sister and myself and it was I who reported the death. If Barclays Bank do not require a solicitor or additional forms or even sight of the death certificate, just the 'reg number' from top left corner of document, why would STB need all this additional evidence? They are causing delays unnecessarily and we need to access other services with the bank statement. It's not like I am asking for the funds because there's hardly anything in the accounts. Is there anything I can do to speed up the process or complain and sit on my hands?
  2. We are looking to take out a bank loan secured against our property, we have been advised by the bank that we need to obtain 'independent legal advice for secured lending against a property for debt consolidation'. I've just spoken to a solicitor who basically said that the purpose of this is just to take the responsibility away from the bank, and that that it's largely for their benefit. Is this the case, should we get it anyway?
  3. Went to tax OH's car on line on Friday only to find the MOT ran out the week before. Oops! Booked it in for MOT same day (31st October) but it failed on a couple of minor points which were to be put right today. Turned out one of the minor points wasn't so minor and we're currently trying to source some bits. All in hand but could take a few days. Meanwhile car is neither taxed nor SORN, but hopefully will be sorted in the next few days. Question is should it be SORN in the meantime or is there any leeway?
  4. Hi guys. Can I say what a great site this is for dealign with debt companies like weescot for example. I had to register and have a good look on here due to an issue I had with them but once I found out about administration of justice act, protection of harrassment and so forth and I quoted that to them then for now at least my troubles are over...........But will I be contacted by another company? I will explain the situation. Last september I decided to join 3 mobile. Went to toe local 3 mobile shop and picked the phone/price plan I wanted. Now when I signed up in store I was given a little card with possible add on plans for my mobile. I asked should all of these be OK with my price plan on ym phone and I was told.......yep no bother. We wouldn't give you the card if it weren't. That was OK. About the middle of september time I wanted to exercise my right and change a part of my price plan. I wanted to add on a £5 unlimited internet on my phone. I phoned up and (after at least 6 attempts to speak to somebody non indian who could actually understand what I wanted in the first place) I asked about the add on and got told in no uncertain terms Nope. Just an abrupt no you can't get it added to your phone. I was quite shocked at how rude 3 mobile we're to me on the phone and I hung up and so I decided to make a complaint to the CEO'S office only to get a letter a few days later direct from their office to be told my account was closed and we want £455. I wasn't rude or anything. I decided to email instead as I wasn't phoning back due to the rudeness I had already had ad my handwriting isn't great so it would be hard for me to write a letter of complaint. I insisted I would agree a price plan......even sent at least 3 recorded letters (printed) each one of them was ignored. Just before christmas though I got a lovely letter from wescot threatning me with court action for £455.89. I said to them that I was challenging this due to many factors but to keep the peace I eventually decided to arrange some sort of £20 payment plan.....but I wanted official confirmation from them what the debt was for and wescot said they would get back to me with official letters from 3 mobile. That never materialised despite how many times I asked. Wescot then decided that they would star hounding me and hounding me with letters. Was virtually every day a different letter some for payment plans.........some with paymenty slips.......some threatning me again. I eventually got fed up with wescot and their constant letters and more or less told them that if this didn't stop I was going to the police and would threaten to sue them for continued harrassment. Eventually today though I got a email back saying that they had closed the account. I've paid £20 which means I would owe £435. Now what is likely to happen? Would 3 mobile try and pass that on to another company or whatever? Also if another collector gets involved would it be a good idea to advise them of the problems I had with the phone company in the first place and more or less say to them outright that if they start harrassing me like wescot did then I will take it further with them? Sorry if this doesn't make much sense but I am a little shaky. Nevres have been slightly rattled with all of this carry on.
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