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  1. Hi cags I hired web design company to design my e-commerce store. I have discussed every thing about design time was set for 4 to 5 weeks . Design was not what we discussed specially product pages. They offered to add 30 products and will show me how add ,edit product how to operate site which they never did. 50% deposit was paid and remaining 50% will be payable before go live. once web site gone live i realize issues product image was showing up half awful on mobiles view and tablets. they required remaining balance before the can do any work . I needed go live just don't want create any argue so paid the balance in line that any changes required they will and i have emailed from them to prove . Since they got the money ignorance start no answer my phone calls . so i requested them to provide me admin login details so i can do myself or pay somewhere else to do the work. They refused me admin login details and set up as a user only Stating that they don't give out admin login details their explanation was that you can change what you like and some thing go wrong you will blame on us . its nearly month now this game is going on . last thursday i emailed them that you are leaving with no option to take legal action, their response was go to court and we will take this email as pre-court letter. website is ready to go live . IN their contract i own the website, design ,content after full payment .its wordpress e-commerce and i own the domain myself. They knows that i wanted go live so playing games and causing me potential financial loss . What is my options are? Take legal action against them, and pay some one else to website from scratch and claim the cost from them plus compensations They have no legal right to take my website hostage. when there is no dispute. I am running out from options. any advice will appreciated thanks
  2. Hi I hope it's OK to post this here but i really need to make contact with current Santander customers. My story starts a couple of weeks ago when I logged onto Santander online banking. They were changing the login process and asked me to choose an image and a word, which I assume was to overcome people loggin into a fake site. I now see the image and the word to prove the site is legit. Prior to this change I would login to Santander internet banking by inputting my: Customer Id Passcode Registration number I would then have to choose one from three images Click a drop down list (the arrow) and choose from a range of options. I can't remember them all except the one I would choose which was Travel & Leisure. I believe these two things linked to each other. I would then be logged in. This part of the process wasn't about ensuring the site was legitimate I would say it was about me proving I was legitimate. And my guess would be that the drop down list had the same purpose of the images but was there for people with visual impairments. So I made the changes and on we merrily go a couple of weeks later, when I try to login and the website tells me it doesn't recognise the computer I'm login in from - which i found decidedly 'Big Brother' Next it asked me a question, which was: Q What is your fathers middle name? This threw me a bit because my dad didn't have a middle name After login back in a couple of times the question it asked had changed to: Q What is your mothers middle name? Again completely confused because my mother didn't have a middle name. So I had no option but to ring Santander and I got through to the most arrogant, rude and obnoxious person I've ever had the misfortune to have to speak to! He told me I had given my parents middle, which is ridiculous because neither of them had one. He said I had given them the details when I first joined internet banking - well that was some years ago as I've been using a computer since the early 90's and would have taken advantage of online banking from Abbey National as soon as it became available. I asked was providing my parents middle names part of some process where I wasn't allowed to move on without providing one so had to put something. The man was just so rude. Then I can't remember how but we got on to the change of the login process, he told me I was wrong that choosing an image and an option from the drop down list had never been part of the banks loggin system. That this system had been in place for a long time and it must have been years since I logged in - is he insane I use my online banking almost every day. I made a complaint to Santander and the letter they sent me back agreed with him that I was wrong chosing the image and the phrase from the drop down list has never been a part of their login process. I'm feeling really offended now, they are treating me like I must be a daft person who can't remember what happened a couple of weeks ago. Please someone tell me that you agree with me, and fingers crossed someone remembers the date that the new login system changed. I really am outraged that they are telling me what I know to be correct is wrong and I don't know what I'm talking about.
  3. I have now been trying this for the last week! I lost my login details for Spotify, that is, I cannot remember the e-mail address that I registered with. I went to their site and it said if you have forgotten your username/password click here, only when I clicked on the link it took me back to the SAME page where you had to input the SAME details, i:e the e-mail address with which I registered! When I input the e-mail addresse/s that I thought I could possibly have registered with, nothing happened! If I try login with Facebook that doesn't work either, I just get a message sayin that the page has expired!
  4. Ever since Sunday 09 November, I have been unable to log in to ebay without having to verify my account as they claim I am using a different computer (RUBBISH) I have used the same computer and broadband connection for over ten years. After giving my verification, they then send a PIN to my email address but i HAVE TO DO THIS EVERY TIME! But today, After giving my verification, they did not send an email after five whole minutes. What the hell is going on with ebay? :mad2: Anyone else had this problem?
  5. Wonga are now asking people to provide their online banking details under certain circumstances!! There's an existing discussion on this subject on MSE here: http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?t=4748807 - hope it's okay to post this link. Please remove if not and accept my apologies. It was confirmed by Wonga and the MSE Forum Team here: http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showpost.php?p=62970450&postcount=66 (same thread as above). I think this is highly irresponsible of Wonga and encourages really bad practices. I'm actually in disbelief that they're so stupid as to ask for online banking details. Has anyone else heard about this?
  6. Hi everyone A few days ago a message has come up on Jobcentre plus stating that Universal Jobmatch is coming on the 19th of November, but what is this about? does it mean that if you apply for the job does Jobcentre get notify of it? Just a bit confused over this and what does it involve.
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