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Found 6 results

  1. This is just a warning for anyone buying a car from this guy... STAY AWAY he calls himself Dave his actual name is Gurdip Virdi and his partner is M Pittaway he uses mobile contact numbers he is well known to trading standards Coventry, he was featured in The Conventry Telegraph in April 2010... i cant post the link here but go to our friend google and type his name G Virdi coventry car dealers fined and you will find the article this post is merely to warn people thinking of buying from him to be very careful if you have been ripped off by him DO NOT be afraid he is well known to trading standards report him immediately
  2. Hi Folks,I've followed a few useful threads on here previously, but this is the first post I've made and any helpful advice on whether I should challenge a Code 01 PCN will be gratefully received. I apologise for the length of the post, but I've done a bit of research already and wanted to share it in case it saved anyone else the trouble.I drove my registered disabled friend into Coventry on Saturday (30/01/16). I looked for a space in the disabled parking area on Barracks Way, but it was full. Upon exiting back onto Barracks Way I noticed the double yellow lines had been painted over. I pulled over and looked for any parking restriction signs - I saw none. Thinking, 'This is too good to be true' I got out of the car to double-check, but still finding none, I locked up and off we went. I genuinely thought I had parked legally and had made the effort to check that I had done so. (Ironically, my friend asked if I wanted to display her blue badge and I said we didn't need it because parking wasn't restricted. Perhaps I would've been OK if I'd displayed the badge, but I guess that's a moot point).When I returned to my car to find the PCN stuck on my windscreen it was dark and my friend needed to get home so I just took photos of the painted over yellow lines (attached; mine is the silver car) and left. Until I am able to return to Barracks Way in person, I’ve done a Google Street View ‘site visit’ and discovered that it appears Barracks Way is intended to be a Restricted Parking Zone. But it is – in my opinion – very poorly marked as such.The Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 3 states that Restricted Parking Zones should have entry signs on both sides of the road, facing approaching traffic. On Street View I found just one sign (see attached Street View image) mounted on the right hand side of the road, and facing the road - not oncoming traffic. I also note that the face design is not as per TSRGD diagram 663.2, which I believe was introduced as a prescribed sign in the 2011 Amendment to the TSRGD.The TSM also says zone exit signs should be provided; I have found none.Lastly, the TSM states Repeater signs should be spaced at intervals of not more than 30m and “should not be mounted where they might be obscured by pedestrians or by vehicles that are legally parked (e.g. where loading is not prohibited).” As I was driving away, I saw one clearway sign (like the one in the Google Street View image attached) tucked away in a corner, and I have now spotted several more on Street View. They are all faded (most to the extent that the red is faded to white) and mounted on walls where they could (and perhaps were) obscured by goods vehicles using the loading bays that line the road. None of them state “Restricted zone” (which I raise because I believe the sign to diagram 637.2A became prescribed in the 2011 Amendment to the TSRGD, and omission of the text “Restricted zone” is not a permitted variant). I found no repeaters within the 30m on the approach to where I parked (it’s a one-way loop road) and one sign perhaps 25m beyond where I parked, behind the corner of a building – impossible to see unless I had walked round the corner of the building.So, assuming I can confirm the signs are as they appear in Google Street View by revisiting Barracks Way with my camera, do you think the signs/PCN are not legally enforceable? Do you think I should go to the effort of challenging the PCN? Or should I just suck up the fact that I (despite my best intentions) parked illegally and just pay the fine? I'm not necessarily looking for a 'loop hole' to avoid paying the PCN, but seeing as I made the effort to park legally, I don't want to pay if someone hasn't made the effort to place signs legally. Thanks for reading!
  3. Hi there I am hoping someone can help. I got in from work on Tuesday evening, after going to the gym and found a letter on my door matt from a bailiff company threatening to seize my goods for non payment of council tax. It was an enforcement notice and referred to a liability order. This was the first I knew that my direct debit payments to the council had not gone through (i've checked now and they were returned). I did not receive any letters or liability orders in the post either. Surely I should receive some kind of notification before the council involve bailiffs!? For the two months missed payments it amounts to about £350.00. The bailiff company have added on a further £300 in fees/ attendance charges. Is there anything i can do, these charges seem punitive and i'm more than happy to pay the council tax arrears but not these excessive fees.
  4. 08 Fiat Bravo: Broken Turbo Complaint was made live against Epic Motors - response to customer's complaint: I have found this problem to be one of the most hardest and frustrated customer's to help. Everything I have tried he has rejected, I had a transporter outside his house within 24 hours of him phoning me for his vehicle to be collected and fixed under warranty. He rejected this which made things harder to deal with, there has been a lack of communication and understanding from both sides. I have been trading in cars for over 30 years and have never come across a customer that has left me so frustrated. I have gone out of my way to try and help this customer, but for what ever reason he could not see this. Hopefully everything has now been sorted as turbo is being fixed under warranty as previously suffered to customer.
  5. Hi All I just made this account to shout out to all that I can about a company in Coventry called (Longford Cars). also uses the name barbar cars and a few others im sure, I took my 04 plate Focus in to trade for a Y Reg Ford Mondeo. Little did I know but the car that was sold to me was not safe for the road WHAT SO EVER!.... First off it runs on 3 cylinders most of the time This alone makes the car impossible to drive!.... the front left strut has gone, all the Doors lock on there own when they want and will not open until it wants to, sometimes takes half a day to unlock... my wife could not get out the car! had to climb over to the drivers seat!!... if we had a crash?????..... Engine light came on the day I got it, Drivers seat is stuck in the fully raised position and will not budge... makes alarming noise from steering rack when turning.. tail pipe blowing.. the list is endless!. I rang the guy (Gurdip Virdi) and he told me to bring the car back for him to look.. so I did last sunday. and he was not there... just a bald guy and a pakistan mechanic who spoke 100 mph I was taken to some dodgy site where he stores he's cars.. I was not allowed to drive myself I was told I had to get in one of there cars?????..anyhow I was taken and shown a MGF a car with rust and a tear in the roof. the intakes had just been welded on with no paint so from the look of that it had water left inside for yrs.... Oh and he couldn't get it to start..lol!!! after that I was made to wait in the rain while he tried to get a old Volvo started.. after 45 - 60 mins of trying and being soaking WET! he got it started and then crashed it into a merc... at this point I could not believe my eyes..!! I was then told to go home and wait... someone will contact me Wednesday but all I got was Nothing!. so called him last night and he said " sorri m8 go back in the morning and he will sort you out ". So I went today and the same 2 guys was on site, looked at my car. took it for a run and agreed it has problems but was then told to " F*ck off and don't come back you brought it sold as seen so its not our problem get lost "....??.. I was upset by this so again I called Gurdip Virdi on he's mobile number he re responded " you piece of Sh*t you are full of crap. you lie and your a waste of time, your a looser and at the bottem end that will never mount to anything If you call again we will TURN UP AT YOUR HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"... there was other words said but I don't rly need to say it all.. Now this is a Warning to anyone who tries to buy a car from this guy.... he is also on ebay as barbarcars Longford cars and other names after looking online.... Wish I would of done this sooner!!!.. I will contact Vosa in the morning and get them check the car over. Trading Standards and other regulators , media ect will be informed.. This guy needs to be Shut down!.
  6. Hi, am new to this forum and would really appreciate some advice, sorry if its confusing Paid off Coventry BS mortgage in May 2007. We've just received an annual statement from them (October 2012) showing how much we have paid in MPPI, which it says we took out with them in November 2007 paying a monthly premium of £23.87. Coventry says in the letter the policy is underwritten by Aviva. At the same time (November 2007) i applied for life insurance with Aviva who we have endowment policies with. They checked my medical records and i was accepted and began paying my monthly premiums of £23.87. I have recently written to Aviva about this, as yet no reply. I wouldn't have taken out MPPI and Life Insurance Cover at the same time so is it possible there has been a mix up somewhere? Any help very gratefully received. Forgot to say, this is the first correspondence from Coventry about this, when i rang them they still had our old address on their system.
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