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Found 6 results

  1. Please offer me some advice if any body has any experience or expertise. My problem is that I bought a chandelier from Chinese seller on ebay on 4/12/17. I received message soon after I would receive parcel between 4-11 January 18 but was not given any tracking number. Parcel did not arrive by 11th January. I assumed because of new year there would be delivery delays. By 20th still no parcel. On 21/1/18 I raised an issue with the seller. He sent me a message that supposedly Parcel Force had attempted to deliver four times, the last time being on 20/1/18. There was no delivery note ever. On 22/1/18 i contacted Parcel Force by phone and they told me there was no evidence of any delivery attempt to my post code. However seller insisted, and supplied a tracking number which effectively showed one attempted delivery before parcel being sent back to china. At that stage seller wanted to refund my money £167 ( minus postage fee £57). I did not agree intially and raised a complaint at ebay resolution centre. After many emails between me and Ebay, the latter stuck to their guns that the seller had supposedly kept to their part of the baragin and therefore Ebay could not compel the seller to refund anything at all. That effectively meant the seller gets to keep their chandelier which they confirmed that they received back and the whole of my money. Ebay finds this 'reasonable' apparently. Since then I have contacted seller again to accept their intiall offer of some refund but now they are ignsoring my emails. I am disgusted by Ebay. Kindly help me recover my money. Abdel
  2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3557310/Inside-secretive-Chinese-iPhone-factory.html I find the factory conditions mentioned in the above link disturbing. I am sure these workers are glad to earn money, but i suspect that they don't get paid enough. No wonder American workers can't compete.
  3. Very interesting article for those who follow world economics. http://www.smh.com.au/business/china/chinas-real-estate-credit-and-investment-bubble-risks-global-recession-20150717-giebmc Some of the statistics quoted are alarming. Perhaps the Chinese economy is not as strong as some believe and their conversion to capitalist economics will end up in a bust. If there is a sudden market failure in China, then it will affect everyone.
  4. Anyone speak Chinese who could tell me what this says under this brass bowl? [ATTACH=CONFIG]58907[/ATTACH] Many thanks if you can - sorry if it's upside down but I have no idea which way it goes! I'm the wrong side of 60 now and been polishing it since I was at least 5 years of age and never knew what it meant. Probably 'Made in Hong Kong', but....surely not? A1
  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2186522/Womans-itchy-ear-caused-spider-living-FIVE-days.html
  6. Hi there, please forgive me if I have posted this in the wrong section. I am looking for a little advice as to how to handle an ebay buyer protection dispute. If I can just provide a little back story; I won 2 auctions on ebay for the total amount of £74.01 I bought 30 cloth diapers and 60 bamboo fibre diaper inserts, I paid immediately through paypal which is linked to my visa debit card. I received 2 small envelopes (2 auctions) with 1 insert in each. (not even bamboo and worth virtually nothing). The items received I signed for at my door. I contacted the seller asking what the mixup was was sent a generic email apologising and promising to put it right, a few days go by I email again, no response. I opened 2 claims with ebay as 'Item not as described'. In the info I did write that I would be happy to wait for my baby's nappys or that I would like a refund. The seller is a power business seller on ebay, they had over 99% positive feedback I did check this before I bought the items. All of a sudden this month over a hundred people have left negative feedback saying that they had exactly the same issue as me. Some peopke did say 'full refund given' on the feedback. I contacted other buyers through ebay messaging and asked if they got refunds, all of them did and didn't have to send anything back. Ebay informed me that in order to receive a full refund I would have to send back the inserts at my own expense, they offered me a 25% refund on shipping cost when I explained that it was cost a fortune to send the inserts back. So basically with the discount I am looking at paying about £43 shipping costs... Ebay have specifically requested that the package be signed for in China to prove receipt so I can't just send it tracked through royal mail as this is uk only. Must also use parcelforce to get the dicount. So basically I know that technically I 'won' the dispute because I'm getting my £74 back but by the time I've spent the money shipping I'm still totally out of pocket, I would be prepared to swallow the cost and learn from it but why is everyone else getting a refund without sending and I'm not? I've called so many times and asked to speak to a manager and nobody ever gets back to me the managers always seem to be in meetings..... I even asked if I could just pay the cost of the inserts which are worth about £2 and just get the rest of my money back... nope. I found an address for ebay eBay UK Ltd Complaints Department PO Box 659, Richmond-upon-Thames Surrey TW9 1TX but apparently the letters go into a big black hole and you can't do anything about it. I've kind of looked into the chargeback facility with my debit card but it looks like they would want the items returned too. Paypal won't help me as I've already logged dispute with ebay itself. Anyway......Sorry it's so long... Any advice much appreciated. Thanks
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