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Found 4 results

  1. Hi there, I've got 3 credit card debts which were all defaulted in 2011 (various dates). Total debt is £8000ish. I've been paying £1 a month to them all for the last 5 years or so and to be fair they haven't given me any problems due to explaining my ongoing long term mental health difficulties and financial hardship. I've changed address in the last 2 years and not updated my address with them but continued paying the £1 a month to all. Start dates for them are 2000, 2005, 2007. One debt is still with Capital One, another (Virgin MBNA) shows as Arrowglobal on Equifax (though I'm paying Wescot...confusing..) and the other is with 1st credit (though still shows as Santander on Equifax). I'm not really sure what is the best thing to do now. I'm thinking (having read a lot of threads here and elsewhere) that it might be an idea to CCA them? I would just like to try and sort this out before any sort of CCJ's become a possibility as my credit record is a bit healthier these days, but I'm concerned that if I contact them they will start hassling me and threatening court action just as I'm starting to get back on my feet..it is a dilemma..! Any ideas or pointers would be appreciated and welcomed. Thanks.
  2. Can the terms of a repayment mortgage contract that was a fixed rate for 5 yrs be altered during the 5 yr fixed term to a SVR? Does a fixed rate mean the amount to pay each month would remain the same for the 5 year term and not go up or down? Would that be a breach of contract if it's altered? Is it lawful? When mortgage interest is charged daily, how would that appear on a mortgage statement, each month or once a year? Thanks
  3. Hi, In 2014, I filed tax returns for 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13.... Yep, I know I was stupid but at least I'm clearing my conscience and paying them every last penny (last £30k to pay in a few days time through family loans and selling a property). On a self declared basis, I owed them £38,000, now £48,000 with charges for late filing. Until I filed, they had no idea how much I might owe them, they never sent any estimates etc, just letters saying I needed to file. They seem happy that the amount I've filed for (done by an accountant on my behalf). I was told that as the amount owed is a "declared amount" I can't "negotiate" any of the charges. Does anyone know if any of the charges can be challenged and if so on what basis? (not using the rip off accountant any more so can't ask them) Thanks
  4. Ok all Have been assisting a friend with this. DWP Debt Centre contacted friend in Dec 2012 stating old social fund load hasn't been paid repay debt. They repaid this debt some 5yrs ago and obviously after such a length of time doesn't have all the paperwork but does have some and 3 letters from DWP stating thank you for payment of £XXX. Now the classic DWP state they mean nothing as DWP own thank you for payment letter isn't a receipt. Gets better one of the letter they have from 5yrs ago matches exactly the recent letter to pay the same debt but from a totally different debt management centre. So what has been done so far: 1. Tier 1 Complant letter sent to DWP Debt Management Centre with copies of previous document and receipts from 5yrs ago asking for full investigation, breakdown of debt amounts and copies of all letters. Note the letter was signed for by them on 27th Jan 2013 (royal mail electronic proof). 2. Friend recently contacted DWP demanding why complaint not responded to and was informed initially not received until pointed out electronic proof signed for. Suddenly admit they have complaint but over 3 months backlog. During conversation it ends up the reason they cannot find debt on system is because it on there old computer system not linked to new system and will look into it and get back to them. DWP contact friend and now insist it is correct and the debt is now for some other imaginary loan must pay and will respond as per complaint. 3. Today friend receives info from DWP or complete lack of info all they received was a) Letter stating amount to pay with no breakdown. b) Payment forms. Now please bear in mind this was a Tier 1 Formal Complaint which they have failed to respond to except what was received today. My thought are. 1. To send another letter now demanding that initial Tier 1 complaint received and signed for by them on 27th Jan 2013 that they have failed to respond to is now dealt with as a Tier 2 complaint and that DWP has also breached its own Debt Management Contact Centre Customer Service Standard. 2. Also sending a Subject Access Request with above letter. These DWP PDFs may be of use to others: What are your opinions
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