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  1. My grandfather died approximately 20 years ago, I have located his will and probate which passed the property he owned to his wife and then following his wifes death to his daughter- (who is my mother). She is now 75 on checking all the documents for the property its still in my grandfathers name and has never been transferred she has all the title deeds so I assume it is not registered with the land registry as the house was a self build from my grandfather, I have a document registering the land but not the property. can anyone advise ? Should I initially get all the deeds and get the property registered with land registry and what will happen with the missed transfers my mother does not seem worried but if anything happens to her I would like to be prepared and get it all in her name now any advise appreciated I can not afford a high legal bill so would like to tackle this myself. The estates of all people involved would be well below the threshold for inheritance tax. Also I have the will /probate of my grandmother leaving her estate to my mom
  2. hello there : ) I was recently paying £7.50 a month to santander, but now it has just shot up to £20. (£240 a year) for £700 max overdraft. I am on incapacity benefit and am trapped in my overdraft. I wonder does anyone know of a decent bank that will transfer my overdraft and offer a better rate? I am sure allot of people are planning to move away from this bank in the following months. thanks for your help : )
  3. Hi I am after any help or advice anyone can offer. I am so frustrated by this and the lack of effort on the part of vodafone to resolve it that I would like advice on how to take it the highest possible authorities. Hopefully this can prevent other people from being treated so badly by vodafone. I have had a long-running dispute with vodafone for three years now which has caused such a lot of stress and worry. Now it is seriously affecting my credit rating and I am unable to get an overdraft or loan – this is down to a £800 debt that is not mine. I have had years of correspondance with vodafone and at least three debt collection agencies yet this issue is no closer to being resolved as no one is prepared to address the problems. It is a long story, but please bear with me! I sold a phone contract on ebay (there is a specific section for this on ebay, and also Vodafone had a password system to transfer a phone contract). The buyer said she was changing the phone into her name that day, I still have these messages. Having spoken to her again, incredibly stupidly, I sent her the handset (I still have the recorded delivery). A few days later, she called and said that, in fact she would have to establish a 3 month payment record before the account could be transferred into her name. I had spoken to vodafone during this period, but had understood that this process was underway. (I do realise that these actions are far too naïve and trusting – I am truly suffering for it now) From then on things became much, much worse. The buyer contacted me again a couple of months later (I was away at university at the time) and said that she had set up another line on the account and the phone had been sent to my home address. By the time I got home, it was beyond the 14 day cancellation period, and I felt forced to send yet another handset to her, as I was very nervous that she would not pay the bills on the first one (still have recorded delivery slip for this one too). As I had feared, she then stopped paying bills on either handset and I got a letter asking for around £800 for call charges and early termination fees on the two lines. I tried to contact the buyer, but she always hung up on me. I wrote to the buyer but she ignored my letters. I did once speak to a very helpful man at vodafone, known only as Lee, who said (and sent me an email to confirm) that “per the guidelines from the CAB and Offcom, the users of the handset and telephone numbers on your account are liable for any charges that they run up in conjunction with the service, along with any disconnection fees despite the fact that the numbers are in your name” (this is a direct quote, I do not acknowledge the account as being in my name, since vodafone accepted instruction from someone else to set up another line, and I certainly do not acknowldge any debts on the account). Since then, unfortunately vodafone have provided shockingly poor customer service, responding very slowly, if at all, to my emails and letters. The replies also do not address the points I raise. This has now gone on for 3 years and I have had very aggressive calls from at least 3 debt collection agencies, and a huge black mark on my credit rating that is making things extremely difficult for me. I realise that vodafone has sent out 2 handsets and provided for calls that have not been payed for. I fully agree that they should persue payment from this woman. However, this is not seriously adversely affecting me. I need advice on the following things as the situation with vodafone has become awful and I am taking steps to report them Offcom, and any other regulatory bodies, as they should not be allowed to treat people this way. How can they accept instruction from someone else to set up a new line on an account that is still in my name? Vodafone have been incredibly evasive in replying to or even acknowledging letters and emails. I have sent everything by recorded post, but if I receive a reply, the (numbered!) points I ask them to address are not mentioned. The various debt collection agencies the debt has been passed to and from have been much more forthcoming in correspondence, and have returned the debt to vodafone, I assume because they acknowledge it is a bad debt. I am in the process of reporting this evasive approach to the relevant authorities. Is there anything else I can do to get them to address the actual problems? Any help would be really appreciated. If possible, don't focus on my stupidity at sending the phones to her in the first place – I am already well aware of this!! I have posted this in a few place as I want other people to be warned and also to receive responses. I will of course the posts when I have found someone who can help so I don't waste anyone elses time Thanks in advance for any help. H
  4. Hi everyone, long time lurker here. I have a question and I'd be grateful for any advice. The scenario is: two sisters, Sally and Jane (not their real names and their words are spoken by an actor). They have inherited a property, and own it as Tenants in Common, with Sally owning the greater share. Sally has offered to buy Jane's share and Jane is fine with that - all good so far. However, Jane wants to, kindly, give (not sell - give) her share to a half-sister, Mary, (who was not a beneficiary of the Will) as Jane already has a home of her own and Mary has not. Would it be better for Jane to transfer her share of the property to Mary before Sally buys it (and then for Sally to buy it from Mary) or for the sale to go through, and for Jane to then give Mary the money. We are wondering if there are any tax implications, or anything else we may not have thought of. Any advice or experience much appreciated.
  5. Hi people just thought I would ask what you think of this. on 10/10/2011 I bought a clio 2001 from a guy in auto trader advert said he was a trader car was not sold as seen or anything anyway I went to se car and he took me around block in it seamed ok.I had a car that i was going to scrap but it had mot and tax so he said I wuld take your car off you he wasn't interested in even looking at the car. I paid him cash and give my car in he said ill deliver it anyway next day I went to use car and warning light started to flash people were saying take it back but silly me didn't.Even eight people said so I have lots of witnesses too anyway have tried everything but looks like its the head gasket Looks like this guy knew all a long what he sold me and he even sold mica or tried to for over 500 pounds even though it should have been scrapped. I dont think that there is anything that I can do now but just thought I would ask anyway I know I have done a daft thing Thanks for your time in reading this guys/gals
  6. The date on which sewers and lateral drains in private ownership in England and Wales will automatically transfer to the sewerage companies is fast approaching. There is an appeals process. Under the legislation, appeals can be made if the appellant is: an owner of the sewer or lateral drain; or affected by the proposal of, or failure to propose, transfer of a sewer or lateral drain. Ofwat is seeking views on a number of questions, including whether: the information provided about who can appeal, how they can appeal, and the timescales for appeal is clear the information provided about the grounds for appeal is clear the information provided about how appeals will be considered is clear the process to be followed is sufficiently and clearly set out The supplementary scheme will include sewers, lateral drains connected on or after 1 July 2011 and before provisions for new built sewers under section 42 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 are implemented. Lex
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