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Found 4 results

  1. Hello guys, I hope the brains here can help me please. I am executor for my aunt, with another family member and a partner from the firm of lawyers who drew up the will and were nominated as executors with us. The papers have been submitted to the probate office by the lawyers and they have now submitted an interim invoice for over £5000 to us as executors. I had, perhaps naively, assumed that the bill would be due after probate was granted and the assets were distributed. Would we normally be expected to pay a bill ourselves at this stage? Do we have the authority to say that the lawyer can take the fees from the estate assets? We have incurred expenses personally on behalf of the estate that haven't been paid so far and now they seem to be asking us for money. This doesn't seem right. What do the experts think please? HB
  2. Heya, I'm new here so sorry if I'm doing this wrong I've been with perfect home for just over 3 years now, the sofa i originally had from them became unfit so after 6 months of phone calls etc i ended up with a different refurb set. Which i was happy with as the money i paid from the first sofa was carried over to the new contract for the refurbs, meaning i'd finish paying them just over a year quicker than i originally would have. Fast forward 1 year to 5 weeks ago. I managed to get into 3 weeks arrears as i'd been severely ill, having a 3 year old to make arrangements for etc meant PH were low on my priority list. I'd only ever missed 1 payment before, which i quickly settled when i realised the mistake. I went to visit the store to explain and ask if they would do some sort of re-write like brighthouse do. I was told i couldn't do that and i had to pay £77 immediately. After a bit of a discussion the manager decided to drop the charges and told me to pay £54ish. I then asked how much it would be to completely settle with them, the manager replied with £134. (with hindsight i know i should of got this in writing but i can be VERY naive) I must of reiterated it to him 3 times, each time saying 'if i come in on Friday and put £134 on the counter, we are all settled, no more debt?' He solidly agreed that there would be no problems with that. So, come Friday i went to the store with my £134 and asked for the manager so i could pay it off. I was first told that i had to pay arrears before i could settle up so they would do it in 2 separate payments, the first being £77. ( i never registered at the time that this payment was including the charges that were previously knocked off). After taking the card payment there was a bit of a confusion so various managers etc were bought out to look at the computer screen. (the one i originally seen was supposedly off that day) It turned out that the computer was saying THEY OWE ME £180. He said this is obviously a mistake but the computers don't reset until Sunday so come in next week to settle it. The next week i tried to phone in 3 times to find out if it had been sorted, every time i spoke to a team member they said i'll take a look, then you will have to speak to the manager can i call you back? They never did call back. I went back to the store with the £57 i thought would be the remaining settlement price. I was told i owed £126 but they would knock it down to £100.50p. I was obviously miffed that an extra £50 had found it's way on to my settlement figure so after a heated discussion i walked out disgusted without paying a penny. I am now of the opinion that they tried to rip me off for £50 so they can see how they like it back and I'm not paying again! Will they take this to court etc is what I'm looking to find out? I tried to look over my contract to work out if they did in fact, owe me money but they never put the amount of money i paid on the old sofa on to the new refurb contract. So I'm unsure of how I'd work it out. I did however, notice that I'd never signed the TAD agreement on the contract. It just has the date and signature of the staff member but nothing from me. Would it be worth my time using this against them to make them go away? I probably come across as wanting to run away from debt responsibilities but i was more than happy to pay up until they tried to con me Sorry for the very long post and thanks in advance
  3. Just wondering actually with all the news about people claiming for misselling of PPI. I had a PC with Perfect Homes over 3 years, which I was told I needed to take out TAD. Can I put in for a reclaim of this money? Many thanks
  4. hi, Can anyone suggest a suitable letter to send to Perfect homes to remove their expensive cover plus and Tad agreements,Ive got home insurance through my local council(which was a absolute bargain btw) thanks in advance!!!!!
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