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Found 8 results

  1. Hi guys, I really need help here. I applied for a Job through indeed about making quick money from ebay and I fell into it, I was careless as I am a student who is 18. the buyer will email me the items and all about it and I will list it on Ebay, he said that I will get a share of it if everything was fine, OK this is what he said Hello, Thank you for applying for my job. Let me tell you more about it... I need someone who can list my items on eBay. You'll be listing authentic products.… I will provide you photos and details of the items that needs to be advertised. Your job is just to list the ads. I will talk with the interested people. I will pay you when the auction ends. There are 2 possibilities: 1. If the item is sold: YOU'LL RECEIVE £100 + eBay POSTING FEES + 5% OF THE SELLING PRICE 2. If the item doesn't sell: YOU'LL RECEIVE the eBay POSTING FEES ( but, I'm sure that the item will sell ) Maybe you wonder, why I am not selling the products myself ? I wanted to start an eBay account but I read on one of eBay's community pages that sellers with 0 feedback have not the same success as the others sellers with feedback. Also you must have an eBay Seller Account with more than 7 feedback. We are located in Edinburgh, United Kingdom .... You'll receive the payment from buyers into your PayPal account, which is linked to your eBay account, and deduct your payment from there + 5% of the selling price + eBay fees. In this way is clear that you'll get your payment. Your PayPal account must not have any limits (sending, receiving and withdraw). If you have any limits on your PayPal account you must lift them up. You'll earn £400 + per week with just one item...i think that this is fair enough. Also i want to tell you from the beginning that i need serious peoples in my team so when you say something so be it. I look forward in hearing from you soon. Regards, Continuing from this I thought it was good and everything buyers will SEND ME THE MONEY THROUGH PAYPAL AND 3 WEEKS LATER THEY'd DISPUTE A CLAIM SAYING that they have not received the goods, from that moment I was scared I didn't know what was going on, I email the seller which he said he sent the product and everything even the shipping but it was ALL FAKE. When the buyers paid I will take the money out from paypal and send it to him... and since one buyer disputed a good, now I cant get hold of the seller he is disappeared leaving me with negative balance of -£4,000 BECAUSE I HAVE SENT HIM MONEY AND HE RAN AWAY WITH IT I didn't know what to do I was in panic as I am only 18. I reported this to the police that I have been a victim of Fraud and they gave the crime reference number, I emailed paypal about 100 times about what happened to my account and gave them my CRIME reference number they said ITS NOT VALID THE POLICE ARE GOING TO DO NOTHING? I can't pay I dont work I just study, I eve rang them and told them I have been a victim of a fraud and they still did not take it saying that they will get a debt collector if I don't pay, I dont undertand, the fraud team and police are investigating and I cant pay that amount I dont have it and Paypal are so mean and scary the women shouted at me and pushed me to pay and call her BACK which I won't until the investigation is done I don't want to be involved . I dont want to have bad name!! what would happen if the police do nothing? I can't go to prison its not my fault, please SOMEONE HELP ME IM CRYING
  2. I have just watched the 2nd part of this highly emotional and very worthwhile project. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p035vdwv http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/
  3. I have just watched this programme - All this guy wanted was a downstairs toilet so that he could have some dignity - at the time of making the programme, the local council were still making up their minds whether or not to provide this for him. Shocking. What an amazing transformation though Nick Knowles, his team , local tradesmen and the whole community came together to give this man his life back and provide him and his family with a brighter future. I am unable to put the link because it contains part of a banned word.. so for the full story google.. DIY SOS: The Big Build on BBC1 tonight with Nick Knowles helping Mo Morris in Maidstone
  4. Hey folks, need a favour Does anyone have a copy of their T+Cs for their natwest credit card from late 2001 early 2002? I would appreciate it if the booklet could be uploaded onto here. Great If it arrives before 7am tomorrow in time for mediation. But still need it for court. Regards
  5. The long story of 3 years short: I have been given a County Court Order (with regard to someoneelse’s property abroad) stating that I have to provide the key and thedocuments of another person’s property! If I comply with the CC Order that would mean to commit anoffence because the proprietor does not agree to let me have her property keyand her private documents (which is understandable because the property, keys anddocuments are hers and legally I have no right to get it from her without heragreement). The only way would be to steal those from her or physically forceher against her will which is against my morals to do such things. I haveexplained this to the County Court Judge, I even appealed against this CC Orderbut both Judges said that it does not concern them or the UK Law because ( I amRomanian citizen as well as the proprietor) and that despite this I still haveto comply with the CC Order otherwise I will be in Contempt of Court. My question is: Am Iprotected in any way by Human Rights Act in this desperate situation because ifI do not comply with the County Court Order I will be punished with fine andprobably prison and if I comply I will be punished for criminal offence becausethe only way to comply is to commit a criminal offence. I am being put betweentwo laws here and surely as a human being I should not be put in this position. Thank you.
  6. Hi everyone I am sorry to approach you the way with the title I have written but if it was not so urgent I would try a different way. 42man and andy; you are recommended by citizen who believes that you may have the expertise to help me in this matter. My girlfriend and I have been running a small business for the last 7 years and for the last few years we became successful and decided to expand the business with opening another branch. My problem is with our current landlord, their managment agent who look after the site and their rude and threatening solicitors. We pay rent + service charge for the site to be managed. However we believe that the management agent has ignored us for the last few years. For instance: there is a leak from the roof and we informed both the landlord and the agent in June 2010 and they have done absolately nothing up until March 2013. It caused us to physical and financial damage as we had to refund, discounts to the clients (as the nature of the business and the water drops on top of the clients) as well as paying to the window cleaner to keep nice and clean. We tried to arrange a conference call with the landlord and our neigbours who are suffering with the same problem. All of us received a letter from their solicitors and they think it is not appropriate to contact the landlord at this stage. We tried to find an amicable solution with their solicitors and requested a full refund on the service charge as we have not received the service which we paid for? They threatened us and we received an email stating that they want their monies upfront rather than monthly instalments as we were on a payment plan and paying monthly rather than quarterly (and we are also trying to reduce our arears which was caused by inefficient management by their agents) however they are holding rent deposit which is 2 times bigger than the arears. without giving a notice they requested us to pay on Monday upfront around £8K I am really concerned with their attitude and threatening behaviour. I am considering to take them to court based on Goods and Service Act 1982. any advise? Regards
  7. Hi again everyone I started a thread a few weeks ago about SOs visiting but I wasn't in. Anyway today they came back and I have recieved a Form of Charge For Payment of Money. Last January I recieved a parking ticket for parking in a disabled bay I do not have a blue badge but I did know the gentleman who the disabled space was put in for, I lived in the street when this was done, he moved out and informed the council he had done so. I understood they would remove the disabled space. Anyway, in hindsight , stupidly I parked there and got a ticket. As I knew he had contacted them I wrote to Dundee City Council and explained the space was no longer in use and the neighbour had moved on. I did not recieve a reply but about 4 weeks llater the disabled space was burnt away and is now no longer a disabled space. I assumed (maybe wrongly this was a response to my letter. Not long after I can't remember exactly but weeks not months I recieved a reminder to pay Iagain stupidly assumed it was just in the system but I did phone the number on the ticket and try to explain but was told all challenges had to be in writing I explained I had written in and was told well it will be looked at and dealt with No more letters then the SOs visiting last month and today when I was in The letter states I have 14 days to pay !72.05 (made up of 90 penalty charge, 7.45 Agents fee, 74.60 charge fee. It is signed and witnessed and it states If I do not pay the sum within 14 days I am liable to further action including arrestment of earnings and attachment and auction of articles. I am also liable to be sequestrated. Well I can not afford to pay that half way through a month I do not know if they would accept instalments? But surely by removal of the bay they admit it wasn't needed. Ok maybe I am naive and perhaps a little stupid but I NEVER park in disabled bays in supermarkets as I know they are needed but I knew the disabled gentleman no longer used this space. So my questions are what do I do, do I fight this further and if so how? Do I phone thSOs on the 0845 number on the letter? Any advooice gretaly recieved. Thank you
  8. The situation started in February, I was re-sitting university and I signed a contract for a 4 bedroom house with three of my at the time housemates. They sent us guarantor forms to send to our parents and return to the office, I did this but they did not receive them and did not bother telling me this until I rang them this month. I feel that at the time signing the contract was forced, and that if i hadn't signed for the house and I had passed the year, I would have been without a house and pretty much homeless. I found out I failed this year and can not proceed onto next year so I am having to move back home. Due to the fact I can no longer claim student finance I can not afford to pay for the house in no way shape or form and as I have no guarantor they have threatened me with CCJ's. The letting agency has also said that because it is a joint tenancy the rent that I cannot pay will have to be made up by the other three tenants before anyone can move in (move in date 1st July) which understandable places immense pressure on myself. I have worked tirelessly for the past three days (since i found out i had failed) to find a replacement tenant, but there is only so much i can do. Because of my situation nobody is willing to be my guarantor, so even if i could afford to pay the rent (which i 1000% cant) I wouldn't even be able to move in because of the absent guarantor! I am really struggling here, I cannot pay for the rent, there is no guarantor to cover my liability, the letting agent isn't budging on this and have threatened me with CCJ's and I've hit a massive low. The term trying to get blood out of a stone plays it's part here, not only am i having to deal with the life changing results from university, i have to deal with this. I just want to cut all ties with this place and move back home, I'm only 19! My questions are, Is there any way out of this? What is the worst that can happen to me as i'm unable to pay? Why is nothing bloody simple? Thanks I appreciate any help
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