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  1. Hi everyone I am sorry to approach you the way with the title I have written but if it was not so urgent I would try a different way. 42man and andy; you are recommended by citizen who believes that you may have the expertise to help me in this matter. My girlfriend and I have been running a small business for the last 7 years and for the last few years we became successful and decided to expand the business with opening another branch. My problem is with our current landlord, their managment agent who look after the site and their rude and threatening solicitors. We pay rent + service charge for the site to be managed. However we believe that the management agent has ignored us for the last few years. For instance: there is a leak from the roof and we informed both the landlord and the agent in June 2010 and they have done absolately nothing up until March 2013. It caused us to physical and financial damage as we had to refund, discounts to the clients (as the nature of the business and the water drops on top of the clients) as well as paying to the window cleaner to keep nice and clean. We tried to arrange a conference call with the landlord and our neigbours who are suffering with the same problem. All of us received a letter from their solicitors and they think it is not appropriate to contact the landlord at this stage. We tried to find an amicable solution with their solicitors and requested a full refund on the service charge as we have not received the service which we paid for? They threatened us and we received an email stating that they want their monies upfront rather than monthly instalments as we were on a payment plan and paying monthly rather than quarterly (and we are also trying to reduce our arears which was caused by inefficient management by their agents) however they are holding rent deposit which is 2 times bigger than the arears. without giving a notice they requested us to pay on Monday upfront around £8K I am really concerned with their attitude and threatening behaviour. I am considering to take them to court based on Goods and Service Act 1982. any advise? Regards
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