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Found 3 results

  1. Hi everybody, Does anyone please use Amazon Workmail email services? I use outlook right now with a simple @ hotmail address but I want to use my business name as domain email and so need to purchase an email management provider to do that. I am not a techie person at all and need some help please! I have so far bought my web hosting with 1&1 and my domain name is with hostpapa (who used to be my host for website but I hated working with them so cancelled it.) For that reason I do not wish for my email management to be linked in any way to my hosting providers and have researched Amazon Workmail against Outlook Essentials and G Suite and think I will go with Amazon Workmail instead. How easy is it to set up please? It's also showing in dollars and not pounds on the Amazon Web Services account and support have said that it's a user managed service (I guess like giff gaff?) and so I want to know how easy it will be to install, how to actually install in my outlook web app since I access my emails via hotmail/ outlook internet/ web app and not a desktop app (don't have the storage space for that!). Please can anyone help or advise on this? Also I am about to set up my website (basic) using 1&1 click builder for wordpress, if anyone has experience of that please let me know as I only wish to have a simple website at this point but finding it hard to get started! Many thanks.
  2. I use Outlook Express for my email - over the course of today I have received something like 80 x "Mail Delivery System " messages to my inbox. On the first couple received this morning, I checked to see which of my messages had not been delivered.. but they were emails I did not recognise and do not have in my address book - so I am assuming these are SPAM. I have not opened the attachments. Below is the message in the body of the email .. not the attachment. How can I stop these, they are driving me absolutely potty.
  3. Microsoft is overhauling its free webmail service, dropping the Hotmail brand it has used since acquiring the product in 1998, and adopting the name Outlook.com. The revamped service will help sort messages as they arrive and allow users to make internet calls on Skype. It said the move would help tackle the problem of "cluttered" inboxes. The action may also be designed to win over users of Google's rival Gmail service. Microsoft is offering the service in a "preview" mode for the time being and has not announced an official release date. While it advises users to upgrade, Hotmail subscribers can stick with the old system if they wish - at least for now. Those who do make the change keep their @hotmail, @msn or @live.com email address ending, but can also add an @outlook.com address to their account if they wish. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-19067634
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