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Found 6 results

  1. Hi I just want a quick sanity check before pushing Groupon further. We purchased tickets to a car event that was due to take place last Saturday. The event is clearly listed on their site as 8AM to 8PM. As it was a bit wet last Saturday we waited until it cleared up a bit and arrived at the location around 6pm to find it was closed and everyone had gone. (Further searches suggest it got cancelled about 4pm) I came back and contacted Groupon to ask for a refund, eventually they came back yesterday and said that we could get Groupon credit. Am I being reasonable pushing to get the full amount credited back onto my card? Thanks
  2. Guys I need some advice please. Myself and a female friend went down to London for 9th March to paint at jam called Femme Fierce. We purchased tickets that included a tshirt and a goodie bag for £11.25. When the jam was finished we weren’t given the tshirts or bags as apparently “there wasn’t enough time to hand them out” even though everyone was standing about. After two months, we’ve still not received our tshirts or a refund, despite being promised they would be posted out within a week and we’re being properly ignored by the organiser. Basically most of the writers and artists paid extra for these tshirts, about 100 people (that’s £1000 to her – not included in the £1.25 to paint in a LEGAL tunnel!). She’s just ignoring all of us, but she’s online uploading photos of her latest jams and going to events. A few of us have asked for refunds and still nothing. This is an utter joke, people shouldn’t be able to get away with ignoring people that they used to advertise an event and got recognition because of said event. Basically we’ve all been ripped off. Does anyone know if I can do anything about this?
  3. I was wondering if someone would kindly, in laymans terms, explain the after the event insurance. The reason why I ask is that one of my parents had a nerve operation in 2011 that hasn’t worked out at all and has seen my parent’s condition worsen to the point where she is struggling with day to day things. We are in the process of speaking to a solicitor of putting forward discussions or a case to the hospital in regards to claiming some compensation for this operation failure which they said would be fine etc. The solicitor wants use to see whether our home insurance includes the above insurance as he said it would help with costs etc? Having briefly checked it, it seems to me that the solicitor wants us to do this so he gets some money back whether we win or lose so question his motives to be honest. Would after the event insurance already be attached to my home insurance when I took out the latter policy or would it be something that I’d have to call up and add on? Any advice thoroughly appreciated. Thank you.
  4. I am new to your forum and really would appreciate any advice or tips you can give me on the following:- I have been with Swinton Brokers for three years and have renewed my car insurance with them during that period. Last year they renewed it with Aviva at a cheaper price when I complained about the hike in the premium. Two months ago i had a car accident which Aviva judged to be a no fault claim on myside. AI Claims Solution then contacted me initally to arrange hired car but then told me they were taking over the case. I am in a protracted battle with AI Solutions over the poor repair to my car, damage that their network garage caused whilst the car was in their care which i part witnessed and the fact that my car is still unroadworthy as a result of both things. AI Solutions are trying to say all the problems with my car are pre-existing conditions. my car was serviced and MOT 5-6 weeks before the incident. the garage who service my car are prepared to write a letter to say that there were no problems with my car. I had an independent mechanic inspection as agreed with AI Solutions -who knew who ( reputable national firm) was doing it and on what date. They are not happy with the inspection result and are still refusing to repair the damages as listed. I contacted Aviva who refused to intervene even though my insurance policy is with them and have now informed me that they had not directed AI Solutions to take over my case. The third party in the car incident are also with Aviva. I have contact Swinton Brokers who have explained to me that AI Solutions are part of the insurance deal that I took out and Aviva underwrite them. Swinton Brokers have refused to get involved at all and their head office whilst talking to me told me they had emailed my local broker with instructions of what to do. Turns out those instructions were to do nothing that it is up to AI Solutions. I have legal protection with my car insurance package. Legal Advice i have now found out is on the same tel number as for AI Solutions and I can only have access to it when AI Solutions agree to it. I spoke to the legal firm about my situation who sought permission from AI Solutions to advise me. It was denied. AI Solutions told me that the other party had taken full liability for the incident ( in writing) but when I talked to Aviva they told me that the third party are contesting it and seeking a 70/30 result. i have reported this to AI Solutions who have told me they are going to contest it. AI Solutions have told me they have not received my incident form twice now and have asked me to refill the form in for a third time -I will and send it by recorded delivery this time! I have been emailing AI Solutions complaints department where I had lodged a formal complaint. they will verbally tell me one thing but when I push them they write something completely different. They have written that the independent garage inspection that i had undertaken with their agreement and knowledge is not independent because in their eyes the garage have included items on the inspection that are not a direct result of the accident. I have notified the garage who undertook the inspection They are not happy and will be contacting AI Solutions about their allegations. I have written to Ai Soutions staitng that i am concerned that AI Soutions have a conflict of interest due to the fact that they are also responsible for the garage that casued further dmage. Avia have a conflict of interest as bothe aprties i nthe incident are insured with them -so all the costs will go to Aviva. i contacted the Ombudsman who gave me a reference number and I have notified AI Solutions and Swinton Brokers of this fact. Now AI Solutions have agreed to:- Another garage of my choice assessing my car for the reason why it is still pulling to the left; replacement of 2/4 tyres as their own network garage drove my car constantly miles and miles from the scene of the accident repeatedly and have damaged the tyres - they also swopped the tyres round hence damage to all four. They have also agreed to repair two other items listed on the inspection report. I am still driving a hired car. I have asked in writing for AI Solution to tell when they will be completing the repairs on my car, including all works as detailed in the independent inspection report that they have a copy of ple the replacemt of all four tyres that are damaged. I have a feeling they won't do it all. The garage who is doing the repairs has promised to keep me closely informed. I understand that AI Solutions, Aviva, Swintons Brokers and Silver Back Rymer (legal firm) are all a part of Quindells. Where do I stand with the Ombudsman if only part of the repairs are undertaken but not all? What other actions should I be taking? Really would appreciate any advice that you can offer. Many thanks.
  5. Hello everyone, I’m a member of a nonprofit making organisation and we are looking for ideas in obtaining sponsorship so thought I'd post here to see if anyone has some ideas that might help? Some details of the event: Each year, we organise a Bite Back at Cancer Black Tie Ball, the first Ball was held in 2007, in recognition of two popular divers, Vickie Herrald and Sally Pearson. This event has now become a regular date in our calendars, as a legacy to their wishes and in memory of their positive and loving outlook on life, despite the harsh cards they had both been dealt. The fund raising success of the event has grown year on year, thanks to the generosity of the attendees and also our sponsors in the form of donated gifts for inclusion in the charity auction and prize draws. To date we have raised: · In 2007 the amount was £1,500.00; · In 2008 the amount was £3,000.00; · In 2009 the amount was £6,000.00; · In 2010 the amount was £11,500.00; and · And in 2011 it was an amazing effort reaching £19,500.00. The funds raised are donated equally between two charities that we believe are close to the heart for many people. Marie Curie is one of our chosen charities, as their support is invaluable during the hard times that cancer can bring. The second charity, Bite-Back, is an organisation dedicated to marine conservation and the protection of sharks and aims to reduce consumer demand upon threatened shark and fish species. We are looking for new and exciting things this year and would love to extend our horizons. We are happy to advise that this year's event is being held at the Underglobe at the Globe on the Southbank.... All generosity is gratefully received and certainly does go a long way in helping us raise money for two very good charities, without the kindness of our sponsors, the event simply would not be the tremendous success it is each year. Our sponsors are who make this night such an amazing night out for everyone. We love to have some unique lots in our Charity Auction this year to help freshen up the Ball and to allow for the non divers amongst us to become more involved. If you do, we'd like to advise that your sponsorship could be used in a number of ways, including the auction, raffle draws, casino, or other game or activity held on the night, so no sponsorship is too small or too big and will be greatly accepted. In return for your sponsorship, your company logo and information will be advertised in our event's booklet. This booklet placed at each seat on the night and we also email this to our guest a couple of weeks before the event. As an incentive to encourage clubs and groups of people to attend we are offering a prize draw specifically for group bookings of ten or more people where you'll have the opportunity to win a one day boat charger with Sussex Ship Wrecks. This year’s venue has a maximum capacity of 250 places, so at the very worst each entry will have a 25 to 1 chance of winning! We refer to the various links, within this email, for further information on; previous events, Bite Back Charity, our past sponsors, Marie Curie Charity. All the best
  6. Not sure if this is the correct forum, or if this question is suitable for CAG at all really, I think it's consumer related, but apologies if I have got it wrong. I recently attended the Olympic Torch event in Lincoln, it was a free event but required tickets, the tickets stated 'no alcohol or picnicks'. However when we got there I was hauled aside when a 'bouncer' spotted my co-op bag and claimed he was giving me a 'random bag check' (it was obvious I was targeted due to the bag). He took a look inside and stated that no food was allowed on the field and that I had to move to the side and consume it there and then or not be allowed in. What followed was a quite predictable arguement from the jobsworth who couldn't provide any better answer than 'because it's not allowed'. But, there were food stalls all around the field! So, people were being stopped from taking food in presumably so that the stalls would get more custom. The field is owned by Lincoln City Council, and I wonder if someone could tell me if these people had any right to do this?
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