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Found 6 results

  1. Hope this is in the right place. If not, Admin please move. My son and his girlfriend moved into their first flat 4 months ago. They have been very happy there but now the weather is getting colder, they have tried to put the heating on and there's something wrong with the boiler. They have had various conversations with the Letting Agent who sent round their plumber last week who has condemned the boiler, saying it is beyond reasonable repair and requires replacing. The Landlord is refusing to accept this and won't authorise the repairs. The letting agent say their hands are tied until they can get an agreement out of the Landlord. Meanwhile the flat is getting increasingly damp and is freezing cold. They have tried to get hold of the CAB and the local council but to no avail. I've told them to continue to pay their rent but that I would see if I could get them any advice on what they can do. Any ideas?
  2. Hi my okd friends I need an EXTREMELY URGENT advice from you good people. Wished to refurbish the old house after 30 years which meant change of everything including wiring and water system etc. I employed a firm of archirects who with a QS sent tenders out and as the result we instructed a firm of contractors to do the job. After a while architects left the scene so we employed a building controller in their replace to interact with builders. There was to be a contract drawn by QS for "minor work project". Unfortunately a copy of it was sent to me last week! As I had signed a Letter of Intent, I assumed that all terms and condictions in darft of contrcat which I has seen would suffice. The builders went throught demolition phase, and should start on construction. The payment is as the follows: The builder gives a list of work and expenditure to QS. He without checking to see whether is adequate or the work is carried out, accepts the payment due and forwards builders' invoice. The building controller we appointed acts in place of architect but her responsibilty has been limited to signing the stage Cetrificate - meaning that the work was done accordingl to existing plans and drawings!. Despite all those safe guards at a lot of expense we now find ourselves in a very bad posiotion. Builder has not followed an iota of terms and conditions in contract, yet keeps naming it as a tool to ex-communicate us and carry on mis-leading the QS and the Controller. The very first part of construction has run into big trouble that he wants through his "uknown to us" sub-contractor charge us for electrical works BUT...he quoted a figure of nearly £50,000.00!(should be max £10k with most expensive products in market)) for a job including rewiring of 5 bedroom very average and meduim size house. They do not specify the products listed nor correct number of products to be used. The list I provided keeps being thrown away. Thus has been going on for past 2.5 months. Meanwhile I amconcerned that they have started to attempt with same approach with other tasks within project. Because of us trying to get a proper & accurate quote to give them the go ahead, they have shut down the site for past 8 days, because of health & safety regs we are not allowed to go in. We finally persuaded all those involved to have a meeting at the site in 2 days time. Obviously we can not work together. We have paid 2 invoices so far which partly may be a loss to us - no hope of getting some back. BUT WHAT AM I TO DO WHEN AT THE TABLE, WE REACH THE END. CAN THEY KICK ME OUT AND KEEP HOLDING THE HOUSE UNTIL WHEN? IS THERE SOMEONE, AN EXPERT I CAN TAKE WITH ME TO PROTECT ME, ASSESS WHAT THEY HAVE DONE ON THAT DAY? I AM SO WORRIED THAT THIS MAY TAKE A LONG COURT BATTLE. I JUST WANT TO PAY FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE FAIRLY. OR RETRIEVE PART OF MONEY I HAVE UNJUSTLY PAID. THE MAIN QUESTION IS: WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN AS THEY ARE THUGS. AND HOW CAN I GET THE HOUSE BACK TOMORROW? I do hope there is someone out there who can urgently advise me. Really can not afford to go to lawyers - lost a lot on architects and builders and so forth already, and I am currently left with a shell of the house living in a mice infested flat somewhere else. Please help. Sophie
  3. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum Would this be legal to carry in the UK ? It sprays out a harmless red gel that stains anyone it hits for about 5 days.
  4. Ok. I'm a HA tenant and have been for 15 years. Last year I booked several repairs with my landlord, they consistently failed to show then cancelled jobs due to "no access". I had two repairs completed on an emergency weekend call out, one of them was done twice. I wasted a weeks holiday (5 days) waiting for them not to show. So far this year they've missed two appointments which is another two days wasted holiday, they were due to arrive today at 8.30 to replace a kitchen unit that is rotten and falling apart after numerous leaks that they've failed to fix. So far they're not here and on past experience I don't think they're coming. It was arranged that they would start the job and I would go to work and they would complete and then lock up and leave. This was because I refused to take any more time off although they weren't happy with this. If they fail to show obviously I have to go through the complaints process however can I invoice them for my wasted time? When we get a gas service appointment for the boiler they threaten us with £40 charge if we miss it, can I do the same to them? Obviously today I haven't taken a day off but I have lost two days holiday waiting for them to not show. I'm just not sure what I can do to force them to stop messing about and do the repairs they're supposed to. Last years repairs were, A rotten front door that started to fall apart when I knocked it with the hoover. One complete no show, one assessment done and then door finally replaced when I got ****y. Boiler replacement that they tried to cancel at the last minute because their fitter had a sore eye, I refused to let them. One leaking radiator in the bathroom that was forcing the boiler to cut out due to low pressure.... turned up 3 days early, 2 emergency calls, bathroom light switch, turned up 3 days early one emergency call. Seal in living room window gone, turned up 3 days early, job cancelled due to "no access". The window has finally been assessed last week and surprise it needs replacing. They're allegedly coming on 13th April for that one. If I didn't pay my rent I would be homeless yet they seem to think I have time to waste, so frustrated!!!
  5. Hi, Claim against : bank of scotland Type: Credit card Hope you can help my wife and I have been claiming against PPI and have received a letter saying they had finished they're investigation in March 2013 but have reassessed it and have revised the decision, they have said that they will pay the following: Refund Due: 362.93 Less Basic rate tax on refund £19.30 Total Payment: 343.63 They say that they have included 8% interest on it They say the decision has been made and they will not be reopening the file and have sent us a cheque for the above amount. Do you think we should persue this further or are we at the point where we have got what is entitled to us? They sent a letter on 22nd December 2013 (which we did not recieve) and now we have got this letter. Thanks For any info, N.
  6. We have issues with our Freeholder: Waterglen Ltd and Managing Agents: Pier Management for a number of years. They have refused to carry out repairs to the building for over three years now, fobbing us off with section 20 notices which they have not followed through. The property is almost at the point of being uninhabitable and we see the only way forward is to issue Court Proceedings and would very much appreciate some advice. No work what soever had been effected o the exterior of the property in the 13 years or so since they bought the Ground Rents. The Freeholder and Managing Agents had never visited the Property. The main issue is the damage caused to the interior of the property. The ground floor flat has had water ingress over a sustained period of time though the exterior walls from broken and blocked guttering and a down soil stack that sprouts grossly when the toilet is flushed or the bath emptied etc. The plaster is blow and covered in mould to the kitchen and bedroom backing onto the stack. We have a Surveyors report confirming the source of damage as well as the opinion of The Leasehold Tribunal Surveyor. Matters have come to standoff since the LVT and FTT ruled that the service charge percentage for each of the two flats is 1/5th. Meaning that the Freeholders can only reclaim 40%. Ironically this was only highlighted, considered and ruled upon during the first LVT action we took to consider the extortionate Buildings Insurance charges. Their application at both Trials to vary the lease was declined: Cases CHI/29UC/LIS/2012/0076 and CHI/29UC/LSC/2013/015. The Freeholders representative did approach us to negotiate terms to vary the lease but has since ignored our emails asking for their proposals. No doubt they will make a claim to vary the lease and we have confirmed that we will make a claim for compensation of increased service charges. In the meantime they refuse to carry out any repairs and the damage to the interior is worsening and causing health problem to one of the Leaseholders. Could we ask for some advice on: Issuing a Count Court claim for Breach of the covenant on the part of the Freeholder to keep the property in good order, the wording of a notice of intent letter and any other letter and procedures. A counterclaim for Compensation in the no doubt forthcoming Lease Variation application. Thank you
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