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Found 3 results

  1. Hi All, I read few posts on the forum and my story started similar to many of yours. Sorry for this long post but I thought it would be good to write in detail so you all can guide me properly. I live in Croydon. I mostly work from home and occasionally travel to London for "work" using my "pay-as-you-go" oyster card. My wife goes to office daily so she has monthly travelcard. Today evening I was due to go meet few friends in London and met my wife at Croydon station (she was coming back from her office). It was almost same time so I promised to see her before I go out. She used her travelcard to pass barricades and placed it in Ipad cover (she had ipad in her hand, guess was using in train). I met her, thought I could use ipad during journey, so took her ipad without me and her realizing that her travelcard is in the Ipad cover. So she left and after she left when I opened ipad, I noticed her travelcard in it. Now I have been in London only for a year and never used travelcard (always my oyster since she is always at work when I go out to London for my meetings) so honestly didnt know that it is not transferable (I know many would take it as a excuse but this is true, I stay busy with my work and hardly get time to research on things that I don`t use. this is the first time I got travelcard in my hands). At this moment, I made a bad decision. Without knowing it is not transferable, I decided to use it however, showed it clearly to inspector at barricade, he saw and allowed me in, I took the train to Victoria and then took underground using my oyster. On the return journey, I decided to board direct overground train from St Pancreas so again showed travelcard to inspector however, he stopped me this time. I had no bad intention of misusing travelcard which is why I wasnt afraid of showing travelcard to let him check and allow me in. But when I reflect back, I can see that I was wrong and also irresponsible - If I didnt know, I should have asked explicitly whether I can use this but In hurry to meet friends and rush time, I took it easy. he took my details, signature and told me that I will get a letter. Based on what I read, I am expecting a letter from FCC on confirming my address and perhaps interview (if I m lucky so I can explain my situation). I know I should wait for letter to come but just wanted to check if there is anything I should do in coming weeks before I get letter. I am very worried about criminal record now. I am due for UKBA visa in few months and also travel frequently across the world for my work which means quite a many visa applications in future. Due to sensitivity of my job, my employer takes criminal records very seriously and I am worried that this mistake might cost me lot more than money. I have a job I always wanted and now due to this reason, If it impacts my visa or employment, I would be quite depressed and disappointed. I never had any offence in my life (no speeding, no penalty, no fines etc.) but am afraid that this might just be a bad memory for entire life. I have no intention to endorse my stupidity and ignorance, I already feel awful about it but I hope FCC can consider my remorse and agree to settle out of court. thanks - S
  2. I was given a weekly travelcard by a very kind passenger leaving Liverpool street station and travelling to the airpot. He said 'please use it or give to your family or a friend' 2 days later day ON A LONDON BUS i was informed by a ticket inspector that it should be accompanied by a photo card, it was confiscated and I received a letter saying that I may be prosecuted, what can I do, I accepted the 'gift card' for 2 days and was totally unaware that it would lead to this stage. I would appreciate your advice. I am so worried.
  3. On the DLR on my way home from work today, I got fined £40 for not having my Oyster Card on me. I travelled 3 stops. This is the first time this has happened and I'm not one to be avoiding paying fares. As it happens, I pay for a Zones 1-2 monthly travel card on my Oyster, so I never touch in or out on the DLR (within Zones 1-2), as my journeys are covered. Does the fact that I have already paid for my travel in advance (they can check their databases) give me grounds for appealing the fine? It just seems a bit silly that I have to pay a fine for a genuine mistake, when I have actually already paid for my journey.
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