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  1. I recently joined a gym which has a 12 month contract. I paid the first month in cash to the gym, and chose my first DD date, which was the 24th August 2012. I've only been there 5 weeks but I'm already starting to dislike the place as some weights are being broken, bathroom and showers in filthy condition. So I want to know If i have the right to cancel? The first month was cash in hand with the second being my first DD which was only 2 days ago. Don't these things usually have a 30 day time period in which you can cancel after your first DD payment? As the cash one wouldn't have gone to Ashbourne. Anything I can do? Such as call them and say I'm not happy and want to cancel?
  2. In March 2012, i joined Harpers Gym, and, whilst agreeing to the terms and conditions of my membership, was informed that i was able to be a member on a rolling monthly contract. As a result, today, i contact the gym and informed them that i wanted to cancel it. However, they informed me that i was tied to a 12 month contract which is clearly in contradiction to what i was initially sold and agreed to. The sales manager who sold me the contract told me, at the time of joining, that even though the paperwork says it is for 12 months, this was not the case and that it was in fact membership which is on going from month to month and could cancel at any-time (with 28 days notice). If i thought that i was signing a 12 month contact i would not have agreed to anything and not signed anything. The sales manager who sold me the membership is now on maternity leave and there is no way of the gym to contact her, this s what they have told me. I have spoken to head office who have said that this is a matter which is to be dealt with locally, at the actual gym, yet they gym are saying it is a matter for head office.. Like a i say, if i thought it was for 12 months i would not have agreed to anything and would have gone to a difference gym. In relation to the above, are you able to assist with advising me on my rights and where i stand with this?. At the moment i am considering cancelling my direct debt but fear this may cause me more problems . Can you advise me accordingly please..? Many thanks
  3. Hi, not really sure which forum this would belong in so hoping that somebody can move it for me once posted. basically my problem is this, last year I joined up to one of the many local golf clubs, paying for this by way of monthly direct debit (april 2011 - april 2012) this was fine, but come the start of a new year, I decided that i wouldn't continue as I didnt want to be tied to one club, and to be fair, I'm not currently playing enough to warrant paying £60/month. This month, my mortgage bounced, and as I was sure i had funds in there, i checked my account, only to discover that the club were still taking for membership. I called them earlier today, and it turns out that in their t&c (which I signed but as is so often the case, didn't read) they automatically renew the membership, unless i tell them not to, they have agreed to cancel the agreement, but refuse to refund money which in my opinion, they have conned me out of! can they do this, as I feel this to be completely wrong, and if I were to take this further, would the t&c stand up in court, as in my opinion, I don't think that the small print is read by most people (unless it's just me ) Would appreciate any help on this one, cheers, S.
  4. Hi there, I have found this forum after looking for a solution to my problem through google and I was wondering if someone could advise me. After reading through some threads in this section my problem seems trival but here goes. I have been a member at my gym for about 5 years and I canceled my gym memebership last month inline with thier policy of giving one months notice. I handed my physical letter (which they insisted it had to be) at reception on the 1st of May. I rang the next day to make sure it had all been recieved and the membership canceled which they confirmed it had. I noticed that on the 1st of June they have taken money out for this months memebership fees. I rang to enquire why this had happened and was told that because I had not given 1 months notice they would be charging me an extra month. Now my issue is the 1st to the 1st is a month, but they are failing to recongise this because 'thier direct debit system works on the last day of the month' this was not made clear, I was told 1 months notice, which is what i gave. So basically im asking do I have a grievence here, or above and beyond asking for the money to be refunded and being refused (which I have) I cant really do anything more? I should have cancelled the direct debit straight away, but like a fool I didnt. It isnt a massive amount of money, but I feel they do this to chance their arm and see what extra revenue they can drum up by doing things like this to many customers and it gets on my wick. Thanks Monsterman
  5. Don't know if anybody knows the answer to this. If a holiday caravan or lodge park claims to be a member of a trade association and included the trade association logo on its website, what's the procedure when a park is suspended? Should they still be showing the logo to say they are members? Any comments gratefully received
  6. *Noticed the title has a misspelling* Hello, I am currently a member of LA Fitness along with my wife. We are both on a 12 months contract which I pay monthly. When we joined LA Fitness we registered both of our names on the screens and was sent a Membership Agreement (Fixed-Sum Loan Agreement regulated) with our signatures which states a sum of £672.00 x 2 which is to be paid by 12 installments of £56 x 2; which is £112 for the both of us which I pay from my account. Note: A terms and conditions page was sent without our signatures. We are both 4 months in our 12 month contract. During our visits to the gym I have made a number of complaints and calls to clean the changing rooms as they are always dirty; thick dust on the air con, mold in the showers, broken gym equipment which increases the risk of injury (squat rack) and loose dumbbells which could at any moment come apart and land on you. None of my complaints were addressed or confirmed and nothing was done about it. A few days ago I was using one of the dumbbells and one end of the dumbbell came loose and landed on my knee; seems I have bruised it and will be seeing the GP as it's quite painful. I will be going in today to take any pictures of broken equipment and dirty facilities. I am now pursuing a way to cancel both of our contracts. My wife has her own contract with LA fitness which I pay for. Does anyone have any advice on what is the best way of going about doing this?. Attached is my agreements and terms and conditions. Personal details have been removed. Membership Agreement (remove spaces) http: //dl.dropbox.com/u/460884/1.jpg http: //dl.dropbox.com/u/460884/2.jpg Thanks. terms_and_conditions.pdf
  7. Hello, I am having problems with my gym membership at Nuffield Health. I believe I was missold a 12 month gym membership (As the sales advisor said I would be able to change to a 3month contract as I was unsure when signing up and he said he would have to put down 12months on the system but this could be changed the next week when I came in). I have cancelled my direct debit and am wondering should I pay the bill as the sales person no longer works for nuffield and they are asking for payment. Kind regards,
  8. Hi group, Total noob to this so apols if I make any ettiquette errors. So to be succinct - Ashbourne signed up to 12 month contract (£65 per month), stopped attending, quit the club and told them, then cancelled the DD, Ash then letter hounded me for increasing amounts. Ended up paying them £135 to close the account (2 months + admin fee) as they were threatening £500 and credit agency reporting etc! (was this the right thing to do or should I have called their bluff? Seems they have a lot of bullying claims against them) 2nd, I want to leave LA Fitness and join a gym closer to work but was told the contract runs out in July. They have recently written to me to say they are upping my DD by £4 pcm as they are refurbing the gym. What can I do to get out of this contract quickly and painlessly? I am not satisfied with the gym anymore and don't want to pay more for a service I do not feel is fitting. Any help much appreciated, Thanks
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