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Everything posted by nettyg

  1. that would have been anybody EXCEPT debs then lol - she's a rude, unhappy, bitter and twisted old thing!! probably needs to reclaim her own charges
  2. and thankfully... that's how this site works xx
  3. hahaha i hear that!!! what u doin up so late??? i thought it was me that did the dawn chorus shift lol
  4. you're not getting on anybody's nerves phil, it's kinda new territory and we're all here behind you and anyone else in your position (there's a few). you won't end up in court they'll offer soon, it's just taking a little bit longer that's all. as crusher says 'chin up'.
  5. hi akcy... just type in on your spreadsheeet exactly what it says on your statement. if it says 'total charges' then type that in... simple as that! it's usually the total charges that make up most of the claim that you will get back. good luck
  6. hey crush.... remember you've got claims to 'claim' lol
  7. hahaha... i've got a rat problem!! roland rat dead in front of me shed now and i can't go out in my garden - i have issues with rodents. i'm just hoping that the one that's belly up outside the shed is the same little b*****d that chewed it's way through my sunlounger!!! obviously didn't understand how important my tan is to me!!!! lol lol lol
  8. i would say that a lot of peeps have never seen a spreadsheet let alone fill one in for a lifesaver lol... if we can do it.. you can!!
  9. white banker window envelope - red stamp with birmingham post mark. letter inside on creamish paper lol i need to get out more!
  10. then it may scare you to death that nobody had a clue until they came on this site in the same position as you.... justice will prevail lol
  11. yeah, your good season is about to start and hsbc will be falling over themselves with phonecalls to offer you allsorts because they think they can 'help' but when you need help genuinely, they p**s you off big time. go for the jugular... they deserve nothing else!
  12. herhumm.... 1976 was one of the hottest summers on record michael - complete water ban - i remember it well, was hairdressing at the time (well actually not hairdressing because they wouldn't even let us have the water to wash hair!!) lol lol lol i got the best 'english' tan ever hehehehe
  13. i bet lats can walk on water hehehehe!!!
  14. how come i've been resurrected.... ok it's easter lol
  15. lats.... you never fail to make me laugh!! you're so brilliantly funny lol
  16. if maths were anybody's strong points - there wouldnt be this site lol.... that's why were all here! you're in good hands, stick to all your timescales and you'll be fine. looks like your'e gonna be busy for the next few months, but those kids will get the benefit in the end - trust me!
  17. lol... you're probably right
  18. thing is... i think the guys who answer the phones (not call centres in banglahore) actually DO know what's going on. i know a few peeps who work for them still, and they are claiming their own charges back lol. hsbc as an employer are disgraceful to work for. and i'm speaking from experience on that one!
  19. exactly, stick to your timescales. they never used to mind slapping charges on and sending you letters, just in time for a bank holiday or a weekend!!
  20. nettyg

    McB V HSBC

    what a fab idea... i'm off to pc world see y'all lata
  21. that makes it a 'sweet' easter for you... well done.
  22. nettyg

    McB V HSBC

    lol... and there was you thinking i was out having a nice time!! good morning lats (on early shift too)
  23. absolutely!!! i bet they've ruined many a bank holiday for you in the past!! i know they did for me... lowlife b's!
  24. wicked!! watching and waiting.. you'll get what you deserve - all your money back and that wonderful feeling of self worth. big up to you caroline..it won't be too long x
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