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Everything posted by reidnet

  1. Hiya, GE Have gone all quiet on me since they submitted their AQ trying to go Fast Track instead of small claims, they want me to produce a new POC etc , But I aint doing nothing until the court advises me if they plan to go Small Claims or Fast Track. I may try and contact the court sometime this week if I get a chance, Just bit busy with the house going on the market this week etc. And I should also have notice back from Legal & General shortly re the Mis Sold Endownment policy I had some time ago..lol, well I had to do something to keep me occupied until GE sort themselves out..lol As for Nasywest.. No CA.. oh dear .. They are in the brown sticky stuff I think..lol , I pressume you will be going for 100% and not their generous offer of 50%..lol Its great to hear of people winning back what is rightfully theirs, I have also just be landed with helping my Brother with his bank charges..and thats with my Fav Bank Lloyds..lol. Ian
  2. If they cannot produced a copy of the executed agreement they cannot enforce the debt unless through the courts, Of course the court will take a very dim view if they cannot or will not provide a copy of the agreement. Ian
  3. I would ask them to provide you with a copy of the loan agreement that also states that you requested PPI along with the loan. If they cannot provide that then your fight should be a bit easier. Ian
  4. You will probably get your response from them on the last day of the 4 weeks, if not later. And remember it is your Timescale that you are working to NOT THEIRS.. Ian
  5. THE DRINKS ARE ON HELLHASNOFURRY...lol Well done Sandbro.. Keep up the good work.. How Many Aberdeen Rowies can you get for £3k ..lol Ian
  6. And just to add, Thier PPI Policies can cost more than 10 times the amount of a policy provided by one of the Independant Insurance Companies.. Massive Profit maker is PPI to the High Street Lenders.. Ian
  7. Hi Ian, It may be an Idea to start a seperate thread for your PPI, Just one idea if you can obtain a signed statement of truth form your ex employer that you were verbally informend on the 10th October that you were being made redundant, this would help you a great deal and of course is outwith their 30 Days. Good Luck Ian
  8. I have a copy of their AQ, they want to go Fastrack instead of Small Claims..Yeah right (as i tighten the zip on the back of my neck). I have not responded to their AQ as I will wait for word from the court first. Yet again the delaying , Bullying and Scare Tactics used by GE Money and their band of merry men Continues.. Ian
  9. Nice letter Pooch, I wonder how they will try and wriggle out of answering that one. Ian
  10. Hi and welcome to CAG, I have posted some Info on PPI and the different types of PPI, it may be of some use to you .. If you need any help do not be afraid to ask.. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/ppi/61081-ppi-some-notes-claimants.html Good Luck Ian
  11. If you have it in writting that you would have got a better rate if it had not been for Lloyds TSB messing up your credit status, then It may well be worth fighting for Damages on that Grounds. Lloyds are good at Sidestepping.. They had a serious go about my Lloyds Posts on here (which I removed for the sake of CAG) via their Solicitors. Maybe they did not like all the attention that it was getting as I think it was of the early claims for mis-sold PPI, just before the Sh*t hit the fan etc. I responded to one of the head guys at Lloyds and guess what, after providing him with even more Damming Infor about their Company they went all quiet and have never bothered to respond at all. I remember years ago the TSB moto .. the bank that likes to say YES, now it appears to be the bank that likes to Ignore you or tell you to F off. Ian
  12. I would claim on all 4 loans, Black Horse are notorious for that type of behavour, after all they are part of my Favourite bank.. Lloyds..lol. I once was desperate enough or was it daft enough to get a loan from them to buy some urgently required sound equipment..No mention of PPI initially, just £1000 will cost you so much a week, sign here. Now thinking about it I have not looked into that loan as such... I can feel another SAR getting fired off..lol. Then I may take them on too once I get finished with GE Money who are taking up my time at the momment.. Good luck and if you need help Just shout Ian
  13. Damages could be tricky, you will be asked to prove what Damage was done etc etc , and as Keith says I think they would fight tooth and nail over that one. But that is just my opinion. Ian
  14. And is it not still a bit of a Shambles these days ..lol The gestures of goodwill , to keep their customers happy, My Backside, Gesture of Goodwill is to get you off their back and keep you quiet. Strangely they hand out this goodwill just before court, None of them have been bold enough to stand up in court But I am hoping that GE Money will stand up in court.. Now that will make an interesting day out for me and a few others and of course the Press..lol. Perhaps GE are being the way they are with me because of who I am and what I am doing to highlight this massive rip off market, then again GE seem to mess others about too, using Bullying Tacticts ,Scare Tactics and they seem to think they are above the courts and try to get their own way all the time, of course you would not expect anything less from this outfit. Ian
  15. FIRSTPLUS.. I had a loan which was arranged through Purpleloans / GE Money. The loan has been settled in full with Firstplus, They charged me £150 Admin fee.. Which I fought and got refund. They also charged me £750 early settlement fee, I of course fought that too (God I sound a right moaning faced Git..lol), they were not so quick to respond about the ESC.. They soon changed their Minds when they got summons.. They phoned me asked me to drop court action and they would refund in full plus Interest. I said NO, you send me the cheque and once it has cleared I will drop the Action, I got the cheque a few days Later. The fight over the PPI which went along with the loan was mis sold to me by Purpleloans / GE Money and that fight is ongoing and now basically in the hands of the court. If you need contact Names, Phone Numbers etc for Firstplus give me a shout.. Ian
  16. Well I have my Fingers, Legs and eyes Crossed for you ..lol Ian x
  17. Or is it that the information that they have which may prove them wrong has accidentally fallen into the Industrial Cross Cut Shredder.... :rolleyes: woops how silly of me to think things like that...lol Ian
  18. Good Luck, and if you need any help or ammunition just ask..lol Ian
  19. glad to say Im sort of sorted out and back in full fighting mode against GE Money.. Ian
  20. I would totally Agree with Hellhasnofurry, The company that set up the agreement and sold you the PPI are the ones that are responsible. Go after them, they will no doubt continue to give you the run around but dont give in to them. Ian
  21. You will have the last laugh, Once you have all your Information let us know and we will point you in the right Direction.. Our Policy is of Course .. No Win = No Fee .... Win = No Fee...lol Good Luck Ian
  22. Yeah M8, GO For It..lol That is the only way they will listen to you anyway, Just ask yourself if the shoe was on the other foot and they were chasing you for Money , Would they accept your excuses..Would they Hell. so whay should you accept their Incompitence, It just shows what sort of outfit they really are.
  23. Well if i dont hit them in or before Court I am sure that they will get Hit by the bad press that will be heading their way..lol One of the National Newspapers are following my case very closely.. Ian
  24. Now Misses, Dont let those Cracks show..lol You gave me a boot up the backside on a couple of occasions , so I will just have to get down there and kick your Bum.. Oh I will bring down Half a dozen Aberdeen Rowies as a sweetner..lol So you tell them where the can stick their Gesture of Goodwill, and if you are not sure where that is dont be afraid to PM me.. I know that it can get stressful, Ive had enough stress the past few days and know what it is like. ( though I did find getting drunk as a skunk on friday night did help a lot, but suffered on Saturday and came to my senses after talking to god on the big white telephone..lol) But glad to say Im back in full fighting Mode now. Though I may still not be on here as much as usual, as House is going on the Market next week so have painting etc etc to do this weekend. At least one good thing with the property market up here the Solicitor recons that the value of our present house has almost Trebled in the past 5 and a bit years. Now Misses you go and look about and get your Furry back, or I wont be responsible for my Actions..lol Ian
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