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Everything posted by reidnet

  1. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/ppi/61081-ppi-some-notes-claimants.html I have tried to explain the differnt types of PPI in the above notes, What i can make of your PPI it was added on at the start of the loan and included in the total credit of the loan. It would appear to be a single Premium policy , where the policy amount is paid at the start of the loan in a lump sum to pay for the insurance. If this is the case and it was Mis-Sold to you I would go for the full PPI Premium plus Interest at the contractual rate, I would Calculate the Interest from the start date to the date that the loan was paid off in full. Good Luck Ian
  2. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/ppi/61081-ppi-some-notes-claimants.html Have a look through the above, It may help you, and of course you can shop around for another loan from a different lender and could end up better off. I did that and saved about £45 a month by paying off the old loan, But I am still fighting over the Mis-Sold PPI. Ian
  3. HI, Bit of a tricky one .. It will be stated in their terms and conditions that you have to be activelly looking for other work or claiming benefit. I will use a line that they all use in their replies..lol I know its not the answer you were looking for but unless you have grounds for claiming that the policy was Mis-sold to you at the time I doubt if they will give in. Have a look through here and you may get some ideas as to if you were mis-sold the policy etc. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/ppi/61081-ppi-some-notes-claimants.html If you need any help just shout. Ian Ian
  4. They will all be saying Very soon...Oh Sh*t hide , here is that Mad woman with the ferocous Ferret...lol.. Im Not In, Ive Moved Office etc etc..lol These B*******s do try to wear you down, and in a way they are winning at the momment, the time spent on this claim has started to have some effect with me and the OH, But have to get on with life..lol
  5. Yeah I believe you can claim £9.25 per hour for prepairing claim etc, Now if I was to claim this from GE for the Time I have spent on my claim I think they would go into administration..lol Ian
  6. Hiya Wobbles, Great news that they are paying up.. And I would say that you are right not to trust them..after all they did con you into PPI...Once the Money is safely in your account then I would send them in the form and get the interest back as well. Adminicle Ltd will be the Insurance Company that provided the Policies, I think at least..lol. Now remember Wobbles...Spend it wisely ..lol How many Cadbury's cream eggs could you get for 4 grand....lol I am off now to finish filling in My endownment Complaint, well I have to do something to keep me occupied until GE get their Finger out and stand up in court..If they dare..lol Ian
  7. Hi, If it cleary states that you have a 30 day cooling off period, Then I would suggest you get the letter out to them asap, As you have also pointed out to them in your letter that you did in fact try to cancel this policy after 7 days and they have refused, Then they have breached their own terms and conditions. If they still refuse to cancel the PPI then I would get in touch with the FOS and issue a comlaint through them. The more that you have in writting the better, You could always submit a SAR to request a transcript , Audio recording of your original application. Good Luck Ian
  8. Hiya Sandra, Just a quickie as the bishop said to the Actress..lol, I have had a very busy tiring weekend, 90th Birthday Party on Friday Night, 400 and odd mile round trip on Saturday to pick up a puppy, Long day on Sunday with Tescos Awards Night, ohh and a bit of mixing with celebs..lol. 2 Other CAG members whi have legal Knowledge have had a look over my claim and GE's Defence, and have advised me to keep going..lol AQ was posted back to court Yesterday along with another £100.. so Sit back and wait again. Ive had a **** day at long day at work today and am Knackered, so heading off to bed in 5 Mins. Have loads of stuff to reply to on CAG too but just too knackered tonight, and I will be away to work about 4.30am again. Ian
  9. Quick Update, A legal Whiz on here had a look over all my paperwork..Got the reply that GE's Defence was weak and really nit picking and trying to bully scare me off.. Reply has now been sent to their Solicitor and AQ will be posted off to court on Monday.. I feel a lot better about the claim now..Big thanks to Legal Bob Well better head off Busy weekend this weekend, And have not decided if I ill Iron shirt for tonight or nip 5 mins down the road to Tesco's and buy one..lol Ian
  10. Yes of course you can still claim even if the OFT make a ruling regarding the Bank Charges. The OFT ruling is purely a level set by the OFT and basically they will not get involved with any claims if the charges are at or below their recommended level. Of course this level set by the OFT can and will be challenged as £12 still IMHO does not represent a true cost to the banks. Ian
  11. I am not 100% sure about the time limitation Act, If you start your own thread on PPI I am sure that someone with the required Knowledge will give you a definate answer. Ian
  12. Well Maybe the Cavalry have just arrived...lol In the legal way... More Later..lol
  13. I have noticed that the Number of post in the PPI section is Increasing on a daily basis, The publicity around this market is obviously starting to have a bit of an effect. Sadly the closest thing we get to Aberdeen Rowies are so called Aberdeen Butteries from Tescos, which leave a lot to the imagination and are nothing like the real thing, You cant beat the old Aitkens or Thains Rowies.. I still go to Aberdeen fairly often so next time I go I will try and arrange with the red cross to get you a food parcel of Aberdeen Rowies sent..lol Well had yet another late night or early morning finishing off my response to GE's Defence, got to bed just after 4.30 am and up again at 7 am to walk the dogs.. Thankfully I have the day off today, but have a bit of a hectic weekend ahead. 90th Birthday Function tonight, Away early Sat morning to Penrith and back to exchange Puppy, Then Big Tescos Awards night Function on Sunday night. Thank god I have Monday off as well. Right just got to know highlight the points in my claim that GE's Solicitors have not made any mention off, then get it faxed off to them. Ian
  14. Hi and welcome to CAG, First of all I would have a good read through the following Information which will help make your task a lot easier, It will also explain our tried and tested method of defeating the Banks. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/faqs-please-read-these/ Once you have read through that lot, which I suggest will take a little bit of time. you should then start your own thread (post) in the relevant Bank forum, it is adviasable to have a read through some of the other postings within the forum of the bank you are dealing with, This will give you some idea of what response etc to expect from the Bank. You will then find all the required template letters etc here. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/ As to yor question regarding the moving of Address , as long as your account number etc has not changed it should be ok, Of course it would not do any harm to add your previous address in the letter, But make sure you clearly state that was your previous address and that all correspondence should be addressed to your new Address. Good Luck , not that luck is required.. If you are unsure of anything , Do not be afraid to ask, no matter how silly you think your question may be. Ian
  15. Wonder how they will worm their way out of this one, The Courier: Taking you to the heart of Tayside and Fife Bet Gary Glitter would like this one..lol Ian
  16. Have to agree with you Rossie, Should maybe charge Lubylou for the advert I think..lol I think £25 per letter sounds about right too.. , It does look a little suspicious that posting for sure. Well we know certain Banks and their solicitors have been know to monitor here.
  17. Hi Buggerlugs, You could be right about GE, I am fighting them at the momment over the same thing, Mis-sold PPI and it is a struggle with them. It may improve now as the matter is basically in the hands of the courts. They are some outfit to deal with, you have more chance of getting a drink out of a Scotsman than you have getting information out of GE. Before you can complain thorugh the FOS you have to have had a final response letter from the company that you are complaining about. You will have to write to GE with your complaint, which they will respond with their basic bog off reply, you may have to follow that up with another letter until you get a final letter from them. Once you have their final answer then you can procedd down the road of the FOS. It takes time and gets very frustrating with GE, but you have to keep the fight up. I have posted some notes for Claimants that you may find of some use http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/ppi/61081-ppi-some-notes-claimants.html Plus the contact I used at GE Money was as follows.. Mr Rupert Peacock Customer Relations Manager GE Money Consumer Lending Ltd 53-61 College Road Harrow Middlesex HA1 1FB Direct Phone 0845 610 6532 Direct Fax 01923 426770 You will find that any response from the above , will be at the last minute or more than usual late and outwith any timescale you set, Best way is to keep at Him, I always sent copies of letters etc to Him by Fax and also by recorded Delivery mail, Not that it made any difference to the way he responded but at least if you have to go to court you will have evidence regarding contact with Him. An I think they have run a course of Cutting and Pasting in Microsoft word as they like to repeat themselves and never get straight to the point..lol:-) Having said that I did once get a prompt reply from Him, That was when My court summons arrived on His desk.. You may also find this report from the FSA interesting, Tut Tut Ge Fined for Mis-Selling Products and breaking the FSA Principles of Business. FSA fines GE Capital Bank Good luck and if you need further help Just ask.. Ian
  18. I wish it was as easy and as starightforward as the bank charges, Hopefully with the ongoing Campaign against PPI and the way the FSA are starting to act on these companies maybe one day it will be a lot easier.. I did have one PPI claim that was easy, but the other one I am fighting I have been at since around September / October But feel now as it is at court it is getting that bit closer. Ian
  19. Hi Mia, If you get stuck with anything or you do not understand anything Just shout or PM me and I will try and help if possible.. Ian
  20. Hi, If you felt that you were Bullied / Pressurised into taking out the PPI then you have a case for trying to reclaim the PPI. Basically what do you have to loose ?.. Nothing.. Ian
  21. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/ppi/61081-ppi-some-notes-claimants.html Have a read through the above, I have tried to make it a simple as possible to understand, It explains the different Types of PPI and I have added a couple of Template letters etc. Good Luck and dont be afraid to ask anyone in here for help if you need it.. Ian
  22. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/ppi/61081-ppi-some-notes-claimants.html You may find some helpful Information In here.. Good Luck Ian
  23. Another one of those Gestures Of Goodwill, Defination of Gesture Of Goodwill -- Oh Sh*t we have been found out, here have some money and bugger of and leave us alone.. Of course that is only my Interpretaion of the Gesture of Goodwill...lol Ian
  24. Bumpetey Bump, Damm sleeping Policeman are everywhere these days..lol Hi Hellhasnofury, Oh just noticed the Ferret has gone again..lol The amount for compensation / Damages is a tricky one really, You may well be asked to state a good case as to the amount of compensation / Damages that you have asked for. What I did in my claim was to ask for a sum in way of Damages / Compensation but that the amount of any award I would leave up to the discression of the Court. Funny enough they have mentioned this in their defence and have asked to state to the strickest proof as to the amount of loss that I have suffered... Well I forget how many bloody Keyboards I have burned out writing to them..lol Well better get back and finish off my comments to their defence..lol I also got the AQ from the court today at long last, It has to be back by the 1st April, so will get everything finished off and get it posted off on Monday Morning. Ian
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