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Everything posted by reidnet

  1. Sit back and wait..dont be so iMPATIENT...LOL
  2. If they have not supplied all the required information Hit The B%%^^&S with a failure to Comply under the Data Protection Act notice, Dont take their excuses they are playing games again. I would also submit a complaint to the ICO that will let them know that you are not going to take any crap from them. Good Luck Ian
  3. Well just had another long chat with one of My advisors from CAG..lol GE Want a fight.. then they can Bloody well have one, and if they want to act like the school bully they will get even more bad Press on that tactics. They think they can Dictate to the Courts, well we will just wait and see what the Judge says all in good time.. Obviously their AQ was written by the same muppet that wrote their Defence.. BRING IT ON GE..
  4. Thanks Maria, I have resolved the personal Problems that we had last week, though will be pretty busy over the next couple of weeks .. GE do not agree with the Small Claims, they want Fastrack, that way they can claim costs I believe.. And they have recommended a date in November.. They are taking the **** there I think. I will just have to wait and see what the court decide.. Small Claims or Fastrack. Well hopefull there will be some Nice National Press Involvement..lol Ian
  5. Hi Itsme, Good luck , and no doubt their Defence will be full of Nonsense, Ian
  6. Hi All, Firstly thanks for all your kind words and messages, Glad to say that things are in the process of being sorted out here. It helps to have a bit of time out and a few beers etc, The OH and I have sorted our problems out and we are planning a fresh start.. That also includes selling up this house and moving to a smaller house. ( long story but have to agree with her that this house is far too big now for just the 2 of us). The past few months have been somewhat stressful, as will the next couple of months until we sell here and move, Donations of Cardboard boxes appreciated..lol. And anyone handy with a Paintbrush is very welcome to come and help out..lol Once again Thanks to all especially Hellhasnofury, As for GE Money, they disagree that the Small Claims track is suitable for my claim, well I think we will let the court decide on that one, Now that they have once again tried using their Scare Tactics and Bullying methods ,, I think it is time to go National on this one. Now that they have responded with that I will now be passing this onto a National Newspaper who have been following my case in detail and should now be in a position to have this Printed. Ian
  7. Just a quick update, Got copy of GE's AQ, they disagree with Small claims and want the case to go Fast Track, Now I think this is simply them using their Bullying tacticts yet again as they either hope I will drop out with the thought of them being awarded costs etc. They have propossd a court date of around 23rd November 2007.. I Dont ..%44^^$$ Think so. Well I will now be passing this latest bit onto the National Press, One National Paper are keen to take up the case on my behalf, Just to highlight how these companies think they can walk all over Consumers and use their Bullying and Scare tacticts to cover up their mis-selling. Will just have to play the waiting game yet again to see what the court decide, After all it is the Courts decision which track the claim will take and not that of GE Money. IMHO - If a document is passed to you for signature that already has the PPI box ticked, this does not in fact make the PPI optional ? Ian
  8. https://www.a1credit.co.uk/products/loans/iGroup-Loan.php Maybe this is the old website..Not sure .. Ian
  9. Hi Folks, Just to let you all know I may not be on for a while, Personnal problems at the momment and in the process now of seperating, so you may understand If Im not around. Im not sure at the momment if I will even continue my fight with GE as I think finding somewhere new to live and sort my life out will take priority for the next few weeks or so. Good luck to everyone with their fights over PPI, If i can get time i will still look in to see what is going on. Thanks to everyone for their Support too in my fight, but at the momment I feel I have no fight left. Take Care and Good Luck Ian Ps.. Hellhasnofurry - You are doing a good job and hopefully you will continue the fight in my absence.. :(
  10. Like H ell they will get away with, Not if we can do anything about it, They cannot change agreements without your consent & Signature.. Keep fighting and we will all help out wherever possible.. Good Luck Ian
  11. Was taken as a Joke...lol If GE paying for my time I can only type with one finger..lol Ian
  12. I think they will state that since your agreemnet pr dated the Rule of 78 statement etc by the FSA they will have taken the terms and conditions of your agreement at the date it was taken out. No harm in challenging it though, I did with Firstplus and they Paid up ..lol Ian
  13. Looks good to me, Short and straight to the point, hopefully they will Understand that you mean business.. Good Luck Ian
  14. You can go to the FOS first and if you dont get a result there , then you can go down the court Route.. You cant do it the other way around though. Plus the FOS route is free..lol Ian
  15. "when you win and then you can get her a bunch of flowers, perfume, diamond ring, new car, etc" By the time this case is over I may not be here, Sort of House Hunting at the Mo... Longish Story.. Ian
  16. They may supply them along with the info on your charges, If you have asked for all Information relating to all accounts they should. Ian
  17. Well back to the waiting game again, Have submitted AQ back to court and it has been received by them on 27th March.. So lets see how long before we get a date and get GE Face to Face in Court. Ian
  18. Well the local shop down the road from me have them on offer 4 for 99p, thats a lot of eggs..lol Ian
  19. Hiya, Their letter is nothing less than you would have expected..lol Court or the FOS would ba available route, If you start court proceedings then the FOS will not take up your case. Good Luck Ian
  20. Worth a read this one.. Thanks To David Andrews Media for this link... Consumers to benefit from PPI refunds agreement Thursday, 29 March 2007 Ref: 29/07 Industry agreement on refunds on PPI policies will benefit customers says the ABI (133 words) The FSA’s announcement today on refunds on single premium payment protection insurance (PPI) confirms steps the industry has taken to provide such refunds says the ABI (Association of British Insurers). Nick Starling, the ABI’s Director of General Insurance, said: “Last year, insurers agreed to make an appropriate refund on single premium payment protection insurance whenever customers cancel their policy and have not made a claim, whatever their reason. “Customers can check with the company that they bought their PPI through, or direct with their insurer, how much they would get back if they cancel the policy or repay the loan early. “As the FSA points out, PPI can provide valuable protection. We are working on additional initiatives to further improve consumer understanding of this product to help everyone get best value for money.” Ian
  21. Hi, If they changed the amount and length of the loan, shouldn't I have had to sign a new credit agreement? YES If they cannot supply a signed copy of the executed agreement then they cannot enforce the agreement. As far as I would think the only agreement they will have is your original loan agreement.. I would submit CCA along with £1 to obtain a copy of the agreement, they will have 12 days to do so, If after a further 30 days they cannot supply a copy of the agreement they are commiting an offence. And if they have set up a new agreement without your signature I suggest that you have a look at the Fraud Act 2006, which came into effect in Jan 2007. Good luck and if you need more help Just shout. Sorry about the Bold, but its stuck for some reason..lol Honest :o
  22. Well there is no harm in trying over the 6 year limit, You never know they may give in, but more likely they will put up a bit of a fight. PPI Mis-Selling has really on came to light in the past year or so, Of course with the Publicity etc that has been generated over this in the past few months has no doubt had an effect on the amount of claims going in about it. I would say nothing Ventured Nothing Gained..Have a Go and see what Bullsh*t they come back with. Ian
  23. Hi, The FOS will only take up your complaint once you have received a final P**s off letter from the bank. If you have not submitted a SAR under the data protection act to obtain all the information that they hold on you I would personally submit a SAR and request all Transcripts / Audio recording of all telephone conversations. And of course Barclays are a full reputable Bank..Did you see Whistleblower the other week...lol Good Luck Ian
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