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Everything posted by seanamarts

  1. I do wish you luck with the council and I do hope that your complaint gets through to them.. Personally I find MP's a waste of time this is from personal experience, and I know what Tomtubby has said about waiting until your complaint has been heard etc and I fully admire and respect her as I do with a lot of people in here that give out great advice,you included miss hallowitch but I would still get my foot in the door so to speak with the ombudsman, I did and with some good results, got given some great advice even though it had been passed over through some other complaint proceedure, but then again I supose its who you deal with and what it is for, but its still worth a try at this ealry stage. Im only going by experience here though Im not an expert .. good luck with what ever you do and please keep us informed.
  2. If marstons are not cooperating with her then maybe its best to seek legal council. At the moment all martsons are after is their slice of the cake. They make take more notice of a legal person, has she rung the number I gave you?
  3. Well looks like you got a result even if not what you wanted, at least the judge said the charges were incorrect so you have that to work on.... Well done you for keeping your cool I for one know how difficult that is when facing bailiffs, be it a male or female.. I have come to the conclusion that most bailiffs come from a totally different reality than humans and are a species unto their own. They think they are above the law in most cases and think Judges are going to be automatically on their side. The more people who take these muppets to court the better.
  4. I suggest that some legal advice is sort after here here is a link to an organisation that may well help her free of charge. Supporting Vulnerable Households | Z2K Zacchaeus 2000 Trust But she really needs to start acting quickly on this... I hope that this helps
  5. if it was a closed bus shelter then she would of been subject to an on the spot fine of £50.00. depending on what part of the country she lives in, this is from what I have read else where, most councils are fining this amount. was she issued an on the spot fine? Has she been to court?. I think you will find but I may be wrong, that if its a magastrates fine then entry can be forced but with a warrant obtained from the court. Smoking in an area that comes under 'no smoking' is classed as a criminal offence, stupid law I know.
  6. I would now get intouch with the council ombudsman out lining everything that has been done by the council
  7. Not read through the whole thread on this so I might repeat was has already been said... you can if not already write to the council ombudsman if you are not satisfied with your complaint to the council over the charges from the bailiff company. You can also get out a form 4 with regards to the bailiffs and their charges but you need to complain to the bailiff company first, wait for their answer and then if you are not happy with the way they have conducted their investigation then get a form 4 off to the courts that issued their certificate.
  8. Have you been back intouch with the Courts, I am sure they would have a proceedure for this sort of thing happening... this link may help Enforcement of Small Claims Judgments in the County Court :: Contractor UK
  9. This is just a thought, there is a charitable organisation that help people in vunerable situations, although this site is a mass of valuble information with many people helping here but I can understand that some people just cant do these things on their own. here is there link Supporting Vulnerable Households | Z2K Zacchaeus 2000 Trust I have read through this site and they have helped many people free of charge, they do not only help with bailiff matters but help with letter writing and phone calls and other general debts and court hearings etc hope this helps
  10. I am so sorry this has happened to your girlfriend... these are thugs that just dont know how to behave.. your girlfriend needs to get two letters out, one to the council complaining to them and the other to the bailiff company demanding the charges back. These bailiffs know the score but they also know how to manipulate people in handing over money that is not owing ie extra charges. The most they should of charged is for the one visit £24.00. I concur with sang here your in good hands with hallowitch she has been giving out good information and im sure she will come up with some useful stuff for you and some ideas on how to get these letters written out to both the council and the bailiff company.
  11. surely though when waiting these six months they cant carry out the proceedures of what a certified bailiff can do???
  12. They sent an uncertified bailiff:eek: sounds to me like you have marstons by the short and curlies.. have you written and complained to them yet about this...
  13. I dont know if this illegal or not as there has been lots of aurguments about this proceedure, However when I took a bailiff to court for doing just such a thing the Judge found " by placing his foot in the exterior door and the interior flat door of miss S*****'s home exceeded his authority" Now if a judge is saying that then could be classed as illegal perhaps.. and way basically its a no no
  14. Looks like to me but I could be wrong that your landlord requested this bailiff service online using their online forms.. here is a list of their bailiff charges Bailiff Charges and here is what your landlord may have filled out http://www.swiftcredit.co.uk/wdistrainc.pdf going by their charges it looks like they are just making it up as they go along..
  15. The letter from equita states that a warrant has been issued by Northampton County Court. Surely he would have been notified of this if it had been to court. This is what is puzzeling me.. The appeal was turned over by NPAS so it went back to a £30 pound fine instead of £60 the council are then meant to give you a time amount for it to be paid, they didnt, This is the last time we heard anything from any one about this. nothing from the council and nothing to say it was going to court. My son has been waiting for it to go to court so he could pay by instalments as the council would not allow this only the court. This is the information we got from the council when he asked to pay it over a few weeks, they told him to appeal, he did, then got a letter from NPAS to say the appeal failed, then nothing from any one since then, until two letter from equita today stating it has gone to court and they basically demand their money of £107.88 per penalty charge... cheeky barstewards sent two letters and charged for them when they could of sent one letter for both charges....
  16. ok quick run down Son recieved two parking tickets, appealed them as he got them outside of his home as the permits had run out by one day. Lost the appeal that was the last he heard, that was over a year ago. today he gets two letters in the post stating that equita want their money as a liability order has been sent to them for them to collect on. My son has had no such order or any summons to court for this. He wanted to appeal to the court or at least have some payment plan with them to pay this off as he is on sick benefits. so far it looks like equita have only put on their letter fees to both letters sent on the same day for the same amounts for both tickets. My son came out of hospital yesterday and has been diagnosed with an incurable illness basically he is wasting away and is due to go back into hospital again soon. I do know the drill of the letter writing etc, but just want to make sure I am not missing anything and know how these muppets work etc. I am getting a letter off to them today outlining his problem but I need to know that if he didnt get a summons can he appeal it back to the courts.
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