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Everything posted by seanamarts

  1. call your credit card company they may able to get back the money for you.. had the same problem myself and called the card company and got refunded 24 hours later
  2. I cant even believe the council have sent this small amount to court, not saying its not true but blimey!!!!!!! talk about petty.. any way it should not cost more than £45 costs plus another £50 court fees (It could be less not sure) so the most you owe the council is £103.50. They can only charge you for the first visit, they cannot levy on a car that does not belong to you, so so far the amount is £128.00. I would write to the council asking what all these charges are as I think they are a little steep for just a small amount owing.
  3. Their fees are incorrect, if they have not made a visit then you dont owe them a penny. Keep on at the council until you do get an answer, but in the mean time dont let the bailiffs into your home. your parents dont even have to entertain them as it is not their debt and by law the bailiffs cant even talk to them about it. all they have to tell them is that you only reside there and what belongs in the home is theres and all you have is a few personal belongings. They may well levy on your parents car/s which is the norm for these numpties and will try and charge you for it, as long as they have proof what is theirs then it cannot be touched, but they cannot force their way in so make sure all windows and doors are locked. Make sure you tell the council that what the bailiffs are charging you is incorrect.
  4. this is a new one on me.. maybe if you pm tomtubby for help with this one
  5. this is something we are trying to figure out at the moment, you know how slow these people are at giving info lol
  6. he may not turn up at this stage.. if he does you dont have to answer him at this stage. as for your councillor personally i would print off every thing about bailiff law and send it to him out lining everything that the bailiff has done wrong so far.... i did this and sent copies to the council, bailiff office and police. they do go a little red faced a bit but i found they actually take a little more notice of you.
  7. yes these were her first ever charges and she is quite chuffed Ive always said the pen is far mightier than the sword
  8. My daughter has been charged every month for the past 4 months for being overdrawn.. it was them that was making her overdrawn in the first place by taking their charges. A DD had come out early due to the bank holiday and as she is on benefits and they pay on time regardless it made her overdrawn by 2 pounds which in turn they charged her £30. It became a snow ball effect. So I got her to write out the letter posted in here for people on benefits who are charged etc, she took it to her bank and said she was going to sit there with her 15 month old baby until she had some conformation that her money was going to be refunded back into her account as they were taking food from her baby not to mention nappies etc. They wernt going to refund it as first but they read the letter went off for a few minutes then came back and told her that the money would be refunded with in 7 days.... she has this in writing... so a small result.. just thought that I would let people know ... thanks Consumer forums It may have only been £120.00 but every little helps when you are on a low income struggling.
  9. In fact its been over nine years since I have used this surname .. where did the years go Any way thanks for that I shall sit and wait for their next letter... about this time again in two years
  10. I had a letter sent to my previous address stating I owe Lloydes bank over £300 from phoenix debt agency... 1. Its in my married name which i havnt used in over 6 years. 2. I have never had an account with Lloydes only TSB before it became Lloydes and didnt owe them anything when the account was shut down. 3. I had a letter from them two years ago asking the same thing and I told them this information and never heard of them again until now. Do I write to them again stating they have the wrong person???? My ex husband had an account with them over 20 years ago, surely they wouldnt be chasing me for a debt that he might of had before we had even met. He does not recall owing them any money.
  11. I suggest you contact the council in writing explaining that you have not lived at that address hence why you have not recieved the summons. All bailiffs collecting on behalf of council tax must be certified.. are you sure this is a bailiff or is it the council who has put forward this warrant..
  12. have a look at the whole website it maybe worth asking them to look at their claim again
  13. I am not very clued up on CSA and their bailiff proceedures. but you can appeal their decision, this website may help some what. Appealing - Child Support Agency I can only advice that you dont open your doors to them I dont think that they can force their way in but I am not 100% sure. Make sure that your partner has been assesed correctly as well
  14. OK the first thing you need to do is write to your council out lining everything that has been done so far, its best to email them at this stage then follow up with a written letter headed in big writing COMPLAINTS. Look on your councils website on who best to complain to it may even be worth writing a letter to your councillor their email should also be on their website. Write/email a letter of complaint to the bailiff company also out lining every thing that has happened so far. Also ask for a break down of their charges. Unless the bailiff has previously gained a PEACEFUL entry to your home then there is no way in hell that he can force his way in to your home, not even with a lock smith, but keep all doors locked as they can walk in through an open door or window. As for taking your partners car.. HE CANNOT DO THIS!!!!!! He is fully aware who this debt belongs to and who the car belongs to so he cannot take his car and he cannot clamp it either especially if he already knows this. Make sure you find out if he is certified and if he is just let the bailiff company know that you are preparing a form 4 complaint with regards to their bailiffs behaviour and are fully prepared to go ahead with this complaint if their investigations are unsatisfactory. so get writing and make sure you tell the council every thing that has happened so far, send copies of both letters/emails to both parties so both know that you are incontact with them. Thats all I can advice at this time.. it is a wait sometimes but in the meantime keep doors locked and dont let them in.
  15. It may have gone past the point of trying to pay direct to the council, but there is nothing stopping you from writing a letter to them with a payment plan and also out lining your finacial hardship. send a letter to the bailiff company on what you are planing to do then basically sit and wait for their reply. They can only charge you for the first two visits if they have made any visits that is, many dont visit but still add these charges this is not allowed by the way. in the mean time dont answer your door to them talk to them through a closed door if you can dont let them in and dont let them bully you. They cannot at this stage force entry or arrest you, however they can levy on your car so I suggest that you hide it. I hope this helps.
  16. Yet again police doing the wrong thing by way of the bailiff actions when will they learn that its the bailiffs breaking the law not the debtor. Looks like though that you have the bailiff company running scared as they know they are in the wrong. keep at it dont let them win and as for your council I hope you complain to the highest level of their complaints proceedure and if that dosnt work get the council obmudsman involved. This is disgusting behavior by not only the bailiffs but the police as well. The council are not oblidged to take back the debt but there is nothing stopping you from paying it to them, best do it online, keep copies or screen shots of your transaction.
  17. I am so surprised that tendring are still using these muppets as I have complained to them so many times about these bailiffs and their wrong charges. Tendring are well aware at what collect can and cannot charge. I am presuming its for council tax as they only mainly use collect servises for this they use marstons for parking, why they cant stick to one company is beyond me. Get your email off to tendring first, they usually get back within the day so try and do it asap. see what they have to say. Tendring have a Bailiff surgery on a friday afternoon it may well be worth a visit down to the council tax office and having a chat with the bailiff that is there. Dont take any crap off them though they really like to bump up the charges. If you do go get the bailiffs name for me thats doing it as I have a funny feeling that they are not certified, just a hunch on my part here. They know what they should be charges but like all other bailiffs they really do like to try it on. By the way I am in tendring myself
  18. As Miss Hallowitch has already stated you need to inform the council that are dealing with this. Also you need and write a complaint to Collect servises LTD. I have had dealings with these people in the past and dont like to be told what the law with regards to charges but they do evetually comply. so get the complaints letter off to them with a copy of complaint to the council and visa versa. Can I ask what council it is with please.
  19. I have been having a look about to see if you actually owe any council tax on your property at all, here is a link that will explain how much you should/shouldnt of paid. Its worth a read to find out if you are fully exempt or not Council tax I would get a letter or email sent off to your council and complain to them what has happened, if you get no joy from them then get the local council ombudsman involved. The bailiffs have definately overcharged you so dont forget to mention that also.
  20. they seem not to show their bailiff proceedures which dosnt surprise me. I think what you need to do is contact their complaints department out lining everything, let them know if they do not investigate this matter then you will take it up with the local council omdudsman Southwark Council | Complaints
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