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Everything posted by seanamarts

  1. well for starters he does not have the power to arrest you so you will not be arrested. Did he come into your property and make a walking posession order or make a levy on any of your property. Did he give you a break down of the charges and do you know how much of this debt is owed to the council and how much of the debt is owed to the bailiff. this is very important.
  2. Right I have been doing a little bit of digging about for info. Bailiffs can remove tennants from a property and give as little as 20 mins notice, so wrong how can the law allow this..... But the bailiffs have to give the tennant a time and date where he/she can come back and remove their personal belongings and if I am reading this correctly the time period is within a week. These particular bailiffs didnt do this. I cant understand how the law can do this to people. he has paid his rent on time paid bills, been a good tenant and a law abiding citizen and out of the blue two big burly men come and wrench you out of your home leaving you with just the clothes you stand in without warning, and they wonder why the man was upset and angry. Their should be a law to protect tennants like this, why isnt there?????? this man has been left with nothing but a possible record for assault.. just goes to show yet again the bailiff are born with no heart.
  3. As always the police do not want to know, its classed as a 'cival' matter. I have packed him off to the CAB now and hopefully they may be able to advise him of his rights to his own property. I cannot see how they can do this, surely this is ilegal in some form, he is in fact a sitting tennant.
  4. I will try and keep this quick. I just recieved a phone call from a friend to say that two bailiffs went round to his place of residence and litterally thew him out of the property and on the streets rendering him homeless. they then proceeded to change the locks and boarded up the property. He later found out that his landlord had had the property reposessed via the courts and the landlord had failed to tell him that this was happening. My friend cannot get back into the property to get his belongings, not even a change of clothing, he has managed to get into an urgent shelter that has been provided by the local council which is something but has only the clothes on his back that he was wearing when the bailiffs turfed him out. Does any one know the proceedure of getting his property back. This happened two days ago and needs his belongings. The morgage company dont want to know and have said it is in the hands of the bailiffs now. Have to say that he assaulyted one of them as he didnt know who or what they were at the time. any suggestions would be gratefully apriciated.
  5. 1. Dont panic. 2. If a bailiff clamps your car then they are in big doodoo. If they do this then call the police and show them your documantation to prove the car is yours and that you are not the person on the warrant. 3. Dont ever let them in. Even though its not your debt. Bailiffs very rarely send letters via post that they are coming and more than likely will hand deliver a letter, if that is the case call the bailiff thats on the letter stating that the person no longer lives there.
  6. I can only advise you on the basis of what happened when I went to court and how it panned out, each case is different. You will however be allowed to have your say and show what evidence you have. The judge will see your evidence and theirs and will compare it and see that they have doctored it. Judges know how these people work and really dont look lightly upon them when they lie about situations, sounds to me like your bailiff is in a panic now and is doing everything he/she can to cover their tracks and it wouldnt suprise me that he/she is being told what to do by his/her company.
  7. I took a bailiff to court and believe me they lie like a cheap japanese watch, full of BS. Of course they are going to lie its what their job requires them to do, i won my case btw
  8. do you know how much the debt was before it went to the bailiff company, I think I am not sure whether they can levy on your husbands car or not, because the debt was before you were married, but they should of done a check to see what name the car was under before they placed a levy on it they surely would of seen that the name was different so technically shouldnt of, if you get what I mean. All I can suggest at the moment and to keep your car safe is to hide it from view until something is sorted and you can get a payment plan with them agreed on.. What ever you do DO NOT let them in, if you have to talk to them do it through the letter box or an upstairs window.
  9. If you can prove he forged her signature then of course it is illegal and clearly its a case of fraud which is a criminal matter. I would get onto the bailiff company and make a complaint and to their client who has employed them to carry out their bidding so to speak. eg; council etc
  10. Hey TT My friendly neighbourhood bailiff Mr W is no longer certified by the looks of it, he was due to have his renewed in march of this year. No sign of him at all
  11. You really need to give a little more detail to this so that some one can assist you. what was the debt for and how much is it for. A break down of what the bailiffs are asking for would also be a help too
  12. it was late i was drinking red bull and am getting over the dreaded flu virus, be grateful it was readable, but now you bring it up .. it was an odd question ;p
  13. oh dear these are not right but thats not surprising considering who it is. I am sure I am right when stating that so far all you owe is the; client debt 1st visit fee. you will have to inform them in writing that the car is on finance enclosing a copy of the HP agreement. send all copies of letters you send to them to the council. The 'other' costs I am baffled at as they do not state what they are. I think you need to enquire what these are. whilst you are writing to them just explain that you have had a death in your family and you need time to get over this. I am sorry to hear this by the way and my thoughts are with you. good luck with this. please dont give up on this though as these charges in part are illegal.
  14. My son has already changed his address with regards to the JSA. I am hoping my situation is short term and things will get back to normal with regards to my benefits, if things do not change soon though I just dont know how I am going to cope. I have been informed that they can only back date monies for upto 3 months if its not done within the next 4 weeks my 3 months will be up as I put in a claim for ctc and chb almost 6 weeks ago now. I have had some good news from my housing benefit though, they have informed me that they will back date my housing benefit to the day I get chb from so I supose that is one consulation. Its just waiting and penny pinching until then, thanks to every one who has responded to this you have been a great help.
  15. I have only 4 weeks left on the social loan and by the time I get a decision on the reduction side of things it would of been paid off. so its not worth getting it reduced, but thank you for the info
  16. Bailiff companies defend their bailiffs regardless whether they are right or wrong so are just as bad, just because your company as you say did the right thing which I have doubts that it always did, not saying you didnt but they are there to make money as well as bailiffs by what ever means. You obviously had issues with the way they conducted their business otherwise you would not be an ex employer of the company so they wernt as rosey as you have made out. I am sure you are a nice person as you come across as one but people are and always will be wary of bailiffs and the companies who employ them.
  17. I am sure that your advice will indeed be valuble to people but please make sure that your information is correct before giving out advice, people here are very wary of people who work or have worked for the bailiff industry and rightfully so.
  18. It happens in all bailiff companies around the country, and I am sure that the company you worked for did just the same at least the bailiffs did, Its rare to hear of a bailiff who sticks to the law half of them dont even know their own codes of conduct. The one I fought in court and won by the way thought that sticking his foot in the door was peaceful entry, shocked the judge and she tore him off a strip or two and corrected him in saying that he could not do this in future or he would be placed in front of her again and he would lose his certificate.
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