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Everything posted by padja

  1. DO NOT PHONE THEM.....Right they have no right to enter property unless you let them in or you leave a door or ground floor window open. there is two ways to deal with it one is to pay council direct using the councils online system, but keep them regular. You may be classed as vulnerable (others will know better if you are then the council have to take it back) Right lets deal with bailiffs threats 1 They can not force entry or get a locksmith to let them in 2 Dont let them in at all keep curtains downstairs shut (normal trick is can I come in to set up payment plan they then do a levy on goods) so keep them on the door step. 3 They can not get you sent to prison 4 They dont have a van round the corner to get the goods if you dont make a payment Keep door locked and speak to them through letterbox if you have to speak to them however you dont have to speak to them, if you have a vehicles park them away from property and get back garden secured. I would start paying council via online (what you can afford dont pay what you cant afford) once bailiff realises his threats arent working they will send debt back to council then you can show council you have made payments on a regular basis and they should allow that to continue. but DONT RING THEM that is what they want you to do they are experts at scaring you with all sorts of threats.
  2. it is statute barred from last payment made on account, if you have proof of last payment made and it falls outside the 6 years then yes it is statute barred from what you said it does seem to be statute barred and I think Link are trying to play a cat and mouse game. I would send statute barred letter again this time emphasising that it is from last payment not from default date. Its a common practice amongst DCA to either say default notice or suddenly find a £50 payment made within 6 year period, whichever suits their purpose. other than that I would ignore them (but just have a check on Credit file)
  3. I've put this on CAG facebook to get some help for you quickly, I'm not too sure about court fines. Dont worry help will be here soon
  4. Hampton Legal sit 2 desks down from Lowells all in same office. they are Debt Collectors I would be very very surprised if they will make you bankrupt I suspect its a scaring tactic to make you pay or contact them, but wait for someone with more experience than me as there is some serious questions here about whether you should be contacted at all. I'm sure you will get good solid advice but dont worry.
  5. so next time your till is by £10 ask them for the surplus say its a two way street if its down I'm expected to pay the money so it follows if its up I should get the money........ asked my partner who is manager at a shop, she said asst manager should have noted the till was down and made report and left it at that, when the manager returned then they should if they felt necessary took any further action. Her opinion was deputy decided she was in charge and the power went to their head a bit. Wait for manager to return have a quiet word about what happened and how you felt, I suspect the deputy will be informed as to what she can and cant do.
  6. I would contact ACAS they have experts in this, and are impartial, They were a great help to me in my fight and they gave me lots of good advice, in the end mine was resolved by the owner through gritted teeth I might add admitting he was wrong and in most cases illegal. Its hard work but ACAS do help
  7. ahhh right did you pay them anything? The reason why from my experience is they say unless you pay it will go back to bailiffs but if you are paying something they tend to ignore (for want of a better word) the threat. I would ask the council to take it back perhaps say the agreement and amount you did was in hindsight unrealistic but you panicked and thought you would be sent to prison if it wasn't paid quickly etc, I would also suggest that you contact local councillor explain what happened and how council were not very sympathetic to your plight. Good luck
  8. Unfortunately I think you may have to pay it as the said no leaking pipe could be found, so they have had to pay for investigation however I would dispute that although they investigated the leak and couldn't find a problem they must surely return the ceiling to the state it was before investigation i.e no patchwork.It might be worth a visit to local CAB or ring local council to see if it can help settle dispute. Others may have better knowledge or advice
  9. to be fair to the council, they took it back and again you failed to keep repayments up to date, did you speak to the council before stopping payment? You can try to get it back to council other than that if you can afford £50 a month I would just pay council using online system. and start straight away.That way the council will see payments going into account and may be more willing to take it back. If they do this time if for any reason you cant pay you MUST inform council they are more flexible if you are honest with them
  10. he has to have a a contract of employment by law, I'm supposing this is a small firm he is working for. I have been in same position and its hard to fight them. When he was given written warning how long was it for (was it improvements have to be made within next 3 months or further action will be taken) Normally they sit on record for 6 months and if there is no further action the whole disciplinary procedure starts again. I would suggest he in the meantime tries to look around for another job (I know its hard at the moment)
  11. Deputy cant do anything, or demand anything, I'm supposing you work for a chain of stores? I would go to next in line of command, speak to them about how you feel, your suspicions about new staff member. Remember this is bullying in the work place, I suspect a word in the ear of someone higher up will soon put a stop to it (hopefully)
  12. of course not, is he in a union? If not he needs to get to local CAB and get what is happening reported to them. how many hours does he work? there is working time regulations. if he isnt in a union I would suggest he gets in one (Unite cover his trade) but he needs to be in it for 3 months before they can act on his behalf, Was this classed as a verbal warning?
  13. yes get onto local council. I would also ring your councillor too, many are very good at fighting these sort of things, and will help you get to the right people in the council. I would also be ringing Shelter too for help, they may just take case up for you.
  14. have you noticed Citizen B there seems a lot of new posts about Global Debt Recovery and LloydsTSB debts from 1990's appearing in last few days, looks like they just bought a bundle of them
  15. Ignore it, it is statute barred it appears Global Debt Recovery have bought a job lot of old LLoydTSB debts from 1990's. They want you to feel scared and threatened thats how they hope to mug you into paying for a debt that is totally unenforceable they will never get into a court room but rely on threats like we will send bailiffs, we will get a CCJ, we will visit you, we will seek legal action etc etc etc. They buy these in bulk for a pittance maybe £200 for 10 debts of £3k all they need is to get one person to pay hey presto £2800 profit. Look around the site you will a lot of new posts about Global Debt recovery and Lloyds TSB most posted in last few days. DONT phone them dont reply to them they will soon move on when they realise you arent going to pay, just keep all letters they send you in case there is a complaint to be made to OFT/Trading Standards
  16. Its statute barred and Global seem to have bought a shed load of SB debts and are happy to bully and threaten people, bailiffs coming round ohhh thats a good one I like that, I'm wondering if admin might get a thread going with all Global seemingly nasty tactics.
  17. when was your last payment made on the account? It seems as if Global has purchased a lot of statute barred debts and are trying to fish for payment. Dont speak on the phone to them ever, they now know they have a person that can be chased as I suspect you have confirmed your name/address/DOB for their 'Security' questions. I would sit tight and see what they do next. Of course they are going to say it isnt statute barred they are hardly likely to say yes it is so you dont have to pay...... If you have made no payment or acknowledgement of debt in last 6 years its statute barred check your CRA file if it doesnt appear then its in all likelyhood SB so ignore them
  18. I think you should carefully at the wording we MAY.....we MIGHT, We are CONSIDERING, its a threat-o-gram. is there any PPI on loan? I'm not 100% on banking but the wording used is to frighten you into paying or contacting them. Others will be along to advise so sit tight and wait
  19. Once you leave the landlord can ask for the prepay meter to be removed it costs nothing. However The landlord may want to keep it so he knows there wont be any outstanding bills that he may be chased for from any further tenants. I would leave it up to LL
  20. DONT ring them thats what they want you to do as that way they get all your details when they say for 'security purposes/data protection' we need etc. you've sent a letter they dont seem to want to respond to what you've asked I would sit tight and wait. I suspect they realised your not a muppet to be fleeced and will give up and move on just keep a check on Credit file and wait
  21. Of course they wont accept its statute barred otherwise they admit they cant chase you for the money, if it wasn't statute barred why offer the substantial reduction??? They know its unenforceable they are clutching at straws with threats I would just keep the letter, and ignore Robbers Way, its dropped off credit file so it is statute barred they know they have unenforceable debt and need the cash. I would ignore them personally and certainly dont ring them about their kind offer. Be brave
  22. as for the damages, and unclean condition, did you take a security deposit? if so did you return it? If not then this is normally used to put the damages right and clean property. I would suspect you have landlords insurance, that again should cover this. as for toilet seat they are £4:99 in argos and the previous tenants will point this out. As for belongings you are correct to store them as per agreement in tenancy but after that then you can dispose of them as you wish (sell them to cover costs). perhaps the toilet seat did break and they replaced if they broke it, I would if it was me. Any work you do keep invoices and these can be shown if tenants dispute your claims. I would say that you have learnt a lesson get a deposit and dont return it until you have inspected the property.
  23. Right you are right DCA's cant harass you but as you have found out they do. I would first send off the Phone Harassment letter (its in the letter template library)also send the letter stopping them from visiting you (revokes access) again its in library. DCA's have no right to visit you they have as much rights as the local cat who may walk across the path. What you need to do if possible is now record these calls, if you cant then keep a note of who calls, what time, how long, and brief description of what was said to you. It looks as if these debts have been sold on for a fraction of the debt. As for PPI was there any on other cards? I dont know about PPI and claiming but others will. Also dont speak to these DCA's on the phone and dont answer anymore of there supposed security questions just say in writing only please and put the phone down. Send the letters recorded delivery as you will be amazed how they never reach the company when not sent that way, and how many times they never reach company even when signed for. This will give you some peace and breathing space to consider next steps remember DCA has no powers and no matter what they threaten they know they arent going near a court as they would need evidence and you will be surprised how little evidence they have its you
  24. Red/Lowells always threaten CCJ, you can send the prove it letter, if you want but I would just ignore them keep letters in case, but my argument I have always had with Lowells/Red/Hamptons (all same company) is if they have such a strong case against me then off you go to court and I'll meet you there, 4 years later still nowhere near a court, and I suspect will never go there
  25. good luck, I suspect its going to be letter ping pong then they will give up and pay up when they realise they are onto a loser
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