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Everything posted by mr.ton

  1. Because the UK has no real power over its citizens...the USA does though
  2. This threatogram youve received off Moorcroft is just standard template nonsense not worth the paper its printed on. Send them a bemused letter or request a CCA off them...that'll shut them up
  3. Are they breaking privacy/data protection laws now then?
  4. I always tell them that im just about to go shopping with the money im not repaying them with..annoys them even more
  5. Make an official complaint to the CRA that you do not give 1st Credit any authority to monitor your credit history & make a complaint to the information commissoner as well.
  6. Ive been busy with my new partner recently as well
  7. This whole [problem] has been ill thought out by Crossley quite frankly. The only thing they have on their side at the moment is threats & fear, so that someone will just pay up etc... The sooner the whole population is not fearful anymore, then people like Crossley will be defeated.
  8. Ive been reading comments on the Slyck site that many people could now actually sue ACS law. If enough people who have received threatening letters did this, then Mr Crossley wouldnt know what hit him
  9. No doubt they are operating without a valid licence knowing them
  10. They need to prove that you owe the debt. Its not for you to prove that you dont owe it. Simply sending you threatograms, saying you owe something to a certain company is not sufficient. If they cannot prove it, then tell them to get stuffed & report them to the OFT/trading standards.
  11. We are far too preoccupied with the thought of who will win X Factor for example, to even bother worrying about things like this. That is the way the government/authorities in this country hope it remains.
  12. Investigations of this nature do not happen overnight sadly. Infact i think the authorities drag it out on purpose The only way things will ever change in this country is when the British people finally stand up for themselves & bring about a major revolution.
  13. Well if you are adamant you dont owe the debt then stand your ground & insist to the court that you dont and your reasons why etc....
  14. That forum is lucky to receive about 1 new posting per month. Such is the public hatred of their industry, they very rarely crawl out from the woodwork to irritate the nation even more so than they already have done
  15. They like to send their threatograms out...but do little else. Just report them to the OFT.
  16. Even if they do take anyone to court...every UK citizen has basic legal/human rights etc...so if they think they'll just get so many hundred pounds in an instant, then im afraid they are in for a shock.
  17. I would ring the police anyway (not 999 at this moment in time) to explain that a man has been hanging round outside your home & making gestures at your children - get a crime number for this at least.
  18. The worry theyve got is that the public are very, very angry these days after what happened to all their tax money recently. I can see it getting to the stage were all debt will have to be written off - thus, all DCA's will go out of business
  19. If you order an individual or a company to cease contact & they refuse, then yes it is harrassment - no matter how they dress it up.
  20. You dont have to turn up with any info whatsoever - you are not on trial here, there is no "guilty" or "not guilty" involved. You will just be asked if you owe the debt & if you say yes, will just go next door & sit round a table to work out what you can repay after all your outgoings are taken into account. I never needed receipts for my appearance in court,just told them what my outgoings were, i just said £1 per month & it was accepted.
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