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Everything posted by Happyhippy1959

  1. Have the same problem with Fred's,,, SAR Argoose over 60 days ago, they cashed cheque but still nothing.... Freds keep threatening I keep sending in dispute as they have not supplied the relevant information requested.... I now await the legendary Mr Carters letter or a Northampton bulk court summons,,, either way they will be defended to the hilt... I have heard of CCA not being sent, but nothing for a SAR being refused.... I am not going to contact Argoose,,, wasted enough money on postage, let Freds do the running...
  2. They must be desperate BB for reducing it to £180 heeeee seems like they have not got anything to back it up.... As BB say's if they think they have you by the preverbals they would have done it a long time ago. Why ask for less than you owe. If I loan some one money I would expect the full amount back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! toss*rs
  3. yep,,, and have a look at there administration fee... they bumped one on my O2 account for £21.50, told them they could wait to hell freezes over till they get that.... They still send statements with it on but guess what No chance matey's.
  4. Agree with all. As you have no assets what can the muppets do to you. NOTHING ( Simples) Why bother with BR you might get lucky and get one of those muppets to send to a SD for BR then they pay... Really, you are a carer, you have no assets, use the paper for hamster bedding or just post back to them in an unstamped envelope,,, they will have to pay the postage. or if its blank on the reverse cut up for post it notes I am myself in the mire with £40k of unsecured debt have been for two years still have me house and all threaten court, go a head make my day,, I struggle to pay 15 creditors a £1.00 but that is it.. Lets hope I win the Euro millions,,, oh ship,,, can't even afford ticket...
  5. Thanks BB, letter sent and my invoice for £25.00 administration fee. Well events took another turn last night, they rang girlee friends house and ask to speak to Hippy,,, she asked them how they got the number it was given to them from Brookes and Bentley,,, did ring them from there to tell them I was in financial trouble. She asked them to remove it they refused.!!!! they then asked her for my telephone number, she refused to give it. She knew who they were and she is a financial investigator for a large insurance company so she gave them what for on Data protection etc etc, she said she would report them for not removing number. So broke me golden rule and rang the muppets on me skype,,, told them in no uncertain terms I would not be paying an illegal fee and the account has now been paid also told them to remove the girlee friends number and that they were in the mire as she has recorded the call to her house and she did tell them she was recording.... Also told them I wanted my £25.00 fee within 14 day's or else I would be sending Moorcrap after them for it..... You could have heard a pin drop,,, thank you Mr Hippy account closed,, hmmmmm we shall see. Once again gang, thanks for your support.... stay tuned.
  6. oh guy's that's great.... Just finished a long old shift and am drafting reply now.... To all intense and purposes this account is settled. I informed Brooks and Bentley that I would not pay there outlandish £20 late fee so as for CCS they can run and jump. Will bill them for me time, £25.00 should do it... will put in proper hippy invoice see what happens...
  7. Hi Guy's and Girls, Had a Brooks and Bentley account for £160.00, when I got in to trouble they charged me a late payment fee of £20.00. I have paid the whole account off but refuse to pay off the £20.00 fee. CCS who collected and I last heard from in March are chancing there arm in getting this late fee. Any suggestions for my reply would be appreciated as the old Hippy is too nice for his own good. On Annual leave today so was hoping for a nice day with Girlee friend and those jokers pop out of woodwork. Regards Hippy Ah, I think Bazooka's great writing skill could be required. CCS_charge_demand.pdf
  8. Great to hear mate,,,,,, Now knock the Hippy if you think I'm wrong, but if someone owed me money and it was water tight or I thought It was water-tight I would not hesitate to use every legal means to get that person to start paying it back, even if it was at a £1.00 a month,,,,, would any of you....
  9. Yo Rosy, just had the same from Fred's,,,, Must pay full amount now or will take me to court...... yo what muppets they don't even own the debt. Told them the same,,, where's my SAR Request please...40 days plus gone and argoose have not even sent a acknowledgement ( cashed cheque though ) so go on Fred do your worse.... Anyway Rosy you seem to be a lot more up-beat.... don't worry the guy's here have lovely warm blankets....
  10. Yo dpick that has made me chuckle,,, just gone and posted with certificate of posting...Argoose cashed my mothers cheque on June 2nd 2011,,, six day's after receipt of SAR request..... Put on the back of cheque and letter,, ONLY TO BE USED FOR SAR..... There is something funny here, fred's were willing straight away to accept me £1.00 token payment,,,, hmmmm,,,, I have always continued paying when in dispute with other companies but these boys phish me off so much they just bully people, they had the cheek to even write and say if Argos could not produce CCA that I still had a moral obligation to pay,,,, hmmmmmmmmmmm well will offer Full and Final settlement of £20.00 on a £550 debt which some how went up to £880 hence the SAR...!!!!!!!!!!! then reduce every month they refuse..... these boy's are the only ones I have not paid a penny too.... Marlins I am in dispute with over charges on an overdraft along with muppetcroft for there admin fee on a small O2 bill.... but as I said to them, they will get what I think I owe and let them fire me through the courts for there dodgy charges. Col Gaddaffi is more popular than my credit rating, so don't give a damn about that. NEVER EVER WANT CREDIT AGAIN. It is amazing how you learn to live without it, it has been over two years now and its as if I never had a Credit Card,. First months were hard but boy how quick you adapt. Thanks Silver Fox,,, I thought that.... they are just using the bullying tactics really,,, I would have really worried two + years ago but thank all the god's above you guys are just the best..... never thought I would enjoy there puerile missives coming through the door as much as I do now... ( love Bazookas puerile missives )
  11. Ok, Freds are back with there usual even though I sent a letter, well two actually one to there PO address and another to there offices.. Have sent account in dispute and a put up or shut up letter... freds cens.pdf freds final letter requesting SA.doc
  12. nice one yellow,,, kick the crap out of em mate.... bloody chancers.... Scotcall, now there's a joke outfit.
  13. David hope all is well and your getting your life back on track...
  14. Well done IW,,, very very pleased for you... Hippy will have a special smoke in celebration
  15. Good point Newman, why would they spend time and money playing letter ping pong with you if they had the original CCA. ??????? Following with interest,,,, best of luck mate
  16. Akasha, as Bazooka say's, they have played into your hands. Await CCA.... just sit tight...
  17. Yo P1 Good old fred's, sent me a you have broken the terms of your re-payment plan this is your FINAL WARNING court action in five days. What a bunch of to**ers,,, first, don't have any plan in place, account was in dispute awaiting SAR of Argoose,,,,, 59 day's now since I sent... Secondly they accepted my £1.00 token payment without a buy your leave or an IE sheet... seems they must be looking at me other 15 creditors and seeing me token payments in force with them. So wrote back to fred's, two letters, one to PO Box and one to a address given here,,,, Told them to get back to there client for me SAR or if you do take the legal step I will fight you all the way and add me cost's on... The Hippy awaits. They should have got it Friday... Those Bad-Boys were eager to get Hippy's £1.00,,, now I smell a big furry rodent mammal here...... Oh and Hello the Brig,,, long weekend at work for the Hippy so am going to catch up on the CAG latest.
  18. Thanks Debt star,,, I know renting is not what I am looking forward too.... Will try my damn hardest but hey,,, all the cards seem to be stacking against me... out next week looking for some extra work as my employer after 15 years as decided to pay me only flat rate for any overtime... they can shove that where the monkey puts his nuts. Rather clean toilets at Tesco's than back down on that one.. Lucky as I work three long days at our local hospital so give's me Monday - Thursday to try my hand at a part-time job or did what I did many years ago,,, had a nice little cleaning business going,,,,, windows, little offices etc.... hmmmm like challenges. Yep, will do Dark - Star,,, YOUR SO RIGHT, IT'S A LOVELY THREE BEDROOM HOUSE, EVEN HAVE ME OWN GYM IN GARDEN.... Think positive hippy .............. must light up me herbals ....................
  19. Thanks Brig, my thoughts exactly,,, if some muppet of a DCA buy's a debt of some one who is say 65 + and on benefits or a small pension then they know they are never going to get it back.. the saying that greed gets the better of them rings true.... If a £1.00 is all I can afford for the rest of me natural then guess what,, a pound is what there getting... I would rather sell this house as soon as I can break even than to pay those vultures anything more... An unsecured loan is exactly that,,,, they took the risk,,, tough in my opinion... if I win the lottery then hey,,, happy days for both me and my creditors, what about the billions these bustards lost,,, will they have to pay it back to the tax-payer...NO NO NO
  20. Hi guy's thanks for your quick advice. Yes Arrow wrote next day,,, repayment stays in place... hmmm. unfortunately this little loan was only taken out in 2007 only a small amount, no ppi all above board. Yes a £1.00 is all I can afford as I have the house and Secured Loan left for my to pay on my own by Mrs ex-hippy. And yes I know they will come back at me but hey this is now 2.5 years I get a review every six months or a year. But at the moment they must be doing a roaring trade with this economic climate. No equity in the house or else I would have flogged it two years ago when she left. Bankruptcy is my only option left, but will hold off till I either stop paying for house and let them repossess because when I go down that route I want a complete clean break... I know that any shortfall will be included in the BR. I am 52 years of age and to tell you the truth I don't care if I never see another Loan, credit card or mortgage in my life..... For 30 + years kept a clean slate paid all my debts on time etc etc,, my God how those bad-boys change when you miss a payment. Never mind,,, I will slog on till I can pick up the courage to say enough is enough, take the house back and do your worst. Mrs ex-hippy buries her head in the sand but as I keep telling her its a joint mortgage you are liable...
  21. Can this rotten industry get any lower............... *********************** outrageous outrageous *************
  22. Right, story so far.. Sent SAR to Argos on the 28th April 2011,,, not heard a dicky bird back. They cashed the cheque a while back. Now this through the door from Freds yesterday. Cheeky sods. Have sent letter back saying in dispute as your client has not fulfilled obligation. Is this the correct action??? and as Freds are only acting on behalf of Argos is it right that they can take no court action, it needs to be Argoose..??? freds demanding.pdf
  23. Hi Rosy, Just finished a night shift on me ward,, two young people diagnosed with terminal brain tumours last night. ( 29 and 36 ) now that puts life in perspective does it not. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, you have your troops ready and waiting for action, they will know now you are not going to be pushed around, they will blind you with this regulation and that regulation, but my friend that is all it is. They will know straight away you have taken advice and are not going to be a push over any more.... in the end as Bazooka Boo say's they will dread the person who gets assigned your case....... And Yes, Mr Rosy if your reading this see what you have lost,,, A Lady that helped you out and by the sounds of it a lady who now is not going to be pushed around.... ( You silly boy ) I did the same with Mrs Hippy did not appreciate what you have till you lose it... but hey ho......... Silly Hippy
  24. Kid's mum, Don't worry, I think this is all phiss and wind to be honest. I really do,,, just come off a night shift at local hospital, two people diagnosed with terminal brain tumours, what a S*it 27 and 36 Now does that put life into perspective... HOLD YOUR NERVE,,, calm the ship your ok.....
  25. Shel, a wise move my friend,,,, it looks like the Hippy could be heading that way as well. Told this week that they will not pay me any more overtime rate if I work extra, which I did a lot... ( NHS ) they want me to work for a flat rate on overtime.. Told them that our management would not so get Stuffed. I would rather clean the toilets at Sainsbury's than give in. Principle, it's not as if it is a vast amount in the grand scheme of things. To tell you the truth that overtime kept my head above water but now it seems I am to sink. The only problem for me is to get a flat somewhere, could move in with girliee friend but if going bankrupt I don't want to drag her in...oh decisions decisions.......... nice home of twenty years but it's killing me trying to keep it... My sweet kids ( say that tongue in cheek ) never visit, no dad's day card and still I struggle on just in case ex Mrs Hippy has problem with rental. She now has the Debt collection boys after her.. hmmmm. Now if I just stop paying the mortgage and secured loan and let them repossess and the short-fall will then become unsecured I am away with it. Mrs Ex Hippy and new boyfriend can pick up the fall out.... oh there is a silver lining at the end of each bad event. She thinks she can bury her head in the sand.. hmmmm Kids by the way are 17 and 14 also I will have to let it get repossessed so that i can sign on the council waiting list.. ( not holding me breath there ) But anyway Shel, enough of my woe's go for it mate and tell Mrs Shel to do the same.... you will have some satisfaction of putting the finger up at the greedy sods.
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