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Everything posted by Happyhippy1959

  1. Does this also apply for a SAR,, Bryan Carter chasing me threatening court,, but Argoose have not sent any and I mean nothing out in 65 day's... told BC to run and hop back to his client and ask where my SAR request is.
  2. Good advice from DX as usual... Tell em to take a hike,,, if a £1.00 is all you can afford, a £1.00 it is... Do yourself and income and Expenditure sheet and tot up your totals ( PRIORITY DEBTS GET WHAT IT SAYS PRIORITY ) AS for that muppet asking you medical questions you should have told him to take an hike. Even the police would need a court order to see your medical information... They think they have powers of an High court judge,,,, well tell them next time sorry ( in writing ) and you are a mere debt collection agency with no more powers that me pet hamster.. oh wrong,, my Pet Hamster has more rights I have to feed him or else i'm up on cruelty charges you on the other hand are beneath the Sewer Rats. simples Oh yes, take DX's advice,, do it yourself.. you will after a time find it quite fun at seeing how ridiculous these people are and all there bluster and ifs and may's,,, they will know after a few letters that you are no push over.
  3. thanks Brig,, sorry for delay,,, my 3 day working stint of 13 hours.. Home now 4 day's off.
  4. Newman, Can't help you mate but I am routing for you... Give em hell Buddy... your an inspiration. Might need your help some time,, Bryan Carter threatening legal action even though those muppets Argoose have not fulfilled My SAR request...
  5. Well Virgin telephoned the Hippy after a complaint letter. I have been a customer of theres since the day's of United Artist. They are going to install a free TiVO box free on Wednesday... A result....
  6. I have just finished a 3 day 13 hour shift at my local hospital,, I thought I heard shocking stories there from people who try to kill themselves, but this take's the biscuit... My God those ******ing DCA's moaning about CAG and it should be regulated are jokers. I would start an illegal site if that was the case. Now interesting e-mail came to my works e-mail oh so so true, this country looks after the bad and downright dishonest. Let's put the pensioners in jail and the criminals in a nursing home. > > This way the pensioners would have access to showers, hobbies and walks. > > They'd receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical > treatment, wheel chairs etc and they'd receive money instead of paying > it out. > > They would have constant video monitoring, so they could be helped > instantly, if they fell, or needed assistance. > > Bedding would be washed twice a week, and all clothing would be ironed > and returned to them. > > A guard would check on them every 20 minutes and bring their meals and > snacks to their cell. > > They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose. > > They would have access to a library, weight room, spiritual > counselling, pool and education. > > Simple clothing, shoes, slippers, PJ's and legal aid would be free, on request. > > Private, secure rooms for all, with an exercise outdoor yard, with gardens. > > Each senior could have a PC a TV radio and daily phone calls. > > There would be a board of directors to hear complaints, and the guards > would have a code of conduct that would be strictly adhered to. > > The criminals would get cold food, be left all alone and unsupervised. > Lights off at 8pm, and showers once a week. Live in a tiny room and > pay €600.00 per week and have no hope of ever getting out.. So true, come Mr Cameron lets do it.
  7. thanks mate, with Argoose I sent a SAR as I wanted to know why my bill had doubled.. nothing as yet that's why I am telling Mr Carter ACCOUNT IN DISPUTE, they have cashed the cheque but diddly sent.
  8. oh i will Brig,,,, I have nothing to loose really, the ammo is dry and primed... My nuclear deterrent is my Bankruptcy fee hidden away in some ones account... But let it be know,, I would run rings around them DCA's let them spend taking me to court because in the end thank you Mr OR I'm a clean debt free man.....
  9. Yes full understand, at least your ok.... Nothing Kids-Mum is worth worrying about.... If you want to see real sadness I will take you around my acute ward and show you young people dying day by day... That should send anyone reeling.....
  10. Good result Rosy..... as I / We told you, they had fleeced you long and hard... Just to transgress a little guys,, Fred is threatening me with Court but Argoose has not supplied SAR... Again if requesting just the CCA is it the DCA we send too ??????
  11. Makes my £21.50 admin fee look like a walk in the park... and guess what,, Moorcrap are not getting that either....
  12. Will do mate,,,, I am letting them do the running,, will have to get mother to get it from Bank,,, naughty Argoose......
  13. Nice one... As I don't have a car any more and don't look like I ever will again... home insurance through same company for Donkey years...
  14. Good one,,, how about asking them for some compensation for all your time... worth a try
  15. No mate, pure p*ss and wind Write to them, tell them your circumstances and tell them communicate only in writing. Offer a £1.00 a month.... Set up a standing order and then forget them... You could of course also send the prove it letters, how old are the debts and what are they for.. But, don't worry they have no powers at all. If I was you I would not pay them at all, just save your money and go BR if that is what you originally wanted to do. Even if and it is a big if it went to court,, the judge would only award what you could afford... Put more info up,,, who are the debts for and when and how much...
  16. Wonder if they would accept bales of GRASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bloody good value as it would on lighting go higher ( oops silly hippy they would go higher )
  17. Oh Brig, I should have silly hippy wanted to get it drafted before I lit the famous old shag,,, and my dying brain cells got even more cafuddled heeeee Well if he does issue a claim through Northampton I will be needing you guy's to file a defence, though I think not sending the SAR should head up top of list.
  18. oh damn P!, have sent it now caught the Post office before it closed.... As i said, Argoose have cashed cheque and did so five days after delivery,,, I am not wasting any more postage on them, let Mr Carter do me ground work for me..... I will certainly though defend any bulk court summons he decides to take... Was going to ring Fred's and have some fun with them, but hey I am in a good mood today.... Ex got caught claiming to much child tax credit,,, I did warn her after her promotion to contact them and tell them her money had risen dramacticly silly lady... Had great fun with CCS Collect yesterday though ( see thread ) trying to get a late fee of £20 out of Hippy,, paid the account off but told Brooks and Bentley to take a run and jump on a £20 late fee. The bloke rang girlee friends house,, bad move, she is a Financial Investigator and knows Data Protection inside out. a quick summary of call CCS Hello can I speak to Mr Hippy Girlee No he's not here who is calling CCS It's of a personal nature Girlee Your a debt collection agency how did you get this number?? AND I AM NOW WARNING YOU I AM RECORDING THE CALL CCS; YOU CAN'T DO THAT,,, GIRLEE,,, YES I CAN IT'S NOT FOR THE PUBLIC DOMAIN ITS FOR ME TO REPORT YOU TO THE RELEVANT AUTHORITIES. CCS It's on our file, Girlee Well Hippy does not live here please remove this number,,, CCS NO WE CAN'T REMOVE IT ONLY MR HIPPY CAN,,,, GIRLEE,,, OK,, CAN I HAVE YOUR NAME CCS JOSEPH MADAM WHERE IS MR HIPPY NOW GIRLEE IN A HOSPITAL,, CCS OH SORRY TO HEAR THAT, HOPE HE'S OK,,GIRLEE NO YOU BUFFOON HE WORKS THERE, NOW REMOVE THE NUMBER CCS SORRY MADAM CAN'T GIRLEE OK WE WILL SEE BYE. She phone's me at home so straight on to muppets via skype,,,,, all the usual data crap,,, then Mr Hippy were calling about your missed payment,,, HIPPY What payment ???? CCS £20.00 Mr hippy,,,, Hippy Don't think so mate, I told you it's an illegal charge see you in court oh and remove that number,,, oh yes sir sorry we see your letter of January, account closed...hmmmm say's Hippy hang on,,, You owe me £25.00,,, ughhhh,, yes my bill was sent today with letter you should receive tomorrrow, cheques payable to Mr Hippy you have 14 day's.. and my friend it is going to my favourite charity The Consumer Action Group... Bye Mr Hippy and slammed the phone down.... Great,,, I await cheque in post """"""""""""
  19. Have drafted my response to Bryan,,,, hope it's ok... could not be assed to call them I would only loose me temper Bryan cartercag letter.doc
  20. Complain to the official reciever they do not take to lightly to muppets who keep chasing people for debts they have dissolved through BR... YOU OWE THEM NO EXPLANATION. Just write once more saying Dear muppets BR NO NO MORE CORRESPONDENCE WILL BE ENTERED INTO
  21. Agree 100% Martin again it is like the charging order fiasco, they want to turn an unsecured loan or credit debt into a secured on... not on your nelly they took the risks of unsecured loans and the interest rates reflected that risk.... A cess-pool industry from Banks to DCA's
  22. If the debt was before the Bankruptcy then it is gone... gone gone.... does not matter that he forgot to put it on his BR form or wrong amount. Unless it was a secured debt.. Tell them to whistle. As long as it has nothing to do with your house, ie shortfall of mortgage etc it is included in the BR.. simples. As for finding it on the insolvency register... blah blah,, it will be there... Tell em to go forth and multiply... I myself have looked in BR on many occasions, neg equity in house etc... but I am struggling to pay mortgage and SL so if I was to do it I would have to let the house be repossessed sold and any shortfall could be included in the BR... simples where are you getting this six years from Anzel,,, he went bankrupt with that debt.. Only if again it is a secured loan at the time have you anything to worry about... If it is a shortfall on a mortgage or SL then it is 12 years for Statue Barred
  23. Kid's Mum,,, so sorry to hear,, but don't give up yet.... those shi***ters may still be bluffing.... keep us informed.
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