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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/09 in all areas

  1. Helping Preuss start his own thread... Good Luck Preuss... EiE.
    1 point
  2. Hi all Three recent threads, one DCA recently subject to a management buyout and a new data licence, and one theme - three Caggers all contacted on very private numbers which are not known to the credit reference agencies. One Cagger has already had it in writing from Experian that they did NOT provide the information to RW. RW have actually sent him a letter saying they got the info from Experian. Experian are not happy. The other two Caggers will, I'm sure, make their enquiries and report back. A sinister development? Where exactly are RW getting this very private information? Anyone else had a similar experience wi
    1 point
  3. Something else to be aware of, Cabot will leave you alone for several months, but keep all paperwork secure because they will then launch a new attack thanking you for your payment proposals or launching into some threat. After 6 to 10 months of silence 2 accounts have just resurfaced . I may be battling 4 different accounts at 4 different stages with them. Hopefully they will alll follow the same game plan so that I can amend all my latters to suit.
    1 point
  4. If an inspector has been assigned it sounds like either they are preparing for a court case or their is a compliance interest (suspected fraud). When tax credits were set up in 2003 there were a lot of mistakes. From both the applicants and them. If tax credits are asking for money back from 2003 then it would mean one of 2 things. Either there was a mistake made in 2003 and an overpayment was accrued. This overpayment could have been in cross year recovery for the past 5 years ( a small amount being repaid automatically every week). When the claim came to an end, any over payment outstanding would have to be paid back directly. Normally
    1 point
  5. It's incredibly difficult to get them to stop processing your data and supplying to the CRAs. Yes, they will continue to record the debt. You may want to write and tell them they are in default of your request - here's a letter stolen shamelessly from the legendary 42man - adapt to suit: Send recorded and don't hand sign... Account In Dispute Ref: Dear Sir/Madam Thank you for your letter of xx/xx/xx, the contents of which have been noted. You have failed to respond to my legal request to supply me a true copy of the original Consumer Credit Agreement for the above account. On **DATE** I made a formal re
    1 point
  6. so who is the whistleblower ? anyone we know ???? what do they say about karma & comeuppance!!!
    1 point
  7. Lowells Will Prob Close The File Now For The Sake Of £32 I Think You Did The Right Thing This Time KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR CREDIT FILE THOUGH FOR A FEW MONTHS
    1 point
  8. Unfortunately, I beg to differ. It most certainly is a [problem]; the dictionary definition of [problem] is an illegal plan for making money and telling a consumer that you want to enter their home for one thing when your real intention is another is a criminal offence by virtue of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. It IS leaving many high and dry - I am currently dealing with over 40 complaints, hence my wish to inform the general public as per my OP. This has been in place for a while now. See the Fraud Act 2006, more specifically fraud by making a false representation (i.e. lying). . Just to cla
    1 point
  9. I have received another letter from the ICO. This time before giving me a full responce they would like to see a copy of a credit report where Southbank have entered a default. Nothing in my CallCredit report but I'm still waiting for Equifax and Experian (who are doing the usual runaround tactics). I'm not sure at the moment if they are only focusing only on the aspect of whether Southbank have entered a default with a CRA or in conjunction with it being held, and passed to ARC. I'll ask for clarification when I get all the credit files in. As ARC quite clearly stated, on several occasions, that they received my personal
    1 point
  10. Send the muppets this; http://www.consumerforums.com/resources/templates-library/86-debt-collectors/575-letter-to-solicitors-threatening-legal-action-in-default-of-agreement-request-
    1 point
  11. Is this in relation to a request under Part II section 12(1) to cease automatic Data processing ? Or a specific data removal request ?
    1 point
  12. This comment makes me qite cross to be honest. 6yrs ago my OH had an accident, was no longer able to run his own business and we lost everything. So commitments we had that we were able to comfortably pay gradually became harder and harder to pay and you HAVE to buy food and pay for essentials etc. Please dont assume people have debts just from happily spending money on luxuries - its v.often not the case!
    1 point
  13. hi guys, dont know if its relevant but if ur not aware have a look at this thread and in particular posts by ruinedbynatwest (john story- Natewest-v- Story &Pallister) from abt post 1348ish....may help claify a few things on s.18. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/171037-multiple-agreements-falling-within-68.html
    1 point
  14. Hi Underdog/Jansus, Thanks for checking in. Indeed im exhausted angel has been a pillar of strength during the times when I falter. The moral support from the forum has been a great help, truly appreciate it. Im spending tonight going through the duty sols letter of the events that took place in the hearing just incase iv missed anything that could help on tuesday. I dont think he did a great job and seemed way too friendly with the lenders sols, aww well. Keep you posted S13
    1 point
  15. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legal-issues/175074-mbna-let-battle-commence-3.html#post2476355 this is a link to another thread with an Embarrassed Defence/Holding Defence hope it helps S
    1 point
  16. Challenge the accuracy of the defaults NOT placed on your account by 3UK. You have to have entered into an arrangement with the other firm, and them taking the debt from 3UK does not permit them to alter your file. There is always the chance this is NOT the 3UK debt but another, so ask them to provide substantiation for their filing of defaults, and in the absence of this ask for removal in 28 days, or you'll take it to the ICO.
    1 point
  17. It is important to keep up the fight on the issue of reclaiming mis-sold PPI. The financial institutions are using every excuse to try and defer you from claiming. They will use legalese jargon that you will not understand and which will in most cases be inaccurate. If they do not respond to your reclaim for PPI and you consider you have a valid case after researching the information on this site, then it is time to submit a claim to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Please copy your letter to the Financial Services Authority all of the relevant links can be found in this link which with other links will take you to the correct locat
    1 point
  18. unless you made an arrangement to pay [which you did not] you can only be defaulted ONCE for any debt that does not change. so, if these markers are are defaults then they need to be removed follow the link/route given. i'd also be incline to fire off the deny any knowledge of this debt' letter. oh and PS stop using the phone, demand everything in writing. dx
    1 point
  19. Complex one this, normally you have the CCA to back you up. This may be an interesting read :- CreditExpert.co.uk Also, 3 (three) should be the only people that can put the marker on your credit file, as they are the people you had an agreement with.
    1 point
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