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    • If you are buying a used car – you need to read this survival guide.
      • 1 reply
    • Hello,

      On 15/1/24 booked appointment with Big Motoring World (BMW) to view a mini on 17/1/24 at 8pm at their Enfield dealership.  

      Car was dirty and test drive was two circuits of roundabout on entry to the showroom.  Was p/x my car and rushed by sales exec and a manager into buying the mini and a 3yr warranty that night, sale all wrapped up by 10pm.  They strongly advised me taking warranty out on car that age (2017) and confirmed it was honoured at over 500 UK registered garages.

      The next day, 18/1/24 noticed amber engine warning light on dashboard , immediately phoned BMW aftercare team to ask for it to be investigated asap at nearest garage to me. After 15 mins on hold was told only their 5 service centres across the UK can deal with car issues with earliest date for inspection in March ! Said I’m not happy with that given what sales team advised or driving car. Told an amber warning light only advisory so to drive with caution and call back when light goes red.

      I’m not happy to do this, drive the car or with the after care experience (a sign of further stresses to come) so want a refund and to return the car asap.

      Please can you advise what I need to do today to get this done. 

      Many thanks 
      • 81 replies
    • Housing Association property flooding. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/topic/438641-housing-association-property-flooding/&do=findComment&comment=5124299
      • 162 replies
    • We have finally managed to obtain the transcript of this case.

      The judge's reasoning is very useful and will certainly be helpful in any other cases relating to third-party rights where the customer has contracted with the courier company by using a broker.
      This is generally speaking the problem with using PackLink who are domiciled in Spain and very conveniently out of reach of the British justice system.

      Frankly I don't think that is any accident.

      One of the points that the judge made was that the customers contract with the broker specifically refers to the courier – and it is clear that the courier knows that they are acting for a third party. There is no need to name the third party. They just have to be recognisably part of a class of person – such as a sender or a recipient of the parcel.

      Please note that a recent case against UPS failed on exactly the same issue with the judge held that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 did not apply.

      We will be getting that transcript very soon. We will look at it and we will understand how the judge made such catastrophic mistakes. It was a very poor judgement.
      We will be recommending that people do include this adverse judgement in their bundle so that when they go to county court the judge will see both sides and see the arguments against this adverse judgement.
      Also, we will be to demonstrate to the judge that we are fair-minded and that we don't mind bringing everything to the attention of the judge even if it is against our own interests.
      This is good ethical practice.

      It would be very nice if the parcel delivery companies – including EVRi – practised this kind of thing as well.


      OT APPROVED, 365MC637, FAROOQ, EVRi, 12.07.23 (BRENT) - J v4.pdf
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I need help with argos please, ive been argoosed !


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HI all, im new to the site. Like to say hello first and thank everyone in advance for a great site:)




right, long read warning lol


the story is..!


got a washing machine back in November 2007, machine was damaged by there driver... so got a replacement, this one turned up damaged.. 3rd machine, turned up damaged.. got a 4th one, was damaged.. got a small amount of money back (£25 i think) to keep this one.. 01/01/08 this machine breaks... had to wait 2-3 weeks for a new machine !


heres the letter i sent them:


23 January 2008

Reference: Order Number 77******

Customer Service Manage

489-499 Avebury Boulevard,

Milton Keynes,

MK9 2NW.


Dear Customer Service Manager,




I have to write this letter with great regret, I feel I have no other choice now. I purchased a washing machine from your company in November 2007, the washing machine turned up on the correct day but much earlier than our allotted delivery time slot of 12-3 I believe. The delivery driver left the machine with my disabled next-door neighbor completely blocking her hallway.


When I returned from shopping at about 1030 on the day of delivery I had a card in the letterbox saying the machine was next door. I knocked to find the machine blocking her hall way as above, I then had to call your customer service number at excessive cost to me as I only have a pay as you go phone; to get your driver back to move the machine to my property. I could not move the machine as I have a back problem resulting from shattering 2 vertebra's in a car accident in 2002.


Upon the driver returning his first words were “if you had answered your f**king phone you would of known we were here”, Firstly this is totally unacceptable and quite frankly rude. To which I replied, “the number you have is my brothers, who will be here for 12 to let you in had you got here when you were supposed to”. Your driver then said “do you want this f**king machine moved or not”, He then grabbed the machine by the packaging straps very aggressively and banged the machine off a radiator and the staircase post. When I unpacked the machine, I found it to be damaged (dented) that in my opinion was caused by your drivers neglect to my property.


On calling the customer service line again, costing me more money. A replacement machine was arranged for about 2-3 days later, this machine also turned up damaged. I then had to call in again, yet more cost to me (at this point had cost me £25 in call time credit) to arrange delivery of yet another machine. This machine was delivered and on first inspection looked ok, then I looked closer and found the plastic panel where the control buttons are on the front to be cracked. I called customer services again and was advised that you had no more of the model I have, and could not replace it. In the end after much discussion about different machines, I kept this machine and was given a £25 refund by cheque to compensate for a damaged machine.


On 1st January 2008, this machine broke; one of the plastic tumblers inside the drum broke off from the drum. This time, due to having no phone credit I emailed your company (your Ref: ARG2580626X) on the 02/01/2008. I received a reply on 04/01/2008 telling me that this machine was over 30 days old and that an engineer would have to come out and then I would have to wait another 7 days for a report, Now im pretty sure that this final machine was not outside the 30 day period so the information was wrong. Furthermore, I had asked for a manager to contact me on my phone as I had no way to call your company in the first email; of which im still waiting for to date.


I then replied to this email on the same day, I then did not receive a reply until 13/01/2008, which I find totally unacceptable (ref ARG2601934X). This reply again, told me to call in to arrange a replacement this time; even though I had already told your company that I have no way to call in. I did call in, and arrange for another new machine. This machine was delivered on 21/01/2008, a whole 19 days since I had contacted your company.


The delivery time agreed on the phone was between 0700-0900; we waited in until 0930 but had to leave to go to college. The driver called me at 0950 to say that he was on his way, when told they should have been there before 0900 he then proceeded to argue with me that it was not possible I was told that. I then terminated the call; luckily my brother has a key for my property and come over to take delivery.

On inspection of this machine everything looks ok im pleased to say.


Now this has cost me unacceptable costs from using a launderette and transport costs to and from the launderette, also damage to some of my clothing from the machine when it broke.


I will break down what costs we have incurred due to this delay and unreliable goods.


Launderette costs.


Each wash load costs £4.00 x 2 loads a day = £8 per day.

Each drying load costs £0.50p per load (half load of washer) x 4 = £2 per day.

Transport by bus £1 each x 2 each way = £2 x 2 for return = £4 per day


Total = £14 per day extra costs.


We had to do this for a total of 18 days (Machine broke on 01/01/2008, we went to the launderette on 03/01/2008 up to 21/01/2008 a total of 18 days)


£14 per day total costs x 18 days = £252.


This total is not including the phone credit I have used to contact your company about problems that should not of happened, Had the delivery driver for the first machine done his job correctly then its very likely my machine would not of been damaged so all these other problems would not of occurred.


I feel we should be compensated the extra costs we have had to pay out due to gross incompetence of Argos in this instance. We are very sad that a company so large and well known as Argos has treated us in this manor when we spent our money with you.


We feel very very let down and will think long and hard before we purchase anything from Argos in the future.








**** *******



Received this today of the cheeky fookers....



Thank you for you recent letter.


I was very concerned to learn of the difficulties that you have experienced with out delivery personnel. On behlaf of Argos transport department I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere apologies for any distress this incident has caused.


Our drivers are trained to privide a consistently high level of customer service and if we receive any information to the contrary, we consider it to be extremely serious...bla bla bla...


In light of the current situation I can offer gift vouchers to the value of £20.00 as a gesture of goodwill. Any increase on this amount would have to be fully substantiated with relevant supporting documentation detailing any financial losses incurred, forwarded to the address below..


************************************************** *************************



Now since when do unmanned launderette washing machines and dryers give receipts ? since when do you get a receipt on a bus when you use your oyster card credit ?


what to do now peeps ?

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Our drivers are trained to privide a consistently high level of customer service




Email them back rejecting their settlement offer as wholly inadequate as it is not in keeping with the level of inconvenience and distress caused to you.


Tell them that you have sought advice (you have...here!)

and that advise is to make a report of the case to Trading Standards.


Tell them that if you aren't satisfied by their next offer you will also consider making a compalint to BBC's Watchdog program and the Local press.


As a business they should be very concerned by the bad publicity.


For your proofs - What about an affadavit from the Launderette's propritor? These cost about a fiver and can be witnessed by a justice of the peace or a notary.


Claim the cost of that back too.


For the other - London Underground/Bus operators MUST keep a record of your oysters usage somewhere?? Give em a call.

Struggling_Simon vs Cabot - WON

Struggling_Simon vs Abbey - WON

Struggling_Simon vs HBOS - Pending




Vigilantibus non dormientibus æquitas subvenit

Somper in excretia,som solem profundus variat.




Opinions given herein are made informally by myself as a lay-person in good faith based on personal experience. For legal advice you must always consult a registered and insured lawyer.

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Many thanks for the reply, Sounds like good advice to me. Will be writing back next week to them, i feel insulted at the £20 gift voucher offer... not only will that force me to use there shabby company again but is no compensation as its only to spend with them. I do not ever want to use argos again, ever !

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi i work at argos direct as a delivery driver.no our driver should never have spoken to you as he did.as for your goods thats argos.all i will say is your delivery times are wrong,we do 3 time slots 7 to12 10 to2 and 12 to 6.so your time slots are incorrect.we do between 35 and 50 deliveries a day ,we do not get a crystal ball when we go in in the morning so an hour s call is impossible we do 8 to 14 hour shifts so returning to properties should not even be requested.we have a problem with shopsa and cs advisors giving these kind of delivery times to the consumer they are wrong.the driver should not have left the goods with your neighbour without your permission and you were correct to get it moved .just remember the drivers follow routes divised for them we can be early or late ,mostly not our fault. not all drivers are rude and grumpy but we do have bad days the same as everyone else.

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hi i work at argos direct as a delivery driver.no our driver should never have spoken to you as he did.as for your goods thats argos.all i will say is your delivery times are wrong,we do 3 time slots 7 to12 10 to2 and 12 to 6.so your time slots are incorrect.we do between 35 and 50 deliveries a day ,we do not get a crystal ball when we go in in the morning so an hour s call is impossible we do 8 to 14 hour shifts so returning to properties should not even be requested.we have a problem with shopsa and cs advisors giving these kind of delivery times to the consumer they are wrong.the driver should not have left the goods with your neighbour without your permission and you were correct to get it moved .just remember the drivers follow routes divised for them we can be early or late ,mostly not our fault. not all drivers are rude and grumpy but we do have bad days the same as everyone else.



cheers for the reply mate :) Seems its been a case of cs advisor giving me the wrong information...! but guess what..! the new machine has BROKEN DOWN !! can you believe it ... i gotta laugh or i will cry!

Got onto argos yesterday and awaiting stock to arrange a replacement... also settled on £100 compensation cheque :) not as much as its cost me but better than £20 vouchers !

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the loaders dont take great care in loading the goods .argos suffer greatly with damaged goods in transit.


yea seems the case, 4 out of 4 machines have been damaged in one way or another, the current one turned up in perfect condition although has a programmer problem, sometimes works... sometimes dont :( only 2-3weeks old !

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Just having a look at the expenses you are claiming. You are doing 3 full washes a day? That seems rather excesive imho. You are entitled to claim reasonable costs and losses, but you would have to justify why you are doing so much washing. Do you have a large family? If there is no justifiable reason, any offer may be reduced or rejected. As for proving the costs, I presume you are using the nearest laundarette. IN such a case, it should be sufficient to state how much the fare is between you address and the laundrette (perhaps the bus company can provide some information) and also a statement from someone in the laundarette to say you were using it.

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Just having a look at the expenses you are claiming. You are doing 3 full washes a day? That seems rather excesive imho. You are entitled to claim reasonable costs and losses, but you would have to justify why you are doing so much washing. Do you have a large family? If there is no justifiable reason, any offer may be reduced or rejected. As for proving the costs, I presume you are using the nearest laundarette. IN such a case, it should be sufficient to state how much the fare is between you address and the laundrette (perhaps the bus company can provide some information) and also a statement from someone in the laundarette to say you were using it.


Have 3 young children, me and the misses... and had a friend down for christmas with her child... so id say rather large.

Argos have agreed £100 anyway now, ive accepted it as i cant be bothered to argue it. I was more than willing to take them to county court but have too much on now with college/uni :)

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I wasn't having a go at anyone! I only said it as expenses need to be justified. If, for example, I had tht much washin (single, no kids, not in a job that requires clothing changes) I'd get laughed out of court.


I think in the circumstances accepting that offer of £100 would be the best thing personally. You have been treated disgracefully.

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  • 1 year later...

Guess what, got a offer and accepted for the hassle.



Machine has BROKEN AGAIN ! only works when it feels like it, can I demand another make now ? as this brand is clearly not reliable.



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  • 4 months later...

broken yet again ! :(


Argos now want an engineers report to say it is a manufacturing fault !! FFS I have had 4 YES FOUR of these with the same fault now ! all replaced... We have had 7 in total ! the other 3 all turned up damaged !


An to top it all, servis do not even exist no more ! so does that not go to show that they were rubbish

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They replaced the one in October? I would tell them that you will be seeking a refund and should they require an Engineers report, upon it verifying the fault they will owe the cost of report + refund of the item as they have failed to repair or replace the item successfully since the start of the contract. You are therefore rescinding from the contract as per your statutory rights.


If they fail to help you after saying that then write a letter via recorded delivery to (Tbh I would send one here anyway):


Sara Weller (Managing Director)

489-499 Avebury Boulevard,

Central Milton Keynes,

MK9 2NW.


Also if it is a replacement I would argue that the onus is on them to prove there is no fault, as the replacement has been delivered within 6 months and the assumption is that it is an inherent fault. Its a grey area imo, whether its right or not is questionable, but will leave customer services bamboozled.

Ex-Retail Manager who is happy to offer helpful advise in many consumer problems based on my retail experience. Any advise I do offer is my opinion and how I understand the law.

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They replaced the one in October? I would tell them that you will be seeking a refund and should they require an Engineers report, upon it verifying the fault they will owe the cost of report + refund of the item as they have failed to repair or replace the item successfully since the start of the contract. You are therefore rescinding from the contract as per your statutory rights.


If they fail to help you after saying that then write a letter via recorded delivery to (Tbh I would send one here anyway):


Sara Weller (Managing Director)

489-499 Avebury Boulevard,

Central Milton Keynes,

MK9 2NW.


Also if it is a replacement I would argue that the onus is on them to prove there is no fault, as the replacement has been delivered within 6 months and the assumption is that it is an inherent fault. Its a grey area imo, whether its right or not is questionable, but will leave customer services bamboozled.




No was not in August 09, last replacement from speaking to them last night was May 08 ! but even so, a £300 washing machine should last longer than this :(

I have ordered a new machine, Beko WME7267W White Washing Machine (cant get rid of the undeline and bold lol)


I have engineer coming out on monday to write an invoice and confirm that these machines suffer with a control board failure which is the same thing all the other machines failed with or started to fail with before being replaced.


I will once Argos get the report claim the report cost, cost of washing our clothes in the mean time and the full purchase price of the machine being that there has been nothing but trouble since we bought this brand !


As I said above, they are now no longer trading so that speaks for it self really !


Heres to hoping Beko are a better make !

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While Beko may have improved in the last few years, my experience of the machine is poor but the customer service was brilliant.


1st machine blew up (literally) 28 days after delivery so got a replacement, no quibbles.

2nd machine was ok for 5 months when it developed a knocking noise. Engineer came out and diagnosed a crack in the chassis. Unrepairable so Beko gave me a credit note for the full value and I went back and got a different machine (Creda). (this was Currys, not Argos)

That one broke down too but that's another (very long) saga :-(

If you are asked to deal with any matter via private message, PLEASE report it.

Everything I say is opinion only. If you are unsure on any comment made, you should see a qualified solicitor

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While Beko may have improved in the last few years, my experience of the machine is poor but the customer service was brilliant.


1st machine blew up (literally) 28 days after delivery so got a replacement, no quibbles.

2nd machine was ok for 5 months when it developed a knocking noise. Engineer came out and diagnosed a crack in the chassis. Unrepairable so Beko gave me a credit note for the full value and I went back and got a different machine (Creda). (this was Currys, not Argos)

That one broke down too but that's another (very long) saga :-(



Hi siverfox,


It seems that the quality and "life" duration of modern appliances is just very very poor now days :(

Shall see how we get on with this machine, I suspect though there will be a few more phone calls into Argos CS !

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Right, just had an engineer out and he looked at the machine and confirmed failure of the electronic programme module, and is in his opinion an inherent/manufacturing fault.


I have drafted the following letter, can anyone add some official SOGA quotes etc please ?


Also time scales and amounts to put as personal compensation ?



Customer Relations

Argos Direct

Acton Gate


ST18 9AR

Dear Customer Relations,


Order Number: 77******


I am contacting you today further to my telephone conversations with your department on 05/02/2010 and 08/02/2010.


I ordered a Servis washing machine from your company sometime in January 2008, as you will see from the notes relating to the above order number I have had numerous failures and damaged appliances delivered to me.

The latest replacement for the item I ordered from your company that was sent to me has again failed, on speaking to a manager by the name of C***** I was informed that I needed to provide an engineer’s report to detail a manufacturing fault/inherent fault with the appliance in order to be entitled to a refund.


I have now had an engineer inspect the machine and he confirms that the part that has failed is due to a manufacturing/inherent fault with this appliance and informed me that this brand suffer with this fault very often. Please find a copy of the report enclosed with this letter.


I request a full refund of the full amount paid for this appliance seeing the repeated replacements all either failed or were damaged. I also seek reimbursement of my costs of laundry and engineer’s report which are detailed below.


Refund amounts.


Washing machine purchase price £179.99

Laundrette costs washing/drying £ 36.00

Engineers report £ 20.00



While my current machine does not dry clothes, it is impractical to try and carry home 5 large sacks of wet washing from the launderette along with three young children, so is quite necessary.


I would like the payment made payable by cheque to Mr B**** ******** at the above address.


I look forward to hearing from you.


Yours sincerely,


Can anyone add to this as above please :)


many thanks, your all stars :)

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I would have a look at section 14 here:




That will give you the relevant bits you need.


One thing with your letter. I don't think you will get a full refund as you have had previous "enjoyment" of the product even though the other machines gave you grief. What you should be asking for is a repair or refund and not a "full refund" (just my opinion)

If you are asked to deal with any matter via private message, PLEASE report it.

Everything I say is opinion only. If you are unsure on any comment made, you should see a qualified solicitor

Please help CAG. Order this ebook. Now available on Amazon. Please click HERE

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I would have a look at section 14 here:




That will give you the relevant bits you need.


One thing with your letter. I don't think you will get a full refund as you have had previous "enjoyment" of the product even though the other machines gave you grief. What you should be asking for is a repair or refund and not a "full refund" (just my opinion)


I see where you are coming from there, but enjoyment is a stretch of the imagination lol ... I called argos in October 2009 about a fault and despite chasing them up the calls were either not documented etc and I had student loan problems at the time so this took a back seat as we could not afford to eat.

So the machine had been faulty for a while :(


Dont want a repair as I have now ordered a replacement from argos believe it or not, and that is coming Wednesday... (lets see if they can get it here working and not damaged!) LOL


How much do you think reasonable compensation would be ?


Edit: Sorry looking through section 14 and its alien to me LOL so sorry :(

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Edit: Sorry looking through section 14 and its alien to me LOL so sorry :(


I know. I'm not that good with it either but s14(2) states that Where the seller sells goods in the course of a business, there is an implied condition that the goods supplied under the contract are of merchantable quality.


My interpretation of this and with a little help from a consumer law book:)


The goods should be:

Fit for purpose (it does what it's supposed to)

be safe and

last the distance (be of durable quality)


I wouldn't give them a figure for the refund. Let them make you an offer and you could then accept or refuse. You could tell them that you have bought another machine from them and see if they will give you a decent discount.

If you are asked to deal with any matter via private message, PLEASE report it.

Everything I say is opinion only. If you are unsure on any comment made, you should see a qualified solicitor

Please help CAG. Order this ebook. Now available on Amazon. Please click HERE

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After a little searching, I have found this.


Sale of Goods Act Fact Sheet - BIS


I knew about it but couldn't remember which Government department was involved :(

If you are asked to deal with any matter via private message, PLEASE report it.

Everything I say is opinion only. If you are unsure on any comment made, you should see a qualified solicitor

Please help CAG. Order this ebook. Now available on Amazon. Please click HERE

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You can also take a look at Consumer Direct and Trading Standards who also have some good fact sheets. The term merchantable quality is no longer used and instead the term satisfactory quality is used where satisfactory takes into account but not limited to:


(a)fitness for all the purposes for which goods of the kind in question are commonly supplied,

(b)appearance and finish,

©freedom from minor defects,

(d)safety, and



You can see the current SGA here: Sale of Goods Act 1979 as amended up to date to 1/10/2003

Ex-Retail Manager who is happy to offer helpful advise in many consumer problems based on my retail experience. Any advise I do offer is my opinion and how I understand the law.

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HI Guys,


Thanks for the input :)


I have made a few edits and added a little, how does this look now ?


Tuesday, 09 February 2010




Dear Customer Relations,


Order Number: 77******


I am contacting you today further to my telephone conversations with your department on 05/02/2010 and 08/02/2010.


I ordered a Servis washing machine from your company sometime in January 2008, as you will see from the notes relating to the above order number I have had numerous failures and damaged appliances delivered to me.

The latest replacement for the item I ordered from your company that was sent to me has again failed, on speaking to a manager by the name of C***** I was informed that I needed to provide an engineer’s report to detail a manufacturing fault/inherent fault with the appliance in order to be entitled to a refund.


I have now had an engineer inspect the machine and he confirms that the part that has failed is due to a manufacturing/inherent fault with this appliance and informed me that this brand suffer with this fault very often. Please find a copy of the report enclosed with this letter.


I request a refund offer for this appliance and compensation seeing the repeated replacements all either failed or were damaged. I also seek reimbursement of my costs of laundry and engineer’s report which are detailed below.


Proposed Refund amounts.


Washing machine purchase price £179.99

Laundrette costs washing/drying £ 36.00

Engineers report £ 20.00




While my current machine does not dry clothes, it is impractical to try and carry home 5 large sacks of wet washing from the launderette along with three young children, so is quite necessary.



I would like to refer you to the following section quoted from the “SALE OF GOODS ACT 1979 as amended.



“14. Implied terms about quality or fitness


(1) Except as provided by this section and section 15 below and subject to any other enactment, there is no implied term about the quality or fitness for any particular purpose of goods supplied under a contract of sale.


(2) Where the seller sells goods in the course of a business, there is an implied term that the goods supplied under the contract are of satisfactory quality.


(2A) For the purposes of this Act, goods are of satisfactory quality if they meet the standard that a reasonable person would regard as satisfactory, taking account of any description of the goods, the price (if relevant) and all the other relevant circumstances.


(2B) For the purposes of this Act, the quality of goods includes their state and condition and the following (among others) are in appropriate cases aspects of the quality of goods—


(a) fitness for all the purposes for which goods of the kind in question are commonly supplied,

(b) appearance and finish,

© freedom from minor defects,

(d) safety, and

(e) durability.”



I look forward to hearing from you.


Yours sincerely,


Thats the letter as it stands, This is what I got from the engineer today


To whom it may concern,


I have been to the address shown above and seen servis washing machine (model number). The control board is not working properley it needs to change with new board.

It is manufacturing fault. You need to be change the washing machine.

The guys first language was not english, as above is typed as it was written ! but is readable and clear enough to me. Is also signed, and on letter headed paper.




anything you think needs adding



EDIT: Just found this link, makes interesting reading !


Edited by 2ltr16valve
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Just re-read your letter and I hope you don't think I'm too picky.:)

I have highlighted some bits in blue that I think shouldn't be there and the bits in red is just alternatives or punctuation


Dear Customer Relations, Dear Sir/Madam


Order Number: 77******


I am contacting you today further to my telephone conversations with your department on 05/02/2010 and 08/02/2010.


I ordered a Servis washing machine from your company sometime in January 2008,(Full stop here) As you will see from the notes relating to the above order number I have had numerous failures and damaged appliances delivered to me.

The latest replacement for the item I ordered from your company that was sent to me has again failed. On speaking to a manager by the name of C***** I was informed that I needed to provide an engineer’s report to detail a manufacturing fault/inherent fault with the appliance in order to be entitled to a refund.


I have now had an engineer inspect the machine and he confirms that the part that has failed is due to a manufacturing/inherent fault with this appliance and informed me that this brand suffers with this fault very often. Please find a copy of the report enclosed with this letter.


I request a refund offer for this appliance and compensation seeing the repeated replacements all either failed or were damaged. I also seek reimbursement of my costs of laundry and engineer’s report which are detailed below.


Proposed Refund amounts.


Washing machine purchase price £179.99

Laundrette costs washing/drying £ 36.00

Engineers report £ 20.00




While my current machine does not dry clothes, it is impractical to try and carry home 5 large sacks of wet washing from the launderette along with three young children, so is quite necessary.



I would like to refer you to the following section quoted from the “SALE OF GOODS ACT 1979 as amended.



14. Implied terms about quality or fitness


(1) Except as provided by this section and section 15 below and subject to any other enactment, there is no implied term about the quality or fitness for any particular purpose of goods supplied under a contract of sale.


(2) Where the seller sells goods in the course of a business, there is an implied term that the goods supplied under the contract are of satisfactory quality.


(2A) For the purposes of this Act, goods are of satisfactory quality if they meet the standard that a reasonable person would regard as satisfactory, taking account of any description of the goods, the price (if relevant) and all the other relevant circumstances.


(2B) For the purposes of this Act, the quality of goods includes their state and condition and the following (among others) are in appropriate cases aspects of the quality of goods—


(a) fitness for all the purposes for which goods of the kind in question are commonly supplied,

(b) appearance and finish,

© freedom from minor defects,

(d) safety, and

(e) durability.”



As it goes, (IMHO) it's not a bad letter. Short is always better (one of my many failings) You got to the point.


It's just a case now of send it and see what they offer.

If you are asked to deal with any matter via private message, PLEASE report it.

Everything I say is opinion only. If you are unsure on any comment made, you should see a qualified solicitor

Please help CAG. Order this ebook. Now available on Amazon. Please click HERE

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