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Found 7 results

  1. Hi, Some advice please. I was involved in a very minor shunt over the weekend, there was no damage to either vehicle but I exchanged numbers with the other driver. I took pictures of both cars as well. I've had a phone call today from the other driver asking for my insurance company details and informing me that he has neck pain. My vehicle was stationery at the time and the other vehicle rolled back into my car. I'm very concerned as I think this is a fraudulent claim but even more of a concern is that I had a claim earlier in the year where my car was written off. If I tell my insurance company of this incident I probably wont be able to afford my renewal, regardless of whether it was my fault or not. Also my understanding is that the other driver goes to his insurance company and makes the claim who will then automatically contact my insurers. Any guidance would be appreciated.
  2. I need some understanding and advice on this scenario. Case in brief Car A hit Car B from the back when Car B suddenly stopped apparently in response to Car C. Car B was to state later that his car shunted forward to hit Car C. However during the incidence both Car A and Car B were sandwiched together upon observation. But drivers of Car B and Car C were witnesses to each other in their claims for Whiplash. The Driver to Car C did not show any dent on day of incidence but stated at the premises of the incidence that the impact to Car B led him to have a shock which affected his neck and as a result he would be seeking compensation for Whiplash as he would visit the hospital. Car C had a little child of about 5 years seated in the front passenger seat After the impact and before the Police came to the scene the little child was transferred to the back seat. There is a court proceedings against Driver of Car A in which it appeared that the insurance firms of Driver A and Driver C agreed to settlement on the little child. However, instead of the court proceedings to have been served on the Insurance firm to Car A it was served to the Driver of Car A who never knew about the settlement. The Issue Firstly, Driver of Car A was never informed until the proceedings were served upon her as the defendant. She feels that the claim was false and extremely concerned as to the stigma of such false claim in a court record under her name rather than under the Insurance Company's name. Secondly Car C which had no physical dent, produced a medical expert report that there was moderate impact to Car C and affected the little girl thus the claim of whiplash. The engineering report of Car C demonstrated a slight mark/dent which was never noticed on day of incidence. [Note that there was no single scratch to the front of Car B which was purportedly shunt forward to hit Car C at the back]. Question Even if there is such a slight scratch or dent (which the driver of Car A denied ever seeing such and Car C never said such on the day) can such slight scratch or dent be upgraded to moderate impact as was reported in the medical expert report? What are the probable advice in this circumstance for Driver of Car A who is feeling extremely unhappy that the claim was a false claim and the stigma as to the court proceedings with knowledge that a court record stays forever?
  3. Hopefully I have the right forum section here. I had a minor (tiny) car accident a few weeks back, in which I went in to the back of another vehicle. I estimate my speed as around 5mph prior to slamming on the breaks, and therefore estimate my speed at impact of around 2mph. The damage to the vehicles seems to represent this. The damage (photos were taken) was merely a impact stress crack along around 3/4 of the width of the other vehicles number plate. Likewise, i have a a smaller stress crack on my number plate and a slight dink in the bumper which I would say was from the other vehicles screw that holds the number plate in place (my vehicle (vectra) sits lower than the other vehicle (corsa) Cut a long story short, I have just discovered they other party is not claiming personal injury (soft tissue damage) to himself and 2 occupents of the vehicle. Can this really go ahead??
  4. This is a question on behalf of my partner who is very worried about this matter. On my partner's way back from work, she accidentally bumped into the back of a young girl's car (around about 24-25 years old)... Anyway, the conditions were poor as it was raining heavily and the floor was obviously slippery because of that. However, the "bump" was only a MAXIMUM of 5mph... I checked the front of my partner's vehicle (Clio 04) and it was fine - no dents, no scratches, no marks - nothing! Upon the "bump" the girl in the other car pulled over to the side of the road and they exchanged details. The girl in the other car told my partner that "there doesn't look like any damage has happen"... HOWEVER, 2 days after the bump, my partner had a phone call from that other drivers' Mother. Apparently the car was damaged - a new back bumper was needed along with a new tail gate so I personally agreed to pay the £650.00 that they were apparently quoted by their usual garage. Today (5 days after the incident), a letter from a law firm arrived at my house as the other driver apparently had whiplash. Obviously her address was on the claim form so I drove up to her house to check out the car myself. There was no a single scratch, dent or mark on her car either... I took photos of the back of her car and the front of my partner's car and sent them off to her insurance company along with a nice email stating everything that had gone on. Can people actually get severe whiplash for an incident no more than 5 mph which left no visible mark to the car? even if you run your hand along the apparent damaged bodywork you wouldn't be able to tell it had even had a brush against another car. It seems as though someone who we know has randomly claimed a bump with my partner for some reason. Surely anyone could say "I had a bump and have pains in my neck/shoulders and want to make a claim" - Surely they only have to have our address and know which car we drive and they could make a claim... There is NO damage to either car so how could someone possibly have whiplash from that? HELP PLEASE!
  5. OH had an car accident just over a week ago, we believe it wasn't his fault (car from side road turned into him). We've made a claim on our car insurance. Yesterday, our insurers said that they'd spoken to the other party's insurers who had admitted fault. Our claim would therefore proceed as 'no-fault', we would not need to pay our excess on the repair, and it would not affect our NCD. Today, I've got home to find a letter from a solicitor with a copy claim from from the third party. On the form he says his car needs repair but he's not going through his insurer; and that he's claiming for injury (whiplash etc). Unfortunately our insurer cannot help us as it's post-6pm, we need to wait until after 9am tomorrow to speak to a Claims Handler. We are worried - is the solicitor's letter & claim just the other side 'chancing his luck' or is there any chance that we'd end up liable for his 'whiplash'? Can you put our minds at rest?
  6. Greetings Caggers. I wonder if any of you can give some sound advice. In October, 3 claims arrived in the post from solicitors acting on behalf of 3 people claiming whiplash injuries. They say I hit their car, and that it was my fault. The driver has put a different reg number from mine (one digit different), but the 2 passangers have put down my reg number. My insurance company appear to be dealing with this properly as a case of "mistaken identity", but the whole thing is going slowly. The solicitors acting for the 3 claimants do not seem to want to drop this - I presume because they are hoping the insurance company will give up and pay out. I was at home, 300 miles away from the scene of this alleged accident and have supplied my insurer with as much proof of this as I can. My "allaby" is not cast iron, but I can proove I was at home 8 hours either side of the incident. I don't know anything about any claim for damge to vehicles, though I suspect this could be relevent. I had to renew my policy today and have had to pay £200 extra due to this (loss of no claims), though they say they will refund when the case is solved. Hmmm... I'm thinking of counter-sueing, or at least threatening such actions directly to the claimants or their solicitors for loss of money, time and stress incurred, but will keep my insurers informed if I do so. I am also thinking of contacting the police and reporting a fraudulant claim which this may be. I am (this is perhap less relevent) totally cheesed off that 3 people who seem to want new flat-screen TVs and a company of ambulance-chasers are affecting my otherwise peaceful and happy life! Thanks in advance...
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